I know this will come as a shock to our younger readers, but there was a time when men and women lived in separate dorms. A guy entering a women’s dorm to pick up a gal to take her to the malt shop was carefully controlled and watched. No sex was allowed AT ALL! Astonishing, but true!

There are lots of things roommates fight over

The Office of Residential Life and Learning (ResLife) has added a new stipulation to its guest policy that prohibits any sex act in a dorm room while one’s roommate is present. The stipulation further states that any sexual activity in the room should not interfere with a roommate’s privacy, study habits or sleep.

ResLife’s Assistant Director for Community and Judicial Affairs Carrie Ales-Rich explained that the change comes as a result of an annual review of residential policies that examines the previous year’s trends.
“We want to make perfectly clear that we do not want to hinder someone from engaging in any personal or private activity,” she said. “But when it becomes uncomfortable for the roommate, we want to have something in place that empowers the residents to have a good conversation with the roommate.”

  1. Hmeyers says:

    Sounds like a good plan.

  2. Dick Dawkins says:

    “Prohibits any sex act”

    If Bill Clinton taught us anything is that receiving a “Lewinski” is not sex. So if this rule is OK with BC, it’s OK with me! HAR!

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Now if Alphie had ever been to college he might know what it is like to try studying while his room mate was getting his wee willie wet (the original WWW).

  4. Dallas says:

    Watching your roomate have sex while studying for a physics exam could be challenging. Clearly, the studying needs to be postponed.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    Whelp, that was the last positive item on the list. There is no reason not to use distance learning now.

  6. Esih says:

    Sounds to me like one step away from involuntary group sex.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt both agree that proper etiquette for this situation is to politely invite the roommate to take part in a three-way. This will often alleviate the objection even when the roommate declines the offer, simply by reason of having had the opportunity to be included.

    The imperative should be to always try to be considerate of others and share our things.

    Tomorrow’s question: What are the proper rules concerning timely replacement of a borrowed condom?

  8. get a room says:

    Common Sense Really….. 🙂

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    I think the worse is when they do anal sex in the dorms. They end up stinking the whole room B)

  10. Buzz says:

    That’s insane. Who needs privacy for sex?

  11. OSU Alumni says:

    In 1960, I lived in Stradley Hall dorm on
    The Ohio State University campus.
    Stradley was an all “male” dorm, but the residents were allowed to have visitors on Sunday afternoon.
    An upper classman, down the hall, would ‘kick’ his room mate out of their room during his girlfriend’s visits on Sunday visits to his room.
    The upper classman locked the door & didn’t come out till 6 PM, the time for visitors to leave.
    Of course, I was away from “home” for the first time & the “practice” seemed convenient, normal & a good idea.
    Of course, morals were higher in 1960 & threesomes, oral sex & the like were not discussed or even on the menu.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    I know this will come as a shock to our younger readers, but there was a time when men and women lived in separate dorms. A guy entering a women’s dorm to pick up a gal to take her to the malt shop was carefully controlled and watched. No sex was allowed AT ALL! Astonishing, but true!

    Despite this I’m sure that there was still sex happening. Just because the people living in a building are all one sex doesn’t mean they aren’t having sex. Astonishing, but true!

  13. eggman9713 says:

    Hence why I paid the extra money to live in a single-occupancy dorm room in college, so I wouldn’t have to deal with inconsiderate dolts like this.

  14. agp says:

    # 13:

    Yah! go study somewhere else ya jerk.

  15. Scott says:

    As a Brit, I find the idea of sharing a room with strangers when going to college very strange. Younger children at boarding school perhaps and for those of us who join the army perhaps, One year, I shared a house with some other people, but I got a room to myself.
    The last time I shared a room with a bunch of strangers, I wore a uniform and either had a rifle or a mop!

  16. qb says:

    #12 jccalhoun


  17. Dallas says:

    #15 . The last time I shared a room with a bunch of strangers, I wore a uniform and either had a rifle or a mop!

    Very kinky but the use of a rifle is a bit over the top.

  18. Animby says:

    # 11 OSU Alumni said,”Of course, morals were higher in 1960 & threesomes, oral sex & the like were not discussed or even on the menu.”

    Must have been a different 1960 than the one I lived through.

  19. 888 says:

    Yeah, Woodstock and other sources clearly show the morals were indeed very high in the 60s 😉

    I guess you just weren’t one of the FUBAR hippies.

  20. Winston says:

    Roommate rule #1: If you have sex in my presence, I have the right to get involved if I so choose. If I don’t, I will wear ear plugs.

  21. Jeff says:

    ***I know this will come as a shock to our younger readers, but there was a time when men and women lived in separate dorms. A guy entering a women’s dorm to pick up a gal to take her to the malt shop was carefully controlled and watched. No sex was allowed AT ALL! Astonishing, but true!***

    When was this… around the time of the Puritans? This was not the 90s or beyond. As for a guy and gal shacking up that is a bit new.

    I, however, am all about change. We need more of this change. This is change I can believe in! What would be even better is if I could have two female roommates to my one maleness. It probably wouldn’t hurt if they were a bit curious with each other as well. Nothing like filming porn movies from my dorm room.

    It is to bad I graduated a while ago. Oh, well.

  22. bbarnes870 says:

    Probably why when I went to college my roomies were always pissed at me. They tried that I would pull out the vhs camcorder and randomly drop tapes around the labs. I usually lost the room mate quickly and got the room to myself. Then again I didn’t go to college to drink or have fun. I was spending way too much money to not learn while I was there and wanted out as quickly as possible.

  23. RTaylor says:

    Reminds me of when I had a ground floor apartment and the young couple above me was banging the bed and other furniture, along with lassie howls. It’s really not amusing when you’re lying in bed alone at night. They had staying power too, hour or more. I tried to get to sleep during cigarette breaks.


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