With the revelation at the G20 summit about the processing site, what do you think we should do about it?

The US, Britain and France united in condemnation of Iran on Friday after Tehran’s admission that it has been constructing a secret uranium enrichment facility that Washington fears could help produce a nuclear bomb.

As the world’s major powers prepare to meet Iran next week for critical talks on its nuclear programme, US President Barack Obama disclosed the existence of the plant, 160km south of Tehran.

On Saturday, Iranian media reported that the Revolutionary Guards will stage missile defence exercises starting on Sunday. The war games announcement is expected to futher heighten the nuclear dispute.

Iran has been enriching uranium at the plant in Natanz under inspection but it had never before admitted the existence of the second site to the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.

What Should We Do About Iran’s Nuke Program?

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  1. Troublemaker says:

    Why should we care? Hasn’t Israel dragged us into enough wars that do nothing but support their expansionist agenda at the expense of our safety?

    US support for Israel prompted 9/11: Osama Bin Laden

    Bin Laden said that among “some other injustices,” US support to Israel motivated al-Qa’ida to launch the September 11 attacks, IntelCenter reported.

    He also stated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were driven by the pro-Israeli lobby in the White House and corporate interests, and not by Islamic militants.

    “If you think about your situation well, you will know that the White House is occupied by pressure groups,” he said, according to IntelCenter.

    “Rather than fighting to liberate Iraq – as Bush claimed – it (the White House) should have been liberated.”

    He was referring to former US president George W. Bush, who ordered the March 2003 invasion of Iraq that overthrew Saddam Hussein’s regime.

    If Americans want to end their confrontation with al-Qa’ida, bin Laden continued, they must reconsider their attitude toward the Jewish state.

  2. LDA says:

    Prove they have one. Nah, f**k it lets just destroy their country, I mean save them from their evil leaders.

  3. Marc says:

    Nuke ’em!

  4. Father says:

    We, the USA, let the nuclear monster out of the box.

    It is too late to talk about nonproliferation.

    In 100 years EVERY country will have the bomb!

  5. brm says:


    How about we let Israel handle it. Without our help. They’re big boys.

  6. Dallas says:

    Since Bush destablized the region with Iraq war idea, Iran is free to take up that vacuum. It’s the equivalent of turning a pile of shit – now we have to deal witj awful smell.

    What we should do about Iran now?
    1. wipe out their installations using NATO
    2. Arrest Cheney and Bush for treasonous stupidity

  7. Father says:

    Alphi, if you believe what you write, then join the military and go to the front lines today, you retarded pussy.

    The axis were nowhere near the point of developing a bomb during WWII. Learn some history.

  8. DA says:

    Salehi said the Western leaders’ “embarrassing reaction and their unbalanced response has shocked us” and that Iran had acted within the framework of IAEA laws. “We have to inform the agency of the building of nuclear facilities 180 days before insertion of nuclear fuel, but we informed them even sooner,” he said.

  9. ECA says:

    I said it about N. Korea..
    Its not the bomb that I worry about.
    Its not the radioactive materials..(carrying a 100 lb LEAD canister ISNT EASY)(and if we cant detect radioactive materials at port entries, WE SUCK)
    its the delivery system..HOW THEY GET IT HERE.
    And that would require a Intercontinental Ballistic missile.
    Short range missiles are easy..trying to get one to cover Over 2000 miles and HIT a specific target(any target, even a CLOSE hit) isnt easy.
    I dont care if they have ALL the data on HOw to build and HOW to make the fuel.
    TESTING a ICBM, isnt a PRIVATE THING. It can be seen from space. It can be seen by EVERY country around you.
    DO YOU THINK, those around you WONT notice??
    I dont even care if you DONT use Radioactive material in the Explosive.. A ballistic missile is going to piss off AT LEAST 100 countries. EU, RUSSIA, Saudi arabia, Pakistan, Israel, China, Japan, just to name the MAIN ONES.
    It took the USA 20 years to get a decent missile..
    It took 40 years for the USA/EU/Brits to UNDERSTAND radioactivity..and how to protect ourselves.(almost)
    Do you THINK they can do this in 5 years??
    This has been happening for over 15 years in the middle east and Asia countries.

    1 REAL main point.
    In all of war, it is the GRUNT(ground troops) that win a war.
    you cant NUKE an area and think you are going to LIVE THERE. it gains you nothing.

