SACRAMENTO, CA Helen Hodges understood the need for a gas station clerk to write her identifying information on a sales receipt. She just wishes he had chosen a different phrase.

“It says ‘black lady,’ and I can understand that because I am a black lady,” Hodges told News10. “But I don’t get ‘big fat.’ I don’t get that part.”

  1. mike says:

    from lveleak…

    SACRAMENTO, CA – The owner of an AM/PM gas station explained Monday what led to an incident that offended one of his customers.

    Lou Saechou told News10 he regretted the words used by a clerk to identify Helen Hodges in a note to a fellow clerk following a mix-up at a gas pump last week, but said the clerk had few options.

    The incident happened Thursday night at the station on Marconi Avenue the Capital City Freeway.

    Hodges, 31, bought $10 worth of gas in an automated cash transaction at the pump island but assigned the money to the wrong pump. When Hodges went inside the store to ask for a refund, the clerk told her she needed to fill out a form with her name, address and phone number.

    “He told me it would take two weeks to get my money,” Hodges recalled. She demanded a cash refund and left the store to run an errand to allow the clerk time to find the money.

    When Hodges returned a short time later, a second clerk handed her a $10 bill with a receipt attached. On the receipt, the first clerk had written “black lady big fat.”

    “I’d like to apologize,” Saechou told News10. “We’re sorry she saw the note.” Saechou said the clerk did the best he could without the identifying information he had asked Hodges to provide.

    “It says ‘black lady,’ and I can understand that because I am a black lady,” Hodges told News10. “But I don’t get ‘big fat.’ I don’t get that part.”

    Hodges said the clerk could have used a description of her car or clothing instead. She said it was her 6-year-old son who noticed the slight, which hurt even more.

    Saechou called Hodges Monday to offer the clerk’s side of the story. Hodges later told News10 she wasn’t satisfied with the explanation because it didn’t sound like a sincere apology.

    “The lesson they should learn is my money helps run that store,” Hodges said. “And I won’t be going back.”

    by George Warren,

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    So she is big.
    So she is fat.
    So she is black.
    So she is a lady.

    Words don’t usually hurt the person uttering them. And if so few here can see how this might be insulting then our country still has a long way to go in learning respect.

    Many times I hear how we don’t have any respect for others. Even from several people posting negative comments on this specific blog. Grow up people.

  3. nonamerican says:

    #23 Let me guess: you are a big fat black guy

  4. pUM2 says:

    Wow this might be a first, a photo that actually is from the story instead of bootlegged photos of all types from the internet wasteland. So what’s this “need for a gas station clerk to write her identifying information on a sales receipt”? Sounds like a case for the ACLU to hit them for violating civil rights, on numerous matters, illegally marking up a customers receipt, racial profiling, discrimination, defamation, as well as a violation of the disabilities act. She should sue the station and the oil company. Slam them both good. They have no right to write on a receipt, once someone pays for gas, it’s their receipt, not the stations’. Then take it to the city council, forcing them to look at how unsafe it is to pump your own gas. If the stations don’t like the new city code, and have a fit, have the judges tell them they can go back to FULL SERVICE like they do in Oregon, as a matter of public safety. And what the fuck is this crap of standing in lines behind people with snacks and sodas and buying lottery tickets and then making you pump your own flammable materials in 49 states? This is progress?

    Special Ed, ROTFLMBFAO.

  5. Raff says:

    Maybe it should have said mamma jamma.

  6. cornholer says:

    I bet that bitch would murder a bucket of chicken.

  7. LaMoora says:

    The only mistake the clerk made was redundancy. “Big” or “fat” was deadly accurate but no need for both words.

  8. Great American says:

    #30 I don’t know man, your Momma does such a good job. Why stop her?

  9. deowll says:

    I wouldn’t like fat old man either but I do resemble the description.

  10. Greensaab says:

    If she doesn’t think the description fits then why not return the money? It couldn’t be her. LOL

  11. Toxic Asshead says:

    #41 got it right. “big fat” is redundant. “enormous” would have been a better choice. The clerk did not have a name, they needed a physical description.

  12. Alfred's Mom says:

    He would have written on my son’s receipt, smelly, disgusting, slovenly, severely retarded, barf wallowing asswipe.

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    “But I don’t get ‘big fat.’ I don’t get that part.”

    Ah so the description wasn’t complete enough. It should have read “Black Lady, Big Fat, stupid idiot” on the receipt.

  14. 888 says:


    “Chances are guaranteed there is more than one black lady”

    Absolutely right. So if you want to offend your customer base, then this clerk deserves a raise.

    It looks like to you it is offending to describe a black person “black”? What it should say, “african american” perhaps?! Now that would be so offending if she is born and raised in USA and have nothing in common with africans except for some ancestors back few hundred years ago or so!

    Politically correct idiots like you are so sick, there is no cure for your brainwashed debilism :/

  15. Rick Cain says:

    Its almost impossible to not offend a woman about her appearance.

    The best thing would be to put something exotic like “nubian big beautiful queen”

  16. obama_is_the_devil says:

    Maybe Sir Mixalot was working that day…

    “I like big butts and I can not lie …”


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