Oh, my gosh, this is such a delightful idea from Microsoft’s brilliant marketing folks. I just can’t stand it! What party animals! This will be so ever much more fun than that drunken orgy we had just a few weeks ago when Snow Leopard came out. I can hardly wait!

Can’t get enough of these wonderfully helpful videos? Then you want to go here.

  1. bobbo, gag me with a maggot filled spoon says:

    I threw up after one minute. If anyone makes it thru the whole thing, anything worthwhile?

  2. VisiblePerson says:

    Oh. My. Gawd. I’m gonna need a whole lota hooch to get through this party!

  3. TruthBeKnown says:

    This is crazy. Parties to celebrate the release of a product. These people need to get a life. Next thing you know they will be spending all night in the cold in a parking lot just to get in the store the be the first to buy it.

  4. JimB says:

    Amazingly Lame!

    Does Microsoft have a special Lameness Division to come up with crap like this?

  5. paddler says:

    Love how they have ratings disabled on YouTube.

    If this is serious (and sadly it probably is) it is like aliens came to earth and opened an ad agency. Microsoft was their first customer.

    The aliens had never actually seen humans before and this is their idea what would make Windows 7 fun. A party where we can all stand around laughing as we learn new tricks on how to open a file.

    Who are the retards at Microsoft in charge of marketing? Instead of stealing the Apple store employees they should steal Apples marketing people.

    And #1 is right, I threw up a little bit too.

  6. BigD says:

    Oh my god. Douche chills. Are these the type of people who are amped up about windows? A geriatric mom, her white bread daughter, a random geek who can install and “play” with windows and a token polite man of colour. Four people and eight balloons do not make a party. This just makes MicroSoft look like losers.

    The idea of the W7 party is lame to start with but they could have at least made the party look exciting, not like a suck ass party at a retirement home. Makes me glad I use OSX.

  7. Marc says:

    This actually makes me not want to get W7.

    Good job M$

  8. cmon says:

    This is a joke right? right? Oy. I like this version with the unnecessary censorship–makes the party sound waaaay more interesting:

  9. sargasso says:

    In Soviet Russia, The Party has you.

  10. dpamac says:

    What a wonderful and impossibly ethnically, generationaly diverse crowd. It’s like a stock photo come to life.

  11. chuck says:

    The shakey camera was bad enough. But I counted about 10-12 edit/cuts per minute. So whoever edited this after the shoot was obviously so bored with the content, they felt they had to do all kinds of unnecessary cuts to liven it up somehow.

    The shoulda hired the sham-wow guy.

  12. Usagi says:

    What do you expect? You’re having a party for the launch of a software package. It’s not a Roman orgy, it’s the modern equivalent of a Tupperware party. Have some friends over, do a little shilling for MS, have some snacks, relax. What’s the big deal?! If you want exciting, make it clothing optional.

  13. pfkad says:

    But doesn’t the host get a free copy of Win7? Based on RC1, Win7 seems a natural heir to XP (we’ll forget Vista). I could probably get a couple of my flaky buddies over (free beer!) just to get a copy for free. Hell, I’ve humiliated myself for less.

  14. Tomzer1 says:

    Huh! I had no idea YouTube was offering visions of what Hell is like. And in HD too!

  15. joe_ron says:

    I’m leaving this space blank” ” I don’t know what to say.

  16. Faxon says:

    Where is the token Asian nerd?

  17. Faxon says:

    And the booze?

  18. alsam says:

    I signed up as a goof and got selected to host one. I agree the videos are horrible. Even worse is the company they are outsourcing through – houseparty.com – is so overwhelmed the site is at a crawl. Do not use your main email when you register!

  19. Faxon says:

    I want to know if the black guy is with the older or younger woman. Either way, great potential for a much better video.

  20. SparkyOne says:

    that video gags maggots

  21. SpeedBump says:

    I love how the clock on the oven went from 3pm to after 5pm, back and forth.

  22. michael Grosberg says:

    Live, from Bizarro World!

  23. Bastian says:

    They’re all so happy. Maybe it’s the defying linear-time thing making them disoriented about the concept of party.

  24. Qon Quixote says:

    Annoying and sick. Out of touch with reality, as usual from Microsoft. But at least they aren’t lined up on the street to buy the next thing their overlord tells them they need.

  25. David says:

    If this is actually how Microsoft views their customers, it does explain a whole lot. My first thought was are the actors actually this bad, or are they doing it on purpose?

    And they forgot one of the most important parts, showing your guests how to download Windows 7 from Bittorrent for free. That part is a riot.

  26. qb says:

    Every once in a while Microsoft goes along and does a few things which impress me (laptop hunter ads, Zune HD, Azure, Natal) and then I see something like and I just have to cringe.

  27. bill says:

    Billy Mays we miss you.

    I hope Windows 7 is at the least ‘good’.

    “Yell and Sell”

  28. Jägermeister says:

    Pedro just decorated his keyboard with his vanilla sauce…

  29. Jägermeister says:

    #24 – qb



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