  10. Skippy says:

    Here’s an interesting video of a group who used mathematical analysis to predict Iran’s future.

  11. Father says:

    What the US is doing, is like showing up to a knife fight with an armed gang, and then insisting that the lone enemy throw away his knife.

    If the US was also to throw away its knives, then there would be a moral stance to take.

    If people, such as this blog’s voters, insist on destroying a rogue nation because of its weapons, then isn’t it logical the other nations will see this bullying as a reason to create, perhaps with its neighbors, a nuclear response?

  12. LDA says:

    # 10 Dallas

    I could get behind that plan (except the NATO part).

  13. jopa says:

    nuke them… twice.

  14. Dallas says:

    #11. Yep, religion and weapons is a bad mix. The Loony muslim flavor is slightly worse than the loony Christian flavor today.

    When the loony Christians had steel as a weapon of mass destruction, the slaughtered millions in the New World in the name of Christ. Now we have the Muslim loonies with far more powerful tools.

    #12 No. Obama is using ALL the options to deal with. Observe a leader dealing with complex issues. Note to self : We are lucky a republican was not in office during the Cuban missle crisis.

    #19. Giot to use NATO for what it is there for. No more go it alone Cheney regime policies.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    The simple way would be to sanction Iran. Refuse to allow them to sell oil. Isolate their air and sea ports. Yes we can allow people to leave, but we don’t allow anyone in and nothing shipped to or from Iran.

    When the country is ready to have a fair election and allow International and UN inspectors in then maybe we could allow them to rejoin the family of man.

    Occasionally we could deliver pamphlets from the air explaining to the Iranian people why the rest of the world is doing this.

  16. TooManyPuppies says:

    The Three Amigo’s should should STFU, that’s what. If they really are bothered by Iran, make a move to remove the sites and stop bitching like a bunch of little school girls.

    Either accept Iran’s nuke program, or remove it. Bitchy letters and speeches with empty threats do nothing. Period.

  17. Skippy says:

    #23, maybe if you didn’t put up so many incredibly long and boring posts, people would actually take you seriously. Ahmadinejad doesn’t have any real power in Iran, he’s mostly a figurehead, and he’s becoming increasingly irrelevant.

  18. chris says:

    I think some action, military or otherwise, is coming to stave off a massive drop in the price of oil.

    Russia is in because sending Caspian oil/NG through Iran would seriously weaken Russian strategic influence on Europe.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Unlike Skippy, I found post #23 very interesting. First time I heard about the green light. Ahmadinejad must be dipping into Afghanistan’s poppy fields again.


    Israel will go to war with Iran. It has no choice. China will not cooperate with sanctions, and Russia only half-assed.

    So Iran may be hurt, but not so much so to abandon it’s nuclear programs.

    Ergo, war with Israel. Closing the straits. Oil at $300/barrel. Gas prices better than $10/gallon.


  20. Buzz says:

    Oh, those Jads!

  21. fpp2002 says:

    Alfred1, when you’re not rambling incoherently, you post ultra long articles that sound like the rambling of a neocon. Oh wait, that article is from the neocons. At World News Daily. And it’s almost 4 years old! Bwahahahah! Real relevant.

  22. MikeN says:

    Isn’t Iran already subject to sanctions?
    Do we really want to believe anonymous dissidents who say Iran has nuclear weapons?

  23. Normally Liberal says:

    The Iranian situation is larger than just a rogue nation threatening to make a nuclear bomb. The USA made a terrible mistake back in the mid 70’s when the Iranians took Americans hostage and Jimmy Carter humiliated the US in the eyes of the world by allowing the situation to go on for the last third of his presidency. Reagan solved the immediate problem by trading arms for the hostages. All of this led to the rest of the world looking at the USA as a nation that could be pushed around. What Carter should have done was to strike Iran militarily and overthrow the religious nuts running the country. Had he done this I seriously doubt if Islamic extremism would have become as widespread as it has today.

    Obama should find an excuse out of some Iranian provocation and hit Iran hard as possible, preferrably by air so as to minimize American losses. This would serve several purposes. First we would eliminate the problem of Iran and a potential bomb. Second – we would finally pay the Iranians back for taking our hostages. Third we would put Islamic extremists on notice that they better not mess with us any more. Fourth, proving that Obama is a strong leader should garner Obama quite a bit of right wing and middle of the road support that he could use at home to get things like health care, which really should have never been a partisan issue, done.

