Millions of women drink alcohol before having sex because they lack confidence in their bodies, a study suggests.

Almost half of those questioned said they preferred sex while under the influence of alcohol because it helped them lose their inhibitions and be more adventurous.

Researchers, who surveyed 3000 women aged 18-50, found on average they slept with eight men, but were drunk with at least five, and on two occasions couldn’t remember the man’s name the next day, the Herald Sun reports.

Four out of 10 had been tipsy when sleeping with a partner for the first time.

  1. jobs says:

    Hmmm… you get a women drunk and then sleep with her. Who would have guessed that. Good think some did a study.

  2. bobbo, are we of science or merely marketing targets says:

    I gotta admit being drunk makes it more fun, but going to work that way is more fun too. About the only thing that isn’t better with booze is playing sports.

  3. chris says:

    Seinfeld was onto this years ago.

    So only 10% of people are worth having sex with?

    That’s silly, how do you explain the rest of the population then?



  4. Personality says:

    Easy peasy.

  5. Henny Penny says:

    Booze and sex. Well I guess Tea Baggers had to get laid somehow.

  6. GigG says:

    Not a Golfer are you Bobbo?

    If this study cost more than a six pack of wine coolers they were just waisting money.

  7. Improbus says:

    So, what exactly is the “stunning” part of the report? This is like saying, “New Stunning Report Finds Water Is Wet”.

  8. Faxon says:

    In another report, researchers found that the main compound in rain is water.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    Apply alcohol and rub vigorously.

    Works every time.

  10. Ron Larson says:

    There is a reason why booze is called “Liquid Courage”.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #8: The word of the day (and a word I live by) is sarcasm. I hate it when I have to explain obvious things.

  12. Pedro's Dad says:

    What about in the morning you wake up and wonder

    1) who the hell is she

    2) how did she get there

    3) did anyone see her leave with me

    4) did I give her my phone number

    5) did she give me her phone number

    6) I wonder if she’ll mind if I have another go

  13. AC_in_Mich says:

    Thanks, Alfie!

    Best laugh I’ve had in weeks

  14. JoaoPT says:

    I’ll conduct the next case study based on this survey…But someone has to provide the booze…

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Whereas, 100% of the men surveyed were under the influence while having sex.

    Give a monkey a brain.


  16. Pedro's Dad says:

    #14, Alfred,

    Conservative Christian women, are a refreshing contrast…look at Gov. Palin, our next President as an example…

    Please, I’m trying to eat.

    Loving live, her family, country and God…obviously makes sober sex a pleasure…her children are evidence of that…

    Yup. Two bastard grandchildren. Shit, she’s a toofer. I’d need a whole 24 beers to do it with her. Maybe a second toofer to not remember.

    I wonder when was the last time Todd got his weenie wet while sober. Was it even with Sarah? Maybe it was during the Great Blizzard of ’96 right after he got out of rehab.

    Ahh, maybe if I threw a flag over her face I could screw her for my country. Talk about being patriotic! “Here’s one for you Uncle Sam, but you need your own flag, this one is a little crusty”.

    Throw an Arctic Cat flag over her. Then she would be just like an Arctic Cat snowmobile, all effed up from the git go.

  17. bobbo, we all have issues says:

    Golf???? OMG–you guys are soooo right. I have been golfing twice. Second time, drunk off my butt, we raced golf carts and mine flipped over.

    It was a charity event for work too. I didn’t get fired which I would have richly deserved, so years later when I did unjustly get fired, I figured the Karma Wheel had made one revolution.

  18. Rick Cain says:

    Women need to realize that if a guy is being nice to them, there’s gonna be some sex, regardless of whether she drinks or not.

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    That girl in the picture is sitting on the altar of my youth. Reminds me of the days when I would even have done Alfie. (Not!) There ain’t enough Seagrams in Canada for that.

  20. rick says:

    should have been posted under “no shit sherlock”

  21. deowll says:

    Reminds me of my college friends that drank.

    They’d ask, “Did I have a good time last night?”
    or say “It must have been a great party, I don’t remember a thing.”

    If you don’t remember what’s the point?


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