The New York Times – Monday, September 28, 2009

If you were gearing up to launch a tablet computer — and these days, who isn’t? — who would you hire to market it? One obvious candidate would be Michael Tchao, one of the original developers of Apple’s groundbreaking but failed Newton personal digital assistant.

Mr. Tchao joined Apple on Monday as vice president of product marketing, Steve Dowling, an Apple spokesman, confirmed. He will report to Phil Schiller, a senior vice president. Mr. Tchao is returning to his old Cupertino stomping grounds after an absence of 15 years.

During that time, he has had a high-profile career, most recently as the general manager of Nike Techlab, the company’s technology arm, which designed armbands and sneakers that integrate with the iPod.

  1. qb says:

    I still the Newton was way ahead of it’s time. Unfortunately it was released too early and over-hyped. Jobs and Co learned about the wrong way to do the right thing.

  2. whocares? says:

    So apple hired a fucking fish head? Is it news that a fucking asian is working in the tech industry? I guess the next headline will be that Obama likes grape juice or collard greens.

  3. Faxon says:

    oooooh. Nike Arm bands… and sneakers that INTEGRATE with a god-damn iPod.
    Must be a f-in genius!

  4. Chris Mac says:

    Who does he think he is? The Queen?!?

  5. Zybch says:

    The Newton wasn’t particularly ahead of its time or anything, it simple just plain sucked, and bringing back the guy responsible for all the suckage jobs himself didn’t insist on is just a dumb move.

  6. Great American says:


    Hey jackass if you’re going to slur…get it right. It’s not grape juice it’s grape or pineapple soda.

    And it’s not collard greens…it’s collard green with fatback with a hot plate of fried chicken. And you forgot the watermellon too.

    Funny you should pick those kinds of food…where I’m from it’s called FOOD (not fuel for slurs). Yah, I’m from the south.

    Geez, bigots these days can’t get their crap right…go DIAF!

  7. Great American says:

    #7 It’s called irony. That was the point of the rant…wow.

  8. deowll says:

    I do consider hiring the man to be a sign that something is in the works.

  9. Great American says:

    #9 Wow…if I HAVE to explain the joke to you…who’s the smart one? No vote for Pedro. 🙂


  10. Toxic Asshead says:


  11. Great American says:

    #13 It’s not about manipulation, dood. Some things in life may be too subtle for you, I know. There’s always broad humor on Univision. Sabado Gigante might be up your alley.

    Clearly you’re too grumpy from not taking your siesta…

    In the meantime, work hard my friend…the CIA is counting on your productivity!


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