1. Porkchop66 says:

    WTF ??
    Still more entertaining then “The Daily Show”

  2. pfkad says:

    So, Marc, when can I get my Ganesha T-shirt?

  3. SparkyOne says:

    That is not Monsanto GMO corn is it?

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #3, Let’s hope not :-0

  5. LibertyLover says:

    “You keep jacking with me when I’m trying to eat and I’m gonna have a stuffed human finger on my wall.”

    Like it.

  6. Nevadascott says:

    Am I the only one that finds the squirrel postings completely irrelevant to the blog?
    I don’t come here to see pet postings, I’m just saying…

  7. Marc Perkel says:

    Are you afraid it will fill up the block so we can’t post other stuff?

  8. Improbus says:

    Slow news day much?

  9. Personality says:

    …No. But it may fill up the dump truck and the tubes!

  10. Professor Johnnycakes says:

    You should get that corn feeder that makes it look like the Squirrel is sitting in a chair eating corn!

  11. Thinker says:

    #6 Irrelevant?? It certainly falls under ‘General Interest, Observations, and True Web Log’

    I for one get a kick out of the belochka (Белочка) !

    How old is Ganesha now?

  12. Dugger says:

    Is this little rodent a regular? He must be used to you. The closest I get to squirrels in my neighborhood is that thump under the wheel.

    Why is it that some squirrels will run half way across the road, chicken out and try to return back the opposite direction?

  13. Marc Perkel says:

    At least it’s original content rather than just pointing to something else.

  14. Likes2LOL says:

    Looks like this might lead to the founding of the National Man-Squirrel Love Association…

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Fingertips could easily be mistaken for nuts, or maybe for plump little berries that are ripe and ready to eat.

    I’m just saying, maybe petting him when he’s not hungry might be wise, especially as the cute little tyke’s jaws begin developing enough power to crack a nut.

  16. DJ says:

    All I want to see about squirrels is how to keep them out of my attic and suburb-friendly ways to whack the ones that I see in my back yard.

  17. Zybch says:

    Whats the fascination in this furry-tailed rat?

  18. Bea Verz says:

    uhm… it’s cute and all… but wouldnt a webcam and site be better, than daily updates here, for those who really care about a squirrel’s eating/drinking/bathing habbits? no offence to those who like fuzzy and cute animal videos. youtube has millions of them.

    ps: bah humbug


  19. Richie says:

    He’s very cute. If you don’t like pets then just don’t watch it.

  20. noname says:

    # 12 Dugger,

    “Why is it that some squirrels will run half way across the road, chicken out and try to return back the opposite direction?”

    You would think this would be genetically breed out of them by now.

  21. kyusoath says:

    please stop posting this stuff.
    i do not care about squirrels.

  22. someguy says:

    Please fire Marc Perkel!

  23. someguy says:

    Marc Perkel is making the blog more like Fox News

  24. someguy says:

    Marc Perkel is making the blog feel like Fox News

  25. herdimmunity says:

    I think the squirrel is really great. When are we going to get a live feed from Ganesha Cam?

  26. Thinker says:

    The thing I’m wondering is why all these haters feel the need to post their junk. Isn’t there a birther posting that needs your attention or something???

  27. WmDE says:

    Marc, 8 minutes is a little long. Perhaps you could get JCD to narrate like Marlin Perkins did on the the old Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom.

    “While Marc attempts to recover most of his fingertips from a demented squirrel I will be having another gin and tonic on the veranda.”

    Then there’s this


  28. jpfitz says:

    Keep the videos coming. My wife and I are getting a kick watching the critter playing with “IT”.

  29. Marc Perkel says:

    Can’t fire me. I own the server.

  30. deowll says:

    I do like the daily squirrel. May your friend live long and prosper.


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