    Oil prices would go up in the short term but would come back down quickly – just like they did with Iraq.

    John McCain was joking but he was right. What we need to do is – Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

  24. Awake says:

    We can barely keep Iraq under control, Afghanistan with what is basically a bunch of rebels with machine guns and hand made bombs is falling apart, North Korea and Pakistan already have nukes… and we are supposed to somehow do something about it? We are supposed to take on a real military power like Iran when we can barely handle a bunch of rock throwing tribesmen?

    The MAD doctrine kept the USA secure for 50 years… maybe it is needed in the Middle East… including the clear threat that if any of their nukes are ever used against the USA or any other country, we will use the YAD doctrine (your assured destruction) where their country will be utterly wiped of the face of the earth where even historians won’t be able to find it.

  25. jccalhoun says:

    I don’t think it much matters. The only thing nukes do is scare people. I’m sure Iran has more than enough conventional explosives to destroy Israel many times over. North Korea definitely does. Nukes are just a symbol that gets people scared and gets the attention of the international community. An unstable country like Pakistan having nukes is a lot more disconcerting to me than Iran having them.

  26. Cursor_ says:

    #21 Dallas
    Christianity did not kill people.

    Let me make this very clear. HUMANS killed other HUMANS in greed and lust for power.

    THESE HUMANS disguised their very HUMAN desires with religion. Just like our current war mongers disguised it with DEMOCRACY and the Soviets did with IDEOLOGY.

    All wars are caused by avarice. Not politics, not religion, not voices in a head, not goodness nor evil. But by HUMAN avarice.

    Now as for the topic at hand.

    Let’s look at history, I know facts… not as fun as letting our emotions run wild.

    We made the first fission weapon.
    Then the USSR made one.
    Then UK, France and China made them.
    Then India and Pakistan.
    Now North Korea and Israel (But Israel doesn’t say it officially)

    Now at every instance that these nations got the bomb (outside of UK and France), the US made a big stink about it and ran around like scared kids screaming end of days.

    Now the ONLY nation to use one of these bad boys in anger was the US. No one else has yet.

    Now the USSR and China were filled with foaming at the mouth ideological ninnyhammers that want to be the top dog at ANY cost. But they seem to believe that mutual assured destruction is much more important than their spreading the ideological madness around.

    The US is also well known for being paranoid screwed up xenophobes, but still have not used one of these things again.

    The Pakistanis now have a large Taliban presence and sympathetic voter base towards the Taliban and HATE the Indians about as much as Iran hates Israel.

    BUT no side has hurled a nuke at each other.

    Now that is 60+ years of history. And countries that fear and detest each other, yet NO BOOM BOOMS.

    Why should we, as rational people with the knowledge of mutual assured destruction, believe the Iranians somehow fear total destruction any less than any of the other foaming at the mouth loonies that HAVE nukes?

    Look if we had NOT overthrew the Iranian’s republic to install a dictator like Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, we would not have the issue at all.

    The chickens came to roost. Big a big man and deal with it. They get nukes, big deal. They also get Mutual Assured Destruction.

    Fission is here and it is not going away. DEAL WITH IT.


  27. qb says:

    #23 Alfred1

    Seriously guy, maybe quote a couple of lines and just post a link to the article – it’s moronic to paste in the entire fucking article. One, it’s really bad etiquette. Two, you copy and pasted a copyright notice – that should be a hint. Three, even though no one is going to actually sue this site it really violates the spirit of fair use.

    Those underliney thingys are called hyperlinks and most people here use a (gasp) browser. Take a lesson from Skippy (#17), he’s a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is at.

  28. right says:

    The Iranian people are cool, been there twice. It’s that stupid religious leadership that is bogging the country down.

    BTW Alfred, I thought I’d re-post an earlier comment as you didn’t reply:

    ““Palin, as an outside,……. , will win by a landslide…”

    Want to make a big bet on that Alphie? I’d bet you $25,000 she will not win anything.
    2012 slogan –

    Failin’ Palin’s Trailin’. Oops, now she’s Bailin’.

    Her deep and thoughtful understanding of Supreme Court rulings will do her well though. And all the magazines she reads and stuff.”

  29. qb says:

    #37 Better

  30. qb says:

    #41 Be as personally verbose as you want, it’s part of who you are and this blog. In fact, I kind of consider you the Rosie O’Donnell or Keith Olbermann of dvorak dot org. 😉


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