Bill Sparkman at work as a teacher

When Bill Sparkman told retired trooper Gilbert Acciardo that he was going door-to-door collecting census data in rural Kentucky, the former cop drew on years of experience for a warning: “Be careful.”

The 51-year-old Sparkman was found this month hanged from a tree near a Kentucky cemetery with the word “fed” scrawled on his chest…and the FBI is investigating whether he was a victim of anti-government sentiment.

“Even though he was with the Census Bureau, sometimes people can view someone with any government agency as ‘the government.’ I just was afraid that he might meet the wrong character along the way up there,” said Acciardo, who directs an after-school program at an elementary school where Sparkman was a frequent substitute teacher.

The Census Bureau has suspended door-to-door interviews in rural Clay County, where the body was found, until the investigation is complete, an official said…

The Census Bureau has yet to begin door-to-door canvassing for the 2010 head count, but thousands of field workers are doing smaller surveys on various demographic topics on behalf of federal agencies. Next year, the Census Bureau will dispatch up to 1.2 million temporary employees…

Census work wasn’t Sparkman’s full-time job. He also was a substitute teacher and an Eagle Scout who volunteered for the Boy Scouts.

Obviously part of the Socialist Conspiracy.

  1. dmstrat says:

    “Even though he was with the Census Bureau, sometimes people can view someone with any government agency as ‘the government.’ ” said Acciardo.

    Really Acciardo? Why wouldn’t someone think that a government employee was ‘the government’?

    What was done was certainly wrong and I hope they capture and punish the offenders appropriately. But to make that statement was simply asinine.

  2. Dallas says:

    Where is Bobby Kennedy to send in Federal troops to uphold laws. It worked in Mississippi and now we need help in Kentucky.

    It seems the conservative right wingers are getting out of hand again. We need to snip this in the bud right there in their home base.

  3. Benjamin says:

    “The Census Bureau has yet to begin door-to-door canvassing for the 2010 head count, but thousands of field workers are doing smaller surveys on various demographic topics on behalf of federal agencies.”

    So this guy wasn’t doing the work of the Census, but he was doing unconstitutional surveys in the off season. Not an excuse to kill him, but he is hardly spotless in this himself.

  4. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #1, dm,

    Why wouldn’t someone think that a government employee was ‘the government’?

    Typical right wing thought. The same reasoning is why they can so seldom see the forest for the trees or can’t enjoy the beach because of the sand.

  5. sean says:

    #2 – I don’t think it’s a right winger thing. I think it’s just a nutjob thing. Living in them thar hills gets to ye after a while

  6. Jetfire says:

    Ah the backwoods of Ky. Home of pot growers and moonshiners. #2 this mostly like has nothing to do with right wingers but with some illegal activity. Of course it could be some nut job since killing and the string him up would get the Feds to notice you and come looking for you. Not the brightest move to make.

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    Just a guy using his ACORN training.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    We’ll save a spot for you at the campfire, Bill.

  9. highaman says:

    This wouldn’t have happen if he could have joined Starving Teachers Moving Co. …

  10. highaman says:

    This wouldn’t have happen if he could have joined Starving Teachers Moving Co. …

    R.I.P. Bill

  11. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #7, Dr. Dudd,

    Thank you for explaining why Tea Baggers are thought of as a little extreme. While extolling the virtues of personal responsibilities, they have this nasty habit of blaming others.

  12. Robart says:

    #2 Dallas “It seems the conservative right wingers are getting out of hand again. We need to snip this in the bud right there in their home base.”

    How do you know it was a conservative? Maybe he run into a Theodore John Kaczynski type.

  13. Faxon says:

    Typical responses here on the blog. The conservatives did it. Nut jobs.

  14. Floyd says:

    This is Kentucky, and there are still people that make moonshine out in the mountains. Bill may have inadvertently run into someone who was running a still and didn’t like “revenuers,” even though he had nothing to do with ATF.

  15. Ron Larson says:

    #6 nailed it.

  16. mudpup says:

    Looks like someone stumbled on a big pot harvest.

  17. Floyd says:

    Adding to #13: The area the guy was killed in is near the Daniel Boone national forest, which is rugged mountainous territory. I’ve heard that some (many?) of the moonshiners have branched out into amphetamines, marijuana and other profitable drugs. Bill could have accidentally run into drug makers.

  18. Jeff says:

    #7, Dr. Dodd,

    I am not sure where to begin with that comment. Are you really crazy or are you playing us?

  19. sargasso says:

    Sociopaths, psychotic loners and the chronically paranoid, often prefer the isolation of country life. Adverse to human contact, they feel constantly threatened in crowded urban environments. Are not helped by the ready availability of illegal drugs and alcohol in the wilderness, their greatest fear is of being “observed” – which could mean anything from participating in a government census through to being diagnosed by a psychiatrist.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    I think floyd got it right. A number of years back I lived in North Carolina, and there were still numerous instances where guys putting up power and telephone lines got hazard pay because they kept getting shot at by the moonshiners.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Then again, I wouldn’t want to be doing the census in downtown Detroit either.

  22. soundwash says:

    What wasn’t mentioned and needs to be found out is whether the census guy
    was GPS tagging the front door.

    AFAIK, the door to door “interviews”
    are mainly to GPS tag the house for reasons you-all can speculate on,
    but for which seems highly unnecessary and cost excessive.


  23. Billy Bob says:

    It’s despicable to politicize this act of stupidity. If you turn a Fox News anchor upside down, they look like Eidard.

  24. echeola says:

    #3 “So this guy wasn’t doing the work of the Census, but he was doing unconstitutional surveys in the off season. Not an excuse to kill him, but he is hardly spotless in this himself.”

    How was he violating the constitution? This guy wasn’t doing anything that the Mormans do. It’s not unconstitutional to go door to door and ask questions.

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ah-yeah #21…Detroit: that’s where Acorn came in handy.

  26. David says:

    Oh, my favorite! It’s jump to conclusions time! Just like when that girl had that letter B carved into her face. Obviously, the girl’s story was true and there was no other possibility of what could have happened. That’s clearly the case here.

  27. Mr Diesel says:

    My guess is that someone like Dallas and bunch of his Deliverance type hill jack friends did it after sodomizing him.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, Billy Bob

    If you turn a Fox News anchor upside down, they look like Eidard.

    Naaa, Eidard has a thicker beard. I understand all FOX hosts and anchors have to shave to at least a landing pact.

    And Eidhard’s nose is definitely bigger than the biggest male FOX anchor upside down appendage could be. More useful too.

    The best resemblance though would be the FOX’s brainiest part would be on top, similar to Eidhard on his feet.

    But even the biggest yawn would still make Eidhard smaller than an upside down FOX female anchor or host. (You know how their boss is)

    What does a FOX anchor say after sex?

    Are you guys all on the same team? 🙂

  29. Ryan says:

    #3 “unconstitutional surveys in the off season. Not an excuse to kill him, but he is hardly spotless in this himself.”

    Screw off you rightwing wack job. How is a door to door survey “unconstitutional”?

    The guy was doing his job and someone killed him. He was spotless.

    Only a right wing, sister screwing, moron hillbilly would think any different.

    I think I hear your sister calling.

  30. RTaylor says:

    Has anyone every looked backed over a thread and read what assholes we can be? I include myself in that. We like to post about problems, but sometimes I wonder if we aren’t the biggest problem of all.


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