With the revelation at the G20 summit about the processing site, what do you think we should do about it?

The US, Britain and France united in condemnation of Iran on Friday after Tehran’s admission that it has been constructing a secret uranium enrichment facility that Washington fears could help produce a nuclear bomb.

As the world’s major powers prepare to meet Iran next week for critical talks on its nuclear programme, US President Barack Obama disclosed the existence of the plant, 160km south of Tehran.

On Saturday, Iranian media reported that the Revolutionary Guards will stage missile defence exercises starting on Sunday. The war games announcement is expected to futher heighten the nuclear dispute.

Iran has been enriching uranium at the plant in Natanz under inspection but it had never before admitted the existence of the second site to the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.

What Should We Do About Iran’s Nuke Program?

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  1. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    re #81–of course Iraq = Iran.

    Nice pics here:


    “the facility has a primary and several auxiliary entrances, ventilation shafts, a surface-to-air missile site….”

  2. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    #82–MP==”Nice colonial view of Arab societies you’ve got there Bobbo…who are you to say how other societies arrange themselves?” /// Gee, Mike I just wake up each morning and accept the world they way it is. YOU are the one saying a National State in existence for 60 years shouldn’t be there. Isn’t your complaint aimed at yourself?

    Besides, a large part of why Israel (sic) got formed was because the arabs in that area fought on the side of Germany during WW2. Looks like the Palestinians have a good losing streak going for them. Why do you care?

  3. MikeN says:

    >Tell them to stop and if they don’t bomb the sh*t out of their military nuclear facilities

    What military nuclear facilities? Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and as such is entitled to nuclear power plants, subject to IAEA inspection. Iran is asserting her rights to nuclear power, and is protecting her facilities to prevent the type of attack that took out Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1982.

  4. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    Awwgh Micky==you were going so well there for 2-3 posts. I even complimented you over on Roman Polanski. What part of “Military Nuclear” sites do you not understand? M – I – L – I – T – A – R – Y!!!”

    I accept the missle battery could be for defense but the site itself is for enrichment to make nuclear bombs==ie, a military site.

    Seems pretty straight forward to me. Micky==do you think the world would be a better place with Iran producing 2-3 Nukes per year?

  5. Mike Peterson says:

    Why do you care?

    Because, Bobbo, we’ve been defending them and making ourselves the justified target of the hatred of the Arab Muslims for decades. Our foreign policy has consistently had us opposed to the majority of other countries in the world and on the side of a state that has repeatedly disregarded UN resolutions. Israel has dragged us down and it’s time they faced the music on their own.

    —Gee, Mike I just wake up each morning and accept the world they way it is. YOU are the one saying a National State in existence for 60 years shouldn’t be there. Isn’t your complaint aimed at yourself?—-

    Sorry Bobbo, you’re not making sense. YOU said that the way they arrange their societies around religion is “offbase”…doesn’t sound so accepting.

    I said we should mind our own business and stop taking sides. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be there, but I AM saying we should not be defending them. What their neighbors want to do is between them and the neighbors. If they’d been good neighbors, they’d have nothing to worry about. But it shouldn’t be our fight.

    I don’t want me or my kids killed because we took sides in a fight that does not concern us..

  6. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    #86–MP==actually, I agree with most of what you have posted. Maybe not some of the underlying support/ideas you use, like who really cares about UN resolutions, but in the main==yes, I agree.

    History is hard to second guess. Would the USA be better off, in what ways, had we not supported the founding and growth of Israel? What would a more united Middle East mean to the West given our oil dependence? Would we then be oil dependent if the Middle East were so united?

    Yes, hard to say how the USA would be better off.

    Everyone is for doing what is in the USA’s best interests. No one can figure out what that is though.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Is the Mid East oil really worth the trillions of dollars America has sunk into is through various wars, bribes and puppet governments? Had that money been invested in alternative energy and technology, there’s a good chance you’d only need half the oil you import now.

    Of course big oil, the arms industry and all the scumbag war profiteers would never let that happen. Foreign policy is driven by these arseholes. Everyone’s in it for themselves. Nothing is done in the ‘USA’s best interests’. Its to make the rich richer. No other reason. Just like the rich selling America’s soul to the Chinese bit by bit. It all about the money.


  8. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    Well Hugh–I agree with everything you post==I just can’t figure out what it has to do with this thread.

    Care to connect the dots, or was this your kneejerk random rant for today/this week/how long?

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    #90 Bobbo

    The relationship of my rant to this thread is rather tenuous I guess. I just don’t get America’s obsession with Iran. The US has been fucking with them since WW2 and it could be said that US involvement in Iranian affairs was the catalyst for their Islamic revolution. Enough already.

    Attacking Iran and destroying their nuclear plants will stabilise the region? It will only fuel further nationalism and push the Iranian people, who are gradually becoming more bold and secular, back into the hands of the religious nutters.

    Iran is entitled to nuclear power and is only protecting its interests. Even if they get the bomb, they have nothing to gain by using it.

