Oh, my gosh, this is such a delightful idea from Microsoft’s brilliant marketing folks. I just can’t stand it! What party animals! This will be so ever much more fun than that drunken orgy we had just a few weeks ago when Snow Leopard came out. I can hardly wait!

Can’t get enough of these wonderfully helpful videos? Then you want to go here.

  1. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I’d need some blow to get me through THAT party.

  2. Alfred's Mom says:

    That looks like my son there on the right.

  3. LoTechNo says:

    This is like the cult movie called:

    * Plan Nine From Outer Space *

  4. TTHor says:

    Is this a joke? I endured half way and had to stop. This is the most stupid thing I ever saw. Right, I am a Mac fan boy, but seriously this is the most condescending stuff I ever saw, – depicting mankind as morons of the first degree….. but, maybe we are??? And ‘ha, ha, ha” with pearly white teeth… brrrrrrrrr…. Disgusting!

  5. Floyd says:

    While I’ll probably install Win 7 eventually, I’ll probably wait for other pioneers to take the arrows in their backs. Certainly no upgrade parties. And then, there’s the annoying, stuttering video bug that’s showing itself again… but only in this video.

    I’m recommending that my wife to wait on her Snow Leopard upgrade too, for similar reasons. Not a good idea to be one of the first installers of any OS upgrade.

  6. ed says:


    519,727 views and counting, parties starting all over the world, I bet it hits the mainstream news before long.

    Marketing genius.

  7. qb says:

    #35 ed

    That’s you on the left in the video? Seriously, could you think of another reason why the video has 1/2 million views?

  8. Uncle Don says:

    “Hi, I’m a Mac”

    “And I’m a PC”

    “Uh… PC, who are all these people?”

    “Well, Mac, Windows 7 has just been released and we’re having a launch party.”

    “Hey, that’s great. How’s it going?”

    “Microsoft put the launch into our hands and … look here. We have chips and dips, grapes, cheese, some apples and lemons, and … would you like some –”

    “Weed? Yeah, that would be grea –”


    “Yeah, we have that at all our launch parties.”

    “Mac, do any of us here look like we do drugs? We are a … hey, wait. WAIT! Where are all you people going?”

    (young woman) “Didn’t you just introduce something called ‘snow’ Leopard? Do you have … giggle?”

    “Sure. Bye PC.”


  9. Tim says:

    Windows is the new Amway.

  10. KMFIX says:

    Edited on iMovie.

  11. ed says:

    #36 qb

    Doesn’t matter, there are millions of morons in this country and all they will remember in a couple weeks is hmmmm Windows 7, there was a lot of talk about it. Can’t quite remember what. I must need it.

  12. qb says:

    #40 Hmmm. So you’re saying they should double down and do more of this?

  13. Jim says:

    Hey, this video plays well on Ubuntu! I only wish the content was better. 🙁

  14. Rick Cain says:

    What’s missing here…

    Party Boy!

  15. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I’d like to get the MILF and the GILF in a pile.

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    Tip to Make a Cool and Fun Party :

    Don’t mention Microsoft. Ever. Especially to hot women.

  17. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #46 – Good tip Hugh! Most hot women would hear micro and soft as a reference to a body part.

  18. Mark T. says:

    Microsoft. The Tupperware of the computer world?

    Totally lame. You would never see Apple doing stuff this inane (I hope).

  19. Alastairo says:

    I feel like a sinner ’cause I watched the movie on my linux machine. It burped at the end !

  20. drdos says:

    I think this is a very clever new type of marketing: you come up with ideas and videos that are so cringe-inducingly bad that it goes viral with people laughing at it. Looks like it is working.
    Hats off to Microsoft – I didn’t realize they had a sense of humor.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    I’m such a cynical person I think I will throw a Windows 7 launch party just for the sheer irony and seething hatred.

  22. Jim says:

    ROFL @ vid!

  23. LBalsam says:

    User groups have been introducing people to new products since the beginning of the computer industry.

    Yet Microsoft has cut back its support for user groups and now wants average people to host parties in our homes. Average people do not hold parties around the release of a new operating system.

    Geeks get excited about this stuff and hold meetings about it, i.e. user groups. But we also give our honest opinion. Microsoft seems to want low cost hype with no chance of criticism.

  24. Nauseated says:

    This is truly insulting. In the “olden” days Microsoft would send the troops out to visit user groups (true centers of influence)to introduce new products.

    Who at Microsoft is in touch with: NYPC.ORG, APCUG.ORG, HAL-PC.ORG, CPCUG.ORG, ETC.?

  25. DDB9000 says:

    ed mentions 519,727 views – but how many of them were complete? I watched this ‘launch party’ and had to ‘abort the mission’ after about a minute and a half.

    Meanwhile, what about the strange TV commercial they’re showing with the little Asian girl (there’s the token Asian they forgot in the ‘launch party’) who is fascinated with the number 7 which is popping up all over her screen and then she makes a video with bunnies and some other animals and the background music to this mess is Europe’s “The Final Countdown”. I think Microsoft thinks that this is ironic, but it’s not. The whole thing is just puzzling, counter-intuitive, and stupid. Some idiot at Microsoft thinks this will sell Win 7?

  26. Miguel says:

    1. I’d totally party with the hot blond MILF…

    2. Microsoft is here:

  27. r4 sdhc says:

    Why would anyone else then MS like to throw a party of W7? I have read more then 10 blogs like this one today. I still dont get the idea. Some of those blogs contains that funny video over it.


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