Featured on No Agenda.

  1. Animby says:

    #32 Lividd: You can’t “apply” rule 34. By it’s very definition, the material already exists. You just need to look harder. Errr – more extensively.

  2. BertDawg says:

    I can’t believe nobody mentioned the babes on MSNBC..

  3. Bob West says:

    Why do all the Fox male reporters look like dirty old men.
    Maybe it should be called “Foxy News”

  4. qb says:

    Alfred1 predictabley said: “Of course loons prefer the Establishment Media…”

    And Fox News is an indie rock band. Ask anyone under 30, Fox News is the voice of the establishment. It’s what their parents watch.

    Network news is ancient history of course.

  5. qb says:

    You missed the point Alfred1. Fox is establishment media along with all the others (CNN, ABC, etc) and most of the major newspapers. Newspapers are dying and I think network news will eventually go the same way. Individuals within those organizations are brilliant (like the late, great William Safire) but as a whole they are boring, predictable, and old school.

    So what happens? They become entertainment, like Fox news babes.

  6. qb says:

    Alfred1 said “That wasn’t your original point, the time reference was to our parents…”

    You’re really under 30 and that nerdy? Wow. Do you spend your nights translating Rush Limbaugh into Klingon?

  7. LibertyLover says:

    Some of them were quite the pokeable dish. I may have to reactive Fox News on my TIVO . . .

  8. qb says:


    That wasn’t an ad hominem argument, that was an insult. You should really look up the term, it’ll keep your lips moving for a week.

  9. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    “Do you spend your nights translating Rush Limbaugh into Klingon?” //// Hah, hah. That will be hard to beat for this week.

    I’m not a fan of porn, but being the raconteur that I am: ran across a bit of oddly appealing Japanese Bukake. Starts off with a very prim and proper young lady newsreader and—-you know the rest. Even though I don’t speak Japanese, she never misses a line. Hypnotic appeal–some insult against the honor of the fourth estate? Just substitute your favorite newsreader for the full effect.

  10. Phydeau says:

    I don’t watch TV so I wouldn’t know, but don’t all the networks put on short-skirted news babes? Or is Fox unique in this aspect?

  11. Phydeau says:

    Uh, thanks for the input Alfie, but I’ll wait for an answer from someone who’s not incessantly chanting songs.

  12. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    Phydeau: that was a “real” question? I can’t think of a major news presenter who is not well above average good looks. Its rather pleasant actually. Well educated for the most, articulate. And given all they are doing is READING the news==why not?

    I enjoy noticing the cleavage more than the skirts. Very few are high at the neck, a few are low cut almost formal wear in their exposure. The compromise of fashion with credibility are the ones who have a lower cut dress but a blouse or leotard(?) to cover the skin.

    Its fun to just watch the culture and sociology of the whole thing.

  13. Phydeau says:

    #56 bobbo, that was a real question — I don’t have a TV, never have had one, I don’t really know TV culture. (I knew a TV producer once who told me “if it bleeds, it leads” regarding what news stories get put on TV.) I just assumed all TV shows would put attractive women on TV. I was just wondering if Fox is the only one that gives them those ridiculous short skirts.

  14. qb says:

    Phydeau, most news organizations have “attractive people” but Fox has bimbos. As part of their contract they must maintain their weight, wear short skirts, and all that sort of stuff. They use put them on couches and high stools, use low camera angles, and the results are predictable – Pavlov’s dog effect for white males.

    You see things like this in Europe and South America but Fox is the only news organization in the US that does it.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Phy…I can’t recall CNN ever using couches. It sure seems like Fox uses them just for this effect.

    Network morning shows use couches, but they never show what this clip shows….you’re lucky to see a knee.

    qb…I’m reminded of Christian rock music…sounds OK, but they use every cheesy cliche ever used in standard rock. The listeners love it but don’t realize what they’re hearing was created 25 years ago. Fox News plays the same game.

  16. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    #59–Alfie==my premise would be that shorter skirt length is inversely correlated to older age and Faux News hires the younger bobbleheads. Necklines correlate to bust size with a weaker correlation to age.

    I recall some hubbub about this some years ago when Greta van Susteren on Fox was reputed to have been “required” to get plastic surgery or risk her employment. She does look better these days. Pretty people are more pleasant to look at/listen to and when all they are doing is reading the news, who should really object. The other “trend” I note is how many of the women are also ex-lawyers. They do follow the money.

  17. Animby says:

    # 56 bobbo said, “I can’t think of a major news presenter who is not well above average good looks.”

    Really? Christiane Amanpour, maybe? Even the sound of her voice sends rampant shivers of disgust through my bowels.

    How about the South African babe CBS hired? Lara Logan? She was like 25 years old and they put her in the field as their SENIOR foreign correspondent. I’ll bet a bunch of older men and women were plenty pissed about that.

    And, of course, they hired MS Couric for her journalism skills.

    TV news is more entertainment than journalism these days. It’s a cash cow for the broadcasters. Might as well enjoy the view.

  18. Animby says:

    Excuse me. I made it sound like Lara Logan and Catie Couric are less than attractive. Me bad. Logan is gorgeous. Couric is aging nicely.

  19. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    Don’t worry Animby–I caught your change of horses and didn’t even get my feet wet. Yes, Amanpour is after 20 years in the field getting more air time. Does that prove or disprove what we both observe? Raise your hand if you think she won’t get a make over?

  20. Jeff says:

    This is why Fox News is best enjoyed while watching it on Mute.

  21. cfk1 says:

    Hmmm. John’s Pin-up of the Day on Cage Match now makes more sense…

  22. Gordon says:

    Damn that little YouTube logo…

  23. qb says:

    #70 Alfred1

    Cleavage? No way. It’s definitely more about crotch shots at Fox. Why can’t you get your facts straight (so to speak) when it comes to female anatomy?

  24. Greg Allen says:

    Maybe it’s a reverse Pinocchio effect…

    … the more Fox lies, the shorter the skirts get.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:


    You must like that little ditty. Keep singing it.

    Although it was FOX SPEWS that planted the skit, I’m sure those who support Obama like it too.

    Thank you for being such a plant to keep repeating it.

  26. Stars & Bars says:

    Fox News Porn

    I can’t believe no one has posted this site as of yet.

  27. deowll says:

    Okay so show me the ugly female media people on the other networks. They all do it.

    One of those hot blond females is an author/guest with brain like a razor and a seriously nasty side.

  28. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #77, deowll

    I really like the way you put so much importance on the attractiveness of the presenter instead of the content of the news itself. This helps explain why the average intelligence of FOX viewers is comparable to room temperature.


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