  10. bobbo, hard to deal with reality says:

    #92–Hugh==closer than oil, given the time frames, are involvement with, in, and over Iran, Iraq, and Israel were all about the cold war against the Ruskies. Easy to forget I see.

    Also easy to cast a Blind Eye over how crazy the Ayatolha’s are? I can’t see ANY rationale person not concluding it would be very dangerous for Iran to be making 2-3 Nukes per year. All they need to deliver any said Nuke against Israel, or Iraq, or anywhere else, is a pickup truck and a volunteer. Same opinion regarding Korea and Pakistan. The clock just keeps ticking.

    Look at our own home grown: Alfie. Just waiting for the Rupture.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Let Israel handle it. We can back them up by keeping the UN off their backs.

  12. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, I don’t accept that Iran is making nuclear bombs. Has the IAEA found them in violation? I see that they have purchased some centrifuges from Pakistan, developed some of their own, and tested some short range missiles. Has the IAEA found any of Iran’s nuclear materials to have been diverted for other purposes? Do we have any reason to think Iran has co-opted the IAEA’s processes?
    The stories from Iranian dissident groups about her nuclear weapons programs look similar to the stories from Iraqi dissidents groups that Bill Gertz reported a decade ago.

  13. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    #96–Mike==where do you draw the line with religious nutbags who have stated their intention to “wipe” Israel from the map? No one says they are building bombs “right now.” Right now, they are only building things not relevant to the production of electricity, and that are ONLY relevant to the building of nukes. Iran is CLEARLY building the parts necessary to build a bomb.

    I don’t trust Iran to act rationally, why do you?

  14. MikeN says:

    No, I don’t trust Iran to act ‘rationally.’ Reagan said ‘trust bit verify’. There is an inspection regime in place, and if that regime is operating properly, then why assume that Iran will have nuclear weapons?

    What is Iran building that is not relevant to the building of nukes? The newly declared facility is allegedly a 3000 centrifuge facility similar to the currently operating one with 8000 centrifuges, and according to Iran, not operational for another 18 months.

    It looks to me like Iran is waiting to be bombed before building any nuclear weapons, just like Saddam tried to do.

  15. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    Mike==if you don’t trust Iran to be rational, then whats the issue?

    You lost me at: “What is Iran building that is not relevant to the building of nukes?” The only sense I can make of that was just answered in my prior two posts.

    The IAEA cannot inspect facilities that Iran is keeping a secret which is forbidden by treaties they signed and affirm each year. Are you so naive as to think this announced secret facility is the only secret facility they have? Do you???????

    Iran is not rational. Bomb the shit out of them before black market dirty nukes flood the market.

  16. MikeN says:

    >Mike==if you don’t trust Iran to be rational, then whats the issue?

    I’m more scared that Iran is rational. From their perspective, and many other countries, having a nuke is protection against invasion.
    So yes, they have the incentive to acquire nuclear weapons. That does not mean she will acquire them.

    Under the NPT agreements, Iran is only obligated to reveal a facility 6 months before it is operational. Here they are revealing it 18 months beforehand, presumably because they found out others knew about it.
    I don’t know what other secret facilities Iran has. We were told of many secret facilities that Iraq was operating too. It is not easy to build nuclear weapons. The centrifuges to produce even small amounts of uranium are expensive, and should be detectible. Iran is not a natural source of uranium, and as such would have to purchase uranium from another country, which itself is a signatory of the NPT. These purchases would be reviewed, and all uranium must be accounted for by the IAEA.

    The NPT is binding on all signatories, not just Iran. Under the NPT, Iran is allowed to have peaceful nuclear power. Wy do you wish to violate the NPT and deny Iran a nuclear power plant?

    As for a black market dirty nuke, if it is dirty then it will kill the guy who buys it, not the people he is targeting.

  17. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    100–Mickey==you are wrong about NPT notifications “as they apply to Iran.”


    You likewise misapply what everyone knows a dirty bomb to be.

    Check back in when you feel like making sense.

  18. ECA says:

    I just figure that with ALL the other countries ALLOT closer then the USA, even closer then Europe, Even closer then JAPAN..
    That SOMEONE ELSE will gather up the military and KILL them all off..
    ANd if a loose Nuke should wonder over and kill off BOTH SIDES…no one will notice..

    I think we have a better chance of inserting a NUKE into THEIR country, then THEY have into OURS..

  19. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, the link you cite repeats what I’ve said. The only contention is that they claim Iran cannot unilaterally withdraw from a treaty. However, countries can withdraw from treaties whenever they want, and North Korea withdrew from the NPT as well. The only issue which is not in the article is whether Iran had already withdrawn before this declaration, or are doing so now.

    So tell me what is a dirty bomb, and can you give me some real examples?

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    #93 Pedro

    Yes they are, much like the US did over Iraq.

  21. Hugh Ripper says:

    #105 Pedro


    Of course he lies, he’s a politician.


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