Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fired a shot at the Federal Reserve in her coming-out speech in Hong Kong today, blaming the central bank for the current crisis and disagreeing with the idea that the Fed should have a greater role in preventing the next crisis. It was an echo of fellow Republican and Texas congressman Ron Paul, who has led the charge in Congress to perform an audit of the Federal Reserve with an eye to eventually eliminating it.
Sarah Palin addresses Asian investors.

“How can we discuss reform without addressing the government policies at the root of the problems? The root of the collapse? And how can we think that setting up the Fed as the monitor of systemic risk in the financial sector will result in meaningful reform?” she said. “The words ‘fox’ and ‘henhouse’ come to mind. The Fed’s decisions helped create the bubble. Look at the root cause of most asset bubbles, and you’ll see the Fed somewhere in the background.”

Maybe Palin isn’t a nutjob? Nah, never mind I said that.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    #31-bobbo-correct me if I am wrong but Acorn never stuffed a ballot box.

    You don’t know that, and with the new sheriff in town there is no telling what ACORN will be “allowed” to do especially with a presidential pardon in their back-pocket.

  2. Buzz says:

    Now let me get this straight: Bitch quits her job for the people of Alaska, then goes to Hong Kong (part of China I can see from the Santa Monica Pier) and slams the US Federal Reserve which has borrowed 2.6 jazillion clams from China in order to make them feel–what?–comfortable with their investment?

    What the f&%$#@°€k does she think she is doing? Precipitating the world wide global depression we deserved because of what the Republicans had dumped out a year ago?

    The “Fed” decisions leading up to what happened on the Republican watch were not from the identical decision system in place now. That was RepubliFed, not DemoFed.

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Palin is SO wrong.

    America’s problems don’t have to do with the Fed.

    The housing bubble DELAYED this recession/depression, not CAUSED it.

    The mortgage collapse removed the sandwich wrapper revealing a soggy and expired economy.

    We’ve had a dysfunctional economy for several years, the borrowing helped HIDE it but did not cause it.

    Our lack of domestic manufacturing and our lack of export is the cause; a cause that will not be resolved anytime soon due to NAFTA.


    #33–Dr Doodiepants==hah, hah. Completely ineffectual dodge. Caught with your doodiepants down and full of shit just making it up. Never gets tired for you does it.

    YOU made the claim. Back it up or STFU.

    Silly Repuglicans.


    #39–HMyers==well said. Way to keep the eye on the ball. Sadly, you are oh so correct. The housing bubble standing alone could be survived. The underlying lack of a manufacturing base not so easily corrected.

    Maybe we could start by the Repuglicans not lying about how could free markets are?

  6. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, what if Hillary runs in the primary again?


    Mike==a reasonable question? Tired? She’s an incumbent. Actually worse (more corrupted) than Obama. Obama will run unopposed in the primary most likely.

    What will be FUN to watch is the Repug primary candidates calculating how close they can get to their nutbag base without giving the election to Obama TWICE!!!!

    Hah, hah. If we have to be this f*cking retarded, at least we should recognized the greased pig events for what they are.

  8. Postman says:

    Teabaggers lost all credibility on their big goverent fears when they failed to show at all today at g20 protests.

    Really they exist to deny/justify their covert racism and that is it…

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    C,mon. Just remove the Fed and let the bankers and corporates run the economy. They will bring back all the jobs they shipped overseas. They will take a cut to their bottom line for the good of the country. Everything will be just fine. Sarah said so.


    #40–Postman==teabaggers had no credibility to begin with. Nothing lost. In fact, its just more evidence of how dismal they are. “G-20.” Think about that. Its got numbers and stuff in it. Too complicated.

    We need to be fair in politics after all, even if some will fault us for being “high minded.”

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    # 40 Postman

    They’re not all racist but I take your point. You cant use the word ‘nigger’ so they use Muslim. Pretty gutless stuff. I wish the political correctness police would just let racists speak their minds.

  12. Postman says:


    it was a chance at legitimatecy and they blew it. The only show if their slave owners tell them to.

    I mean really???? Not a single teabagger showed to g20… That is kinda sad.


    Alfie the Squirrel—“Palin’s experienced now” Why thats as valid as saying you have brains now.

    Where’s the Nuts???????

  14. Postman says:


    my grandfather was in the kkk. It was just a social group/club. He wasn’t a racist either.

    So I guess you could say… Just like the kkk, not every teabagger is a racist?


    “It was just a social group/club.” // Come again?

    “I subscribe to Playboy for the articles.”

    “Boxing is a technical sport.”

    “Politicians have the people’s business in mind.”

    I’ll stop at three, although to be fair, a number of Son’s of the South Battle Flag worshippers have negro’s in their membership==how about the KKK other than Clayton Bigsby?

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    #47 Postman

    Comparing the tea-baggers to the KKK is a bit rich. Flinging around accusations of racism willy-nilly doesn’t help your argument.

  17. Faxon says:

    My head hurts.

  18. Postman says:

    Have you seen the porn in playboy recently??? You get more explicit pics in cosmo now days… And playboy has more articles than pics…

  19. Postman says:


    ok… Why do teabaggers exist if not to show up at big government demos like g20 and protest??? It certainly appears that they only show when fox news tells them to…

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    #52 Postman

    Totally agree. The majority are Fox zombies foraging for brains. Doesn’t make em racist though.

