SACRAMENTO, CA Helen Hodges understood the need for a gas station clerk to write her identifying information on a sales receipt. She just wishes he had chosen a different phrase.

“It says ‘black lady,’ and I can understand that because I am a black lady,” Hodges told News10. “But I don’t get ‘big fat.’ I don’t get that part.”

  1. Bastian says:

    Well she sure ain’t skinny.

  2. Chris Mac says:

    What part doesn’t she get?

  3. scotterotter says:

    She was upset at being called a “lady”

  4. StoopidFlanders says:

    If she really is that upset, than she can voluntarily choose to take her business elsewhere.

  5. Chris Mac says:

    He prolly shoulda added “Bithcy” and the bottom.

    Then I’d recognize her for sure.

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    At least he didn’t put knee grow.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Yeah, calling her fat was a bit insensitive. The clerk should have written something in line with Al’s song, like “Makes dents in the concrete”, “Her walk measures on the Richter scale” or “Has her own zip code.”

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    When I clicked on the link to the story and saw there was a video, I was expecting a somewhat angry tone, but she really seems like a very nice lady. The clerk forgot one important word in the description — “charming.”

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    In other news, woman demands puppy at gunpoint.

    Sad what passes for news these days, ennit.

  10. Special Ed says:

    She’s so fat, when she gets out of the car the oil light comes on.

  11. Chris Heath says:

    Why did the clerk have to write identifying information on the receipt?

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – Hugh Ripper

    Paris Hilton hang around?

    #12 – Special Ed

    You and Sister Mary never cease to amuse me! 😀

  13. Chris Mac says:

    #13 – Maybe they like big black chicks in the kitchen.

  14. brm says:

    Fire the clerk.

  15. mark says:

    Okay… big, fat, blind, and stupid black lady. Geez, how descriptive did she want him to be?

  16. soundwash says:

    so what’s the problem?

    Chances are guaranteed there is more than one black lady that uses the store, so if they are not collecting have to use the next obvious defining feature, she’s big and she’s fat, both true, both defining.

    No lie was perpetrated, no libel committed. she should be happy she got
    her $10 with minimal hassle and go about her business.

    Dollars to donuts the clerk was black
    as well, otherwise this would have been headline news with Al Sharpton organizing a march with his nappy headed hoes in toe and demanding the clerk be fired and banished from the planet.

    Another NON-NEWS story..

    Want real news?

    30min minuted ago on WORTV Ch 9 network news it was announced that health care workers here in NY will be fired if they do not get take the H1N1 Flu shot when it becomes available, by November 30th.

    It appears NY so far is the only state
    with the madate thus far.

    I could not find the article anywhere on my9 news site but did find this article on dated the 25th

    yada yada,


    (FWIW, still no sign of anyone on NYC subways and buses coughing, sneezing
    or looking sickly)

  17. whocares? says:

    She forgot, “Ugly”.

  18. Lou says:

    Seems like a Heifer to me.

  19. OmegaMan says:

    Certain letters are different. Check out the B and the a’s. I surmise that she wrote the bottom one for attention.

  20. noname says:

    # 18 soundwash

    “Chances are guaranteed there is more than one black lady”

    Absolutely right. So if you want to offend your customer base, then this clerk deserves a raise.

    Some how, I think the store owner won’t be inclined to advance this ambitious clerk up the food chain.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    Wow you guys are such jerks.

    Whatever happened to basic civility? Or professionalism?

    I would _never_ identify a person by race or physical attribute in the work place — it’s both rude and unprofessional.

    You ask a customer their name and call them by it… politely.

  22. Faxon says:

    Do I have to add to the chorus:

  23. The DON says:

    I chorus with #13

    Why the hell did the clerk have to write a desciption of the customer on the receipt?
    Is this to identify the customer if they want to return an item? sounds crazy to me

  24. Zybch says:

    “But I don’t get ‘big fat.’ I don’t get that part.”

    HOW on earth could anyone not ‘get’ that part?

  25. Chris Mac says:

    #23 – Greg Allen said, on September 28th, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Wow you guys are such jerks.

    Whatever happened to basic civility? Or professionalism?

    That’s a damn good question. Wherever it is or went. It has never been and should never be on the iternet.

    Civility is for civilians.. ie: people on the street.

  26. amodedoma says:

    If this were a white woman and a hispanic clerk would have written big fat white woman, there wouldn’t be a story. Afro-americans are so sensitive to percieved racial slurs and news media are so anxious to print stories like this, that we get crap like this all the time. It’s fracking ridiculous! Store clerks are minimum wage, so who’s motivated to give polite, outstanding service? Throughout my life I’ve taken a lot of flack from store clerks. But never, never has it made it to the local news. I’m big, I’m fat, but I guess that’s not enough.

  27. Great American says:

    #13 & 25

    Exactly! why the need for “identifying information on a sales receipt”?

    Are there that many returns? Really?

    I guess if you’re a clerk behind a foot of lexan you can write and say anything?

  28. Chris Mac says:

    #29 has never washed a dish in his life

  29. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I’d hit it.

  30. mark says:

    #28 Exactly!!!


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