Do these idiot cities think it is a good idea to host these G20 events in this environment?
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Only you would take pride in seeing peaceful citizens gassed and arrested by police.
There was no riot. No one “sponsored” this “protest”.
You are an insufferable tool. Why Dvorak has taken to using trolls like you to boost the hit count is beyond me.
alfred1 here, boy watching this made my little one So hard! can’t help but fap and fap,more plz
pedro hoeny,
Thanks for giving me a milk bath and the foot rub last night. Your so sweet.
In #38 why couldn’t you buy goos “anarchists” at store where you brought milk last night?
Can you buy some goos “anarchists” tonight? It would be fun to walk down the streets of Pittsburgh tonight.
Let’s make up some marching signs. “pedro for president and new world order”. “Vote for me and I will, I will …. well, maybe I will do something”.
Most of those protesting are pretending to care about something that they aren’t ready to fight for.
The ones vandalizing property are agent provocateurs, and are there to incite police reactions against the brainwashed hippies and dogooders at the latest social event.
# 40 green,
Yeah, I see what you mean. Those that stay at home and watch on TV care more.
The few that are vandalizing property maybe the many federal agents implanted to allow the police to use violence.
When first watching this… it really did look like the opening to Halflife 2. The buildings, guys in black body armor and tank like vehicles.
pedro honey,
You can stay in our basement. Your broke dick dad and I fixed up a nice room down there for you. It has internet access and it’s warm, right next to the hot water heater.
Stay as long as you like. I know life is hard with all your learning disabilities and all. You will have to help out the family expenses.
The bunny ranch doesn’t pay as much as it used too. I am sure I can get you laundryman job, cleaning bed sheets and coffee boy stuff.
pedro honey,
Don’t be mad, mommy loves you. You can do what ever you want. Don’t let anyone say no to you.
You know you have a purpose, having survived an abortion and several head drops. I wasn’t the best mom, but I love you. Broke dick dad and your drug addict sister says high, I am mean hi.
So, go and be a tiger, honey. Roar and let your demented untutored voice be heard.
Remember, the basement hot water heater pilot light will always be on for you.
What I wanna know is when Chief’s of Police were granted the power to declare something unlawful? I thought that’s what courts were for?
I totally understand the police position of trying to prevent problems and deal with an often irrational public. But they MUST take responsibility for their actions within the framework of the law. They do NOT define the law. They MUST operate WITHIN it and be subject TO it.
A large part of the problem is the confrontational attitude that seems to be the default of most law enforcement personnel. When confronted with a tough question about policy, one should refer the questioner to one’s superiors, not be taciturn and non-responsive, eh?
Oh, and while possibly effective and useful to law enforcement, preemptive attacks on those who might, but have yet to, break the law are just plain wrong. It’s like killing a doctor because he MIGHT kill someone on purpose with his above average anatomical knowledge.
And they wonder why people refer to them as PIGS!
pedro honey,
I am so glad we are getting along. You are being a good momma’s boy.
The psychiatrist Dr. Feel Good said by talking and medicating, you would respond and you have.
It may take a few hundred sessions but Dr. Feel Good says stick with it.
Are you feeling upset with lefty people?
Do their intelligence threaten you?
Dr Feel Good says you jealous. He says your brain damage is irreversible and we are lucky you are not just a complete blithering yapping idiot.
Dr Feel Good says if we keep talking and medicating you, eventually your IQ my go up a couple points. The best we can hope for is you no longer a complete imbecile, just a partial one.
The laughing sessions are helping too. Let’s keep doing those!!!!
Looks like Pelosi had the inside story a few weeks ago, there was going to be blood being spilled in the future.
a pox on u pedro-file, ur just a fucking troll. why post comments here? No one here is buying ur bullshit
pedro’s Mom,
You have my utmost empathy to have a child like Pedro. I can understand how he must be a very trying child even though he is about to turn 40.
Please, find yourself a support group and put him out of your life. You are worth far more than that piece of sh*t.
pedro, i’m not pushing my point of view down these good peoples throat. now answer my question: why do you post ur horrible comments here?
#57, pedro,
OOooooo, peedro said a funny. Chuckle, chuckle.