  21. jbellies says:

    Saran Paulin. Brains and bodacious? Transparent and evangelizing? You decide.

  22. Howard Beale says:

    Alfie I have met Sarah Palin and spoken with her several times she was my Governor and Alaska is a small (population wise) State. Lucky me I’ve gotten to not vote for her twice. Yes you are right she is not a nutjob, but the media spin is only exaggerating her weaknesses not making them up. The national economy is not one of her strong points so its funny she chose that to come out on. I suppose if she can sound like she knows more than YOU, you could think her an expert.

    Since quitting the job she was elected to do and letting down all her supporters up here. She has sequestered herself away to work on a book with a coauthor and been studying up on all the issues that were over her head in the 08 election.

    “Palin’s experienced now…the ad hominem attacks on her and her family, the Establishment Media “gotcha” questions…are all old hat…”

    No they will work just as well as always the true believers will blow them off the hate Palin multitude will just see her new gaffs as more evidence of her incompetence and the late night comedians thankful for the gift will play them over and over again giving the fence sitters food for thought.

    “She will run over any Democrat, male or female, white or black…they in fact might have to fear appearing in public…because of what they have done to the economy…”

    oh sorry she would have a very tough time getting the GOP nomination after all Huckabee is Murdock’s darling and most of the people WHO voted for Obama still like him plus by then the economy will be on the up-swing.

    In case you missed it, I doubt you work so you might have, the economy was damaged almost beyond repair before the Donkeys got into power The Obama Administration decided to place there bets on America surviving instead of a total collapse. Ya it sucks that the rich who made such greedy choices get any help but there ya go to big to fail. Good thing for us that China thinks we are to big to let fail or we would realy be up S#it creek.

    Until you actually meet your hero Sarah and have an unscripted conversation with her don’t talk as if you know what kind of job the media is doing. YOU are only guessing.

  23. Howard Beale says:

    Obama has a whole 5 minutes, probably less, CEO experience…yet you continue to harp on Palin who served years in that capacity, with success.
    no she quit the governor job and left a mess up here and before that she ran up $20 Million In deficits for Wasilla fiscal conservative my ass, she saying what she thinks will sound good for her career today.

    I did not HARP just calling it as I see it. You are only parroting what you have been told to think. Have you met her?

    “McCain mishandled her…” if she were so good she would not need to be “handled”

    “Palin is not an attorney” right she is a failed Governor. “she was at all times, honest…” not so in her short national presents on she has scored 5-Half Trues, 3-Barely Trues, 4-Faleses and 3- count them Pants on Fires

    You pick your liars I’ll pick mine big difference I know mine will stretch the truth and I will call them on it. YOU just drink it in falsehoods and enjoy the intoxication. Like Santa Claus and God, Palin will let you down. Remember how much you likes Bush in 2000?

  24. Awake says:

    Sarah Palin can now claim “extensive international policy experience” because she traveled to almost-China to give a paid talk defending less regulation of the financial wizards that ruined the economy. Before this she tried to make the claim pf international expertise, but going to get drunk on Margaritas on a beach resort in Mexico didn’t quite cut it.

    Watch out Democrats and Republicans… Sarah Palin is on a roll!

  25. Bob3000 says:

    I want to know the important stuff – like when will Palin do a nude spread in Penthouse?

  26. badtimes says:

    Palin in ’12?
    Didn’t she quit her last elected position midway thru her term?
    I can’t believe any party would want her for a candidate for that reason alone.
    “What’s the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom? Pit bulls don’t quit.” etc etc.
    The ads write themselves.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Palin doesn’t stand a chance in a Republican primary race…especially the debates. The real politicians will chew her up and spit her out.

    Alfred, go back and watch a couple of those debates from 2008…she’ll end up as befuddled as Fred Thompson. Face it, she can read a well-written speech, but she can’t write one and she can’t speak coherently without a script. The web is full of examples since the election.

    Her presidential campaign slogan: Palin, Two years before I get bored.

  28. Judge AM says:

    While everyone is caught up in such important discussions as to what Palin can and can’t see from her window, and others are expressing their abandonment issues, all of these intelligent and observant folk continue to ignore the effects of the the strongest group of people currently in power. Some people blame the democrats and others blame the republicans. Many examples to bolster their case against each group or individual are provided, but it’s the lawyers that control every branch of government.

    There are so many issues that no matter what the President or Congress or whomever presents to the public, what matters is what the lawyers argue in closed sessions and in courts, and what legal precedents are set that determine everything.


  29. cheapdaddy says:

    I’ve taken part in TEA (taxed enough already) rallies. The main point is expressing disgust at a political system where unelected folks have more influence and control than the ones we elect to represent us. I’m upset with the progressives hijacking the process. Too many advis-czars, union leaders and lobbyists spoil the broth. Bad enough the judicial system got into overturning voted laws and amendments, or worse creating laws by fiat.
    The reason TEA folks are not protesting the G20 is because that has little to do with explicit US policy, same as the UN. It’s the gradual erosion and sidestepping of constitutional authority that sets our kettles a-boiling.

  30. Benjamin says:

    #64 cheapdaddy, you put the conservative movement into a precise definition. If Bush failed at everything else, his Presidency can be considered a success for two reasons: Alito and Roberts. The Know-Your-Czars thing drives me crazy. If Obama is surrounding himself with loonies like Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, and the safe schools czar; what does that say about Obama?


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