Featured on No Agenda.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    I guess John wants to stress the fact that no one’s hired on competence at Fox News.

  2. joaoPT says:

    Yeah… I’m sure it’s on experience…

  3. drdos says:

    Nice, but NakedNews is better and less biased than Fox.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    John Dvorak’s post is just a tad behind the times.

    The brunette is Kiran Chetry. She is the co-anchor on CNN’s morning news program. (she left Fox 3 years ago)

  5. doughoist says:

    I love women and these women are beautiful but, come on, this is supposed to be the news. Cover up a little. Preserve a little dignity for yourselves.

    There is nothing pornographic about this, it is just undignified.

  6. jescott418 says:

    I guess nobody has seen the news lately? Especially with local stations its all about looks. Does’nt anybody remember the Done Henley song “Dirty Laundry”? Definately Fox news takes it to the extreme. But hey, its all about ratings folks! Get the bubble headed bleach blonde on and she can tell you about all the joblessnes showing a little thigh. WOW

  7. Larry Bud says:

    And no, none of them wear panties.

  8. Somebody says:

    Fox has basic news instincts.

  9. Ranger007 says:

    Some might remember one of Limbaugh’s 35 undeniable truths of life “Feminism was created ………”

    What is wrong with a little “eye candy” anyway?

    Remember, even Jimmy Carter, as President, said that “Life isn’t fair”?

  10. Chriswsm says:

    We used to have breakfast news with leggy lovelies in the UK years ago but for some reason it just died off.

  11. chuck says:

    I, for one, support Fox’s “no-pants” policy for female news hosts.

  12. pjd says:

    what a stupid video

  13. pjd says:

    that was not a great video choice, not dvorak quality if ya ask me.

  14. FoxSux says:

    Larry Bud said, on September 27th, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    “And no, none of them wear panties.”

    Actually I think Sean Hannity might.

  15. WE all know that crap is king…

  16. Dallas says:

    Very clever of Fox to use half naked bimbos to deliver the “news”.

    Together with Glen Beck and O’Really, they have quite a gig going to feed the sheeple what they want to hear.

  17. Unimatrix0 says:

    All just a bunch of haters. If you can’t love Fox at least for the eye candy, then ya’ll nuthin but a bunch of fags.

  18. DrPiper says:

    The video was infantile and puerile. I like it.

  19. Father says:

    #18, agree!

    Love those blondes.

  20. DJ says:

    Last year The Daily Show did a segment on the ladies of Fox and CNN. During this piece Samantha Bee coined the term NILF to describe them. I certainly agree with this characterization.

  21. qb says:

    It’s also a beer drinking game.

    Resettle on couch with pulldown = 1 drink
    Male colleague oggle = 1 drink
    Uncomfortable leg recross = 2 drinks
    Underwear flash = 5 drinks

  22. TooManyPuppies says:

    Only 1 shot of Laurie Dhue and no Julie Banderas? What a waste of my fucking time…

  23. Animby says:

    # 10 Ranger007 said, ‘Jimmy Carter, as President, said that “Life isn’t fair”?’

    Yeah, but he also said: “I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.” In his heart. Yeah.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #23…if you know their names, you’re taking this game far too seriously.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    The fox dudes are not very sexy.

  26. Carcarius says:

    Where was the career-making, Sharon Stone moment in that montage? Lame.

  27. # 26 Rick Cain

    “The fox dudes are not very sexy.”

    They would be if they were Chippendale news dudes.

    I am glad pedro my son isn’t here to see him. I’d have to beat him off with a stick.

  28. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    Faux Spews hasn’t figured out porn yet. Less talk, more sex.

    I’ll bet most of the babes will acknowledge in a single breath that they got the job in part because of their looks but that they should not be objectified.

    What are you lookin at?

  29. lividd says:

    someone needs to apply rule 34 to these bitches

  30. Animby says:

    Pedro’s Mom: It would be kinder if you just used your hand and some lube. Or teach him to do it himself.


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