Able to clear eight foot of air on his stick, Fred Grzybowski also holds the world record for the number of consecutive back-flips, which stands at nine.
“I am so keen to push the pogo stick out there as a recognised extreme activity,” said Mr Grzybowski, 20, from Los Angeles.
“The technology behind the sticks has improved dramatically in the past decade, so now we are able to make those heights and jumps.”
If it’s played by fit girls in hot-pants, I’m sure the Olympic committee will approve.
obviously he is qualified to be a Czar in the obama administration. maybe the physical fitness Czar?
does he also have the world record for number of severe-groin-injuries ?
Some people need lives. The idea of extreme (fill in the blank) is idiotic.
Get a real job.
fuck you you dick your just jealous because some people are awesome enough to to badass thing out of the office
Dunno why some many people want the olympics to have everything under the sun. How about horseshoes?? (BTW, do they still have ‘rythmic gymnastics’ in the summer games?)
ohh…and good for him. 🙂
Years ago there was a company that made a gasoline powered pogo stick. The compression stroke was the stick going down and the power stroke made it go up. (2 stroke of course).
The Yamaha motorcycle dealer in my home town had one for years and never sold it.
This would have advanced Darwin Awards by years.
He moved to CA for career opportunities in pogo sticking? I would ask why, but I don’t feel like showing my ignorance today. Maybe again tomorrow.
The 10 to 20 somethings I know already seem to have more than enough ways to kill themselves.
I personally know a family that likes to throw flaming cotton balls soaked in kerosene at each other on holidays, after dark of course. No _they_ don’t get burned because they seem to know what they are doing but don’t try this stuff at home!
Where do people come up with this crap?
It all boils down to whether there’s a big enough sports industry behind it. Or if enough rich people enjoy doing it. Thus the whole stupid equestrian sports thing. The horse is doing all the work! A sport that sells a lot of gear, is likely to become an Olympic event. If it’s not already. And not before. I can’t see Pogo sticks competing with other gymnastics, to the point of crowding them out. You can keep adding more events, without eliminating ones, nobody cares about anymore. And I don’t see that happening real soon.
Physically more challenging than baseball and a lot more fun to watch. Make it an Olympic Sport.