Found by John Ligums.

  1. Jim w. says:

    The color of the video seemed fine.

    The language on the other hand…

    But seriously, it would have been more accurate to have had a Donkey in the room rather than an Elephant.

  2. qb says:

    Nice. 2 thumbs up.

  3. noname says:

    “does that answer your question”

    pretty much.

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    The “arsehole” was right on the money.

  5. ECA says:

    REALLY its stupid.

    At what point in TIME, did these folks and others.. BECOME NON-responsible for WHAT THEIR JOB IS/WAS..

    Nixon Left his job.
    most of these people QUIT before they can be prosecuted..SHUT UP AND RUN AWAY.
    When did it become Critical that you LIE to your employer(WE/president/congress/…)? Or at least NOT tell the WHOLE/STRAIGHT truth??

    The Smart people know politics and dont want the job.
    Those that WANT the job, but are almost smart, tend to GET OUT of the job..
    Those that are STUPID, end up with the job, and get SCREW’d.

    When did we start having 2 year olds running this country?? I understand that its NOT 1 thing that DID this.
    I did do it..
    I didnt either..
    I didnt see it coming.
    He did it,
    They did it..

    As was taught to me, at a very young age, If the parents cant find out.. BEAT them all.
    Unless its an individual that did 1 thing. It generally takes MORE then 1 person to MESS THINGS UP.. it takes 2 to start a fight, it takes 2 to dance.
    As the parents of this nation, we need to ABUSE those responsible, EVEN if we get a few that were just standing around WATCHING.. They didnt STOP this from happening. so they can suffer also.
    The problem we have, is that over 1/2 of them have left office.

    I declare that we BASE wages for our representatives on there POPULARITY at HOME as WELL as the bills and STANDARDS they live by..

  6. Floyd says:

    #1: The elephant is still appropriate; remember what happened just before the US general election. Too bad they didn’t have Dubya on the panel.

  7. ECA says:

    Its just that..
    IF you #@$@#$ up at work..what would happen?
    Job changed to lesser job?
    Cut wages?
    Cut hours?

    We dont have to FIX blame..
    TO MANY were in on the problem.
    Some were ignorant,
    Some didnt care,
    some WATCHED it happen and COULD have said something,

    This job USED to be honorary..
    it WASNT their main JOB.
    we NEED to slap them ALL around, just to WAKE THEM UP.. both the corps and the GOV..

  8. Gasbag says:

    So Gordon Brown is F!@#ed will like anyone didn’t know that?

  9. Jim w. says:

    brian t said,
    “…Oh, but sure, it’s the new President’s fault, isn’t it??

    No, its the old Congresses fault. And it looks like they are trying to do it again.


  10. joaoPT says:

    Is the elephant an allusion to the Democratic party?
    And if it is, does this cartoon takes the elephant as a scatological actor to “punish” those the author feel that “focked” us?
    Is the world that simple?
    Or is this just a piece of humor jerk-off in a pre-teen flavor?

  11. brian t says:

    The Elephant is just from the phrase “the elephant in the room” i.e. a huge factor that people are ignoring in favour of little details. This cartoon is by a British bloke about British politics, no Merkin content in there.


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