Expect this to show up on Beck, O’Reilly and the other right-wingers. Hmm… could this have been staged by them?

  1. Rick says:

    Set to the Battle Hymn of the Republic? Including the middle name? Come on…

    If there comes to be proof that someone MADE this for politcal purposes every one of the people who set this up should be fired at teh very least.

  2. MikeN says:

    This was done in February as part of Black History Month. The school principal says the recording was not authorized.

  3. aRtFrEeK101 says:

    This kind of ‘play’ is done for every president (regardless of who it is) during President’s Weekend (February) in the U.S. It is done to teach respect (in the classroom) before the children grow up and are poisoned by Fox News.

  4. artfreek101 says:

    PS…Forgot to add:
    I can’t wait to see how this is spun on TV.

    (Disclaimer: I know a lot of teachers.)

  5. LDA says:


  6. ECA says:

    I would sue the ADULT that came up with this idea..

  7. ECA says:

    Brain washing Kids SHOULD be against the law.
    teaching them politics, BEFORE they can even THINK for themselves, should be against the law.

  8. atlassheepdog says:

    “Staged by them?” Dvorack always throws in some snide remark about the right with no foundation to it. I think he just knee jerks as a reaction to legitimate concerns that cannot be explained away by his statist collective mentality. ie…they must be wrong and evil they don’t agree with me…

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Seems very weird to me.

    But this, this is a great kid delivering a great speech:

    And his dad is a sick man.

  10. artfreek101 says:

    Teaching kids to respect the president (or respect in general) BEFORE they can THINK for themselves is not brainwashing.

    What kind of play-bashing rebel were you in kindergarten?

  11. Brian says:

    no it isn’t. I’ve never heard of anyone doing this for any other american president. ever. in my whole k12 education, we never had anything remotely resembling a tribute to Ford or Carter or Reagan, and my little brother was never subjected to GH Bush or (gag) Clinton tributes. Either this is something the idiot teacher came up with (and filmed – HELLO! Grounds for dismissal!)

    the video is illegal unless all of the parents with kids in the field of view signed releases of some sort. without that, the kids faces must either be black-barred or blurred.

  12. cornholer says:

    Id like to her their version of Obama the magic negro that Limbaugh was playing

  13. using his middle name is a bit suspicious.

  14. Traaxx says:

    No the Repulicrats are not capable of pulling off any kind of frame job. Only the Demoncrats seem to have that kind of party solidarity and absolute lack of morals. No I don’t mean the morals that say whatever is good for the collective will as expressed by Presidend Hussein is good. I mean the type of morals where God is involved.

    There I’ve said the three letter word that should drive the commies crazy, the little cowards.



  15. McNally says:


    You can’t make brainwashing children against the law because you would have to fine/arrest every parent. I brainwash my 5, 4, and 2 year old every day to behave according to my values. They don’t have their own thoughts and values. It is my job as a parent to instill those in them. And, it is technically brainwashing.

    If you send your kid to a Catholic School, they are going to be taught that catholicism is the best. If you send them to a Jewish School, they are going to be taught that Judaism is the best thing in the world. It should be no surprise to an any parent who sends their child to a government school that the government is going to teach the child that the government is the best thing in the world. It is all brainwashing.

    Now, I would love a law that protects parent’s rights to “brainwash” their children…but that’s not going to happen.

  16. Troublemaker says:


  17. Me-Mongo says:

    Brainwashing their children. . .have you seen “Jesus Camp”? Oh, sorry, that’s not brainwashing, it’s “teaching Christian values” like intolerance, prejudice, and 2,000 to 3,000 year old dogma.

  18. GigG says:

    That’s not respect, that is worship.

  19. Angus says:

    We’re all see the rationale for separation of Church and State in this country, but it’s becoming more and more obvious that we also need separation of Politics and State.

  20. chuck says:

    We shouldn’t brain-wash our children? Why else do we send them to school? I thought the whole point of school (besides the fact that the prisons are full and day-care is too expensive) is so they are taught the same values that we want them to believe. If you don’t like what they get taught, send them to a different school.

    Or, (here’s the crack-pot idea) try talking to them at home.

  21. artfreek101 says:

    Sure it’s done. Maybe not by every school in every neighborhood, but it is not uncommon in the northeast. Whether it is a play for the current president or a past one (I’ve seen Lincoln and Washington plays/songs), it doesn’t automatically show brainwashing or have a political agenda.
    This is a song made up during black history month, celebrating the country’s first black president.
    If anything, there’s too much over emphasis on it.

    Using his last name seems a matter of cadence more than anything else.

    As for Jesus Camp… Come on. How/why would you even compare the two? That is ridiculous. This is a school play for kindergardeners. Not a Black panther meeting.

  22. Troublemaker says:

    Did Obama force them to do this to the kids?

    I think not. Why blame him for it?

    The system tried brainwashing me daily with it’s absurd “Pledge of Allegiance”.

    I still despise this degenerate country despite all their daily attempts at brainwashing me.

    So much for their indoctrination techniques. Perhaps it works better on the weak minded.

  23. Rick says:

    I’m not conservative but this doesn’t seem like a good use of school time. I think kids should learn about our president but these songs of praise are distasteful.

    No wonder the US lags so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to academics.

  24. derspankster says:

    (double) yawn.

  25. Dick Dawkins says:

    Don’t harshly judge this, good citizen. They sing for our Glorious Leader…the revered Chairman O…oops, I mean President Obama.

    Now where did I put my Red Book?

  26. rectagon says:

    Welcome to North Korea.

  27. jccalhoun says:

    no context means no conclusion. why were they doing this? was it part of a program honoring every president? Was it at a private school? Without details on why they were doing it there’s not enough information for me to have an opinion.

  28. maryland157 says:

    #2It wasn’t done for Black History Month which is in February, the video was filmed on June 19, 2009.

  29. smittybc says:

    You guys really should link to a story in order to at least give the “what” and “why”.

    The “what”
    Song 1:
    Mm, mmm, mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama

    He said that all must lend a hand
    To make this country strong again
    Mmm, mmm, mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama

    He said we must be fair today
    Equal work means equal pay
    Mmm, mmm, mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama

    He said that we must take a stand
    To make sure everyone gets a chance
    Mmm, mmm, mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama

    He said red, yellow, black or white
    All are equal in his sight
    Mmm, mmm, mm!
    Barack Hussein Obama

    Mmm, mmm, mm
    Barack Hussein Obama

    Song 2:
    Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
    For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say “hooray!”

    Hooray, Mr. President! You’re number one!
    The first black American to lead this great nation!

    Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
    To make this country’s economy number one again!

    Hooray Mr. President, we’re really proud of you!
    And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

    So continue —- Mr. President we know you’ll do the trick
    So here’s a hearty hip-hooray —-

    Hip, hip hooray!
    Hip, hip hooray!
    Hip, hip hooray!

    The “why”
    “Christopher M. Manno, the superintendent of Burlington Township School District, issued a statement to parents saying the students were singing the song “to honor the contributions of African Americans to our country” in conjunction with February’s Black History Month.”


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