• Google mail goes down once more. The company also shows its new markup idea. They say people cannot anonymously comment. Bull.
  • Meteorites show that Mars has tons of ice.
  • Sony PS3 sales jump on price cut.
  • Honda dorkmobile released.
  • Microsoft/EA rumors abound.
  • Twitter gets $100 million.
  • Gartner says PC sales at rock bottom.
  • Google says Pittsburgh is ideal for start ups.
  • Voodoo brand up for grabs?
  • Intel predicts SSD mass adoption.
  • Perot insider did a dirty deal.
  • MSFT secret phone revealed.

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  1. ECA says:

    buy ea??
    They have more protections then MS does..

  2. qb says:

    I know I’m reposting, but this is just cracking me up.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    I think they’ll buy Palm for a pittance, just for the new OS, and ditch Windows Mobile.

  4. oora says:

    Not everything(every company) in this world can be buy especially by Microsoft. I hope still see label EA than MS in the future.

  5. ECA says:

    EA, Atari and MANY of the older companies are only distributors, they create Very little software. They pay others to make it or just BUY it out from the makers…and resell it.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    #7 Pedro,

    But consider this. Nintendo has always sold its consoles at a profit whereas Sony and M$ have sold theirs at a loss.

  7. deowll says:

    Since you can see the icecaps with a small telescope from earth water is not news unless they mean it’s more or less everywhere a few feet down?

    John if you are willing to set up a dummy account you can use any name you want other than anonymous because that one is sure to be blocked. ?8^)

    The dork mobile might make a good robot base for indoor use.

    Gatner is a profit? Is he going to work for the star?

  8. deowll says:

    Okay I misspelled prophet or maybe not? The modern ones are mostly in it for the money anyway.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Microsoft needs to keep buying up other companies, because it’s out of ideas. So much easier to buy the rights to others’. Flight Simulator was an early one. I have an earlier version of it, before it became a M$ product. Long before terrorists ab-used it for training. I flew between the TWA towers many a time. But never into them.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    The computing cloud is a load of crap. If you think ISP are capping, restricting bandwidth, and blocking or slowing down P2P, now. Just wait until everyone wants to operate their system in the “cloud”. It’ll be like turning a 2.6Ghz PC, back into a 800Mhz PC, with all the packet corrupting and server bottle-necking.

    The whole “cloud” idea might be practical for networks like in colleges and big businesses. I’m sure they already do something like that, to some extent. But for millions of users, to do anything useful in the cloud, via the Internet. Dream on.

  11. ECA says:

    only in the eyes of the creator..
    Just because you put hardware together worth $200, Sell it for $300, and the MSRP was SUPPOSED to be $500..does not mean its a loss.
    EVEN if its ACTUAL COST, and you loose no money.. companies think of it AS LOSS.


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