This is what everything boils down to online. This was a video I made in 2006 of the animatronic Barney developed by Microsoft. This is, by far, the most popular video I have ever done. Pathetic, no?

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    I would love to be able to reprogram it. Oh the evil possibilities!!

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    When the batteries in those fargin things get low, they start singing at random times. I recall emptying a big toybox in the middle of the night to get at that damn thing and kill it.

    Happy day when that little bastard went in the trash.

  3. chuck says:

    Didn’t President Obama make the exact same speech to the UN yesterday?

    (Zing!!! Waaaaaaaay off topic!)

  4. shawnx86 says:

    Thanks for putting that stupid song in my head.

  5. Thinker says:

    #4 thank you folks! Be here all week!

  6. Tim says:

    The very useless “cork in the bottle” video is more interesting than that. It just shows you that there are a lot of children watching YouTube.

  7. Flusher says:

    It looks like it was taken in a bathroom. I watched it in the hope you’d flush it down the loo. John, I’m disappointed!!

  8. dawn says:

    yeah, I was waiting (praying for) a sledge hammer to come crashing down on the thing in the last 2 seconds. The Tickle Me Emo video is considerably more satisfying. (sorry, John.)

  9. Cursor_ says:

    Pathetic? No way!

    For the level of intellect in humans over the past 30 years, it is a gold standard.

    Mike Judge had it right on the money with Idiocracy.
    In his film the number one film was just a butt on the screen for two hours.

    Yours may be too highbrow now.


  10. LDA says:


  11. Uncle Don says:

    Isn’t that sweet?

  12. Joe says:

    Definitely says something. It says that we’ve raised a generation of dimwits. Just read the comments from just about any Youtube video.

  13. Mark T. says:

    John, I am not sure which is more irritating. The fact that it is popular or the fact that you felt like that needed to be posted on YouTube in the first place.

  14. noname says:


    If it’s clicks you are looking for; do a Monty Python theme update, Substitute your knobby foot here.

    Fill Barney up with ketchup and kablam. After the kids get over the initial trauma, they will learn to love it.

    You will engender a youth following that will carry you into retirement.

    You got to go with what works.

  15. qb says:

    This is coming from a man who is addicted to sound effects?

  16. Nadrew says:

    Just curious. Did you get anything from the Youtube Partner Program?

  17. lion-o says:

    that is by far the best video you have ever posted dvorak! what the hell happened!?!

  18. lion-o says:

    that is by far the best video you have ever posted dojorak! what the hell happened!?!

  19. deowll says:

    Just be happy it wasn’t a doll of the President. Any President! You would have gotten a lot more hits though!

    That reminds me? Where is the singing Barack Obama doll?

    Found it!

  20. 888 says:

    Pathetic? Yes.
    But it only shows what most people like to watch online, nothing more or less. Don’t draw any deeper conclusions from that, Dvorak.

    My most popular youtube clip passed 2 mil. mark some time ago, and it is the “dumbest” video of all my youtube videos too. WHat does it mean? Nothing. People like silly stuff.

    What is most surprising is the fact that Dvorak have a singing Barney doll in the bathroom!

  21. 888 says:

    I wonder what he says when u kick him in the groin… “Change!” ?

  22. mr. show says:


    The next video should be of you holding and hugging Barney while you sing his song with him. That would be precious! 🙂

  23. waltersobchack says:

    Hey it beats listening to Adam Curry on No Agenda!

    Ba-zing! *rimshot*


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