Do these idiot cities think it is a good idea to host these G20 events in this environment?
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People are going to have to fight back eventually. This type of behavior from the police cannot go on any longer.
If we don’t fight back we’ve shown them that they can control us through violence.
Typical college protesters. Same types as the ones going back to the days of Haight-Ashbury. They don’t have a clue what they are protesting about. Notice some of them have smiles on their face at the start of the video. Just a big party to them until the tear gas starts flowing.
Eventually they will end up killing their own family members then what. Are these people still going to follow orders when it comes time to shoot your own kids, wife, relative?
So what were they protesting?
I can’t have much respect for civil disobedience if you aren’t suffering a penalty for it.
I would bet the vast majority of these students supported Obama. I wonder what they think about him now?
Were they even protesting? looked like most were there to have some fun with the cops. This might as well have been an attraction at Disney world “Dystopia: The Experience. Enjoy the fun at being ‘oppressed’ by the ‘police’!”
# 6 McCullough,
I supported and voted for Obama. All I’ve seen from him are good speeches and back peddling on all issues.
Gutonomo Bay
Heath Care
Too big to fail
prosecution of CIA employees
I was looking for change to the praetorian guard in Washington, instead he is afraid or beholden to the old guard.
I will not vote for him again, unless I see him work for the people and not the government.
The so-called protesters — gangs of thugs, really — riot like this to oppress law-abiding citizens. If the gangs of thugs didn’t riot and destroy other people’s property, the police wouldn’t have to try to restore order.
Memo to Poor people.
We are in control, let us do our thing now.
– Signed, Rich People
WTF are the crowds doing there anyway?
The idiots only antagonized the situation and received the expected and pre-warned outcome, they deserved it.
The so-called protesters — gangs of thugs, really — riot like this to oppress law-abiding citizens. If the gangs of thugs didn’t riot and destroy other people’s property, the police wouldn’t have to try to restore order.
Where in this video was there rioting in this video? Where was there destruction of property? I didn’t see it. I saw people standing around and then a bunch of thugs in riot gear throwing gas at them and forcing them to leave.
Jefferson and Adams would be so proud. This crap is getting out of hand. Anyone here remember Mayor Daily and Chicago, how about Kent State? Civil Disobedience is a cornerstone of reversing injustice. God damn Supreme Court needs to hear some real Constitutional cases instead of avoiding controversy. This overwhelming show of force in a peaceful situation is an international embarrassment.
I thought this was the trailer for the new Half-Life game for a minute there.
#9 Mickey – “If the gangs of thugs didn’t riot and destroy other people’s property, the police wouldn’t have to try to restore order.”
Where was the rioting and property destruction? Must have missed that. The only violence was from the cops.
pedro just wiped the floor!!
kick a$$
#15 Pedro
Pedro – “#11 The few lucky ones are happy drinking up whatever they were paid to make that “protest”. ”
Oh they were PAID to protest! Who paid em? Lemme guess. Was it Castro? Chavez? Chompsky? Ahmadi-Nejad? Bin Laden? Kim Jong-il? The Russian Philharmonic?
I seem to remember you said the same thing about the London protests. It might surprise you that sometimes people do stuff WITHOUT payola at the end!
Who pays you to dribble inanely on this blog?
I believe in lawful assembly.
I believe in the first amendment and freedom of speech.
I don’t believe in “protest zones” that are so far away from the object of the protest that protesting becomes an act of futility.
Unfortunately, the anarchist movement has trampled the first amendment. They changed the issue from one of speech to one of safety.
Stupid anarchist.
Talking about stupid. That would be the definition of anyone who takes this video at face value.
University of Pittsburgh is an urban campus. A bunch of dorms, and classroom buildings on city streets in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh. There is no on campus or off campus.
The one scene was on fifth avenues which is the business district (shops, cinemas, bars etc.) that cater to students running right through the middle of Oakland.
Any weekend night you will find a lot of students hanging out on fifth avenue looking for something to do. When the bars close at 2:00 A.M. the street can get really crowded. Most urban campuses have this kind of district.
G20 comes to town this becomes an unlawful assembly???? WTF
#21 Pedro
Ahh Greenpeace are PAYING protesters now, are they? The protest was SPONSORED? Dont spose you have evidence? Didn’t think so…
pedro honey,
You shouldn’t pick on your boy friends.
I know you are over compensating for inherited genetic weaknesses but despite what the doctors say (you would be dumber then shit), we are all surprised how smart you turned out.
I never hear one ever says bad things abut you.
pedro honey,
I love it when you pwned me.
Let’s do a video?
pedro honey,
Please pick some milk for your momma.
Pittsburgh didn’t ask for the G20, Obama selected the town because of the 180 turn in the economy over the past 30 years (and because they voted for him)
Since this was an international event, police were brought in from cities all over the Northeast, nearly tripling the available police force, in anticipation of another Seattle.
The self proclaimed anarchists produced three events during the past two days. The first was blogged about due to the use of the sonic deterrent. Later that night they gathered in the Oakland neighborhood (where the Universities are) and and few bad apples began destroying property. One kid from California took a hammer to over 50 store front windows.
The video is from the next night when they reassembled in Oakland for a self described “harass the police” event. After being warned to disburse for twenty minutes, the police acted and proceeded to arrest 110 people.
Several other marches and protests occurred during the week but since they were peaceful there was no national media attention.
Greenpeace pulled off a bloggable stunt by hanging a large banner from the West End Bridge.
BTW Dvorak, you may not be a big fan of Pittsburgh (Tech 5 Google story) due to our weather and the way our geography complicates our traffic, but we due have an over abundance to the commodity the the next century, clean fresh water.
# 29 ECA,
Regular American certainly don’t make the rules.
This looks to me to be a peaceful assembly. I see no destruction or any property or violence by any of the people standing around. Many who probably just happen to be in the area which happens to be their neighborhood. And the G20 comes around and they want to make sure all you poor, stupid commoners don’t try to get too close to the power elite. The only way we will get their full attention is if we all uprise and throw the power structure into chaos. I think once everyone wakes up and realizes that all of our rights under the constitution have been suspended there will be a great upheaval. At least I hope so. Before it’s too late and they’ve locked up any dissenters. It may be someone else today, but eventually they will come for you too. So today is the time to stand up for your rights. Don’t just poo poo it and say, well,,,it’s not me.
America is being systematically stripped of everything from jobs to wealth, to rights, soon there will be nothing left. I really fear for the future.
# 19 Ah_Yea,
Yeh, I see what you mean. It’s just brilliant for Anarchist to chant “let go Pitt”.
No way would real students chant “let go Pitt”.
At least Authorities had the smarts not to give these dumb armored machines live ammunition.
what an oxymoron!
To the establishment any assembly not supporting them is “unlawful” (as oppose to the “lawful” assemblies supporting them).
Basically it’s the essence of “either you’re with us or against us”. That’s how communism and fascism takes over any democratic bodies.
FWIW – I’m not on the side of these moron students. I’m sure they assembled there just to have a thrill of some real life action for once.
But using such pretexts as “unlawful assembly” to disperse them is unlawful itself.
Hey i see US is catching up fast with Iran, that’s what we see here everyday for the past 3 months.
bahramks, you’ve got that completely backwards