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Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. Angus says:

    Because Liberals are better at Photoshop, that’s why.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    #34 Alfred1

    Indeed. These placards are not signs of intelligence (ba-doomp).

    It would seem, in the case of tea-baggers, rather than mendacity boring them, mendacity brought them together.

    Reminds me of when I was in junior school and was asked to write a big sign for the school play because I was the best speller. Of course, I stuffed it up and looked quite the fool.

  3. This is hugh! says:

    We need to impeah that extremey, deceatfull, scholiast theif Barock Obama! He’s nothing but a megalomaniacal, rascist, muslin lier who will mortage our future and lead us to reccesion and depression!
    Infromed Americans say, “Enoungh is enoungh!” Repeel the stimulas! It will only end up deviding us and increasing dependancy.
    Join the resisance. Save the Constution and our feedom. Close the boarders and keep English our offical lanoguage.
    No amensty for politians! Act now before it’s youth in asia for us all!

  4. qb says:

    Because it’s funnier when self righteous white trash from the burbs look stupid.

  5. Chairman says:

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  6. DJ says:

    Why are Conservative Protesters Such Bad Spellers and Grammarians? Why do they watch fox news? Why do they listen to rush limbaugh (the big, fat idiot)? Why did they vote for george bush and dick cheney? Why do they carry signs at these protests that proclaim “Keep the government out of my Medicare”. And so on, and so on…

    Because they’re all morons, that’s why.

  7. qb says:

    #42 Alfred1 said “Don’t bite off fingers either.”


  8. Lou Minatti says:

    Davey, go to Zombietime dot com. It’s a cornucopia of the most deranged leftard protest signs ever, and most of the signs are… let’s say… lacking in grammar skills.

  9. Waltersobchack says:

    Why are Conservative Protesters Such Bad Spellers and Grammarians?

    Because they are fucking morans.

    That’s why.

  10. Youth In Asia says:

    All Your Grandmas Are Belong To Us!

  11. Kira says:

    I’ve noticed that politics in America is becoming more and more divisive. And members from both sides are limiting their word selection to superlatives when talking AT one another.

    I can understand ‘venting’, but I don’t see how demonizing the other is going to help the situation.

    If the US wasn’t so important globally, I probably wouldn’t care … but you are. What happens in your country WILL effect my country 🙁

    In Australia there are definitely differences between supporters from the two major parties, but, so far, we don’t have the near-rabid hatred that I see in the US.

    I sincerely hope both sides of the political spectrum are somehow able to find a way forward …

    And as far as this post is concerned …

    Blatant trolling, by humiliating and stereotyping others isn’t quality material for any blog.

  12. soundwash says:

    Why are Conservative Protesters Such Bad Spellers and Grammarians

    come’on people, this one is a no-brainer..

    -Because they’re all taught by Liberal entrenched academia


  13. dsgspm says:

    there is another theme going on beyond the badly spelled words

  14. Tomer Guez says:

    On this note, there is a good spell check program Spell Check Anywhere (SpellCheckAnywhere.Com). It works in all programs, including blogs and articles. It comes with an optional grammar check.

  15. bill says:

    An ancient Greek cynic said he was sorry he learned to read, because it had corrupted his mind.

    Around 6:56 P.M. on September 23 ABC’s propaganda minister Charlie Gibson treated his audience to a non-word ‘momento’. He meant, of course, memento, a valid Latin imperative.

    Rush Limbaugh, unknown to most, also contributes a similar sprinkling of malapropos gratuities. Still, his viva voce replays, evidently suppressed by the pseudo-liberalism in vogue prove of great value to anyone who wants truth.



  16. derspankster says:

    Because they’re MORONS, morons, I tell you. Sheep. Before you know it, the most prevalent majority in the US will be the Moron Majority.

  17. OldFatMan says:

    Maybe they are not using professionally made signs that are handed out to Acorn employees after they get off the bus.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    How typically Democrat – Don’t focus on the message just the spelling and grammar.

    Exactly like – Don’t focus on Obama’s message just that he is black.

    And what a message Obama spouted to that den of thieves at the UN. A truly disgusting display by our idiot president.

    At least we learned that Obama is Qaddafi’s son. Probably the only truth spouted during the whole speech.

  19. Floyd says:

    #57: Those signs show that the people carrying them are clueless. If that was their intended message, they succeeded.

  20. qb says:

    Wow, the right wing really has no sense of humor. That explains why your head get flushed in the toilets and you can’t get a date for the dance.

  21. sh says:

    Why? Because they’re not liberal like you Uncle Dave. Obviously liberals have superior intelligence, are more attractive and smell better, lead happier lives and ultimately are responsible for the advancement all human existance.

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #60-qb-That explains why your head get flushed in the toilets and you can’t get a date for the dance.

    Spoken by the guy with the Ford Pinto, gay lover and no clue.

  23. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #60, qb,

    It also explains the high cost of acne treatments and why generic hemorrhoid ointments sold themselves.

  24. qb says:

    #61 sh

    Liberals also get lucky more often. And puppy dogs like them. And never have hangovers. And have straight white teeth.

  25. qb says:

    #62 Dr Dodd

    LOL OK, that was that was slightly better than …and your Mom!

  26. Dr Dodd says:


    I saw no reason to bring your mom into this especially since she is the one nursing all those runaway zits you are sporting.

  27. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #66, Dr. Dudd,

    This is a prime example of right wing humor.

    QB made a satirical comment about right wingers in #60. He repeated the effort for you in #65. Instead of a good comeback, what we get from you is something Alphie does too often, a childish retort.

    And you wonder why you look silly?

  28. Dr Dodd says:

    #68-Ralph the neurotic bus driver

    qb said the right wing really has no sense of humor. After your comment I can see he really meant the left.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  29. Dr Dodd says:


    So that’s what’s happening in the government school system these days. Guess the next step is to get the kiddies to kneel and put their butts in the air like they do for Islam.

    Wonder how many can’t spell and have a tendency toward bad grammar?


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