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Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. Improbus says:

    They put as much thought in to their signage as they do their political philosophy, that is, not much.

  2. cornholer says:

    So that democrats on welfare that completed their education in prison and who speak ebonics can understand.

  3. brm says:

    People in general are bad at spelling and grammar.

    Then again, so are most rappers. And the left, particularly liberal youth, think that what they have to say is important.

    It’s a horse apiece.

  4. sargasso says:

    Conservatism is not a natural refuge for scholars. This should not reflect poorly on the GOP, their visceral appeal aims at a different sort of person. If they were given an intellectual they would probably not know what to do with him. It would be like winning a giraffe in a lottery, rather than letting people pay them just to see it, they harness it to a plow.

  5. Fact is says:

    The Republican average IQ is higher than non-voters and independents and all three are higher than the Democratic average IQ.

    Look it up

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    Why are Democrats so arrogant after electing the worst President since… ever?

  7. brm says:


    There are intellectuals and everyday people on both sides. How can you say there are NO conservative intellectuals?

  8. StoopidFlanders says:

    Some of these sign-holders are liberal plants paid by ACORN; They stand out there for a minute, get their picture taken, then have it plastered all over blogs like the dailykooks. …and liberals at it up while basking in their false sense of superiority.

  9. Christian says:

    They aren’t poor spellers. They are just poor proof-readers.

  10. N74JW says:

    It doesn’t take an intellectual to PROOF-READ.

    Obama is going to have to screw-up a galactic amount of things to top Bush’s record of ineptitude.

  11. right says:

    “The Republican average IQ is higher…”

    Yes, great examples in the pictures and I think Alfred1 is a consultant for them.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #9 Ned – Those are wingnuts dressed as Acron workers acting like conservative protesters.

  13. Aaron says:

    Who really knows if any of them are conservatives? Hear stories on how both sides place people in on these ‘events’ to disrupt or drown out the others.

  14. noneofyourbusiness says:

    I’ve said it a million times. There are idiots in every crowd. The camera always seems to gravitate to them.

    It’s also very easy to Photoshop these photographs and change the spelling to make them wrong. Luckily, there are plenty of idiots around, so it’s not needed.

  15. brm says:


    “Obama is going to have to screw-up a galactic amount of things to top Bush’s record of ineptitude.”

    But the Obama supporters forget to acknowledge that if he does even 1% as bad a job as Bush, that’s still pretty bad.

    The argument that all he has to be is better than Bush isn’t really a good one.

  16. deowll says:

    They actually make their own signs.

  17. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Well its not because they went to private schools.

  18. ECA says:

    They all have black markers..
    They All have the internet..
    I would figure that MOST of these words ARE learned by the 6th grade..If nothing else, LOOK them up on the net.

    I still think some REAL STREET PEOPLE are getting paid money to do this..

  19. LibertyLover says:

    These exist on all sides of the political spectrum.

    How’s that public edumacation working out for you?

  20. Cephus says:

    The liberals are no better, perhaps even worse. I’m not going to defend these people by any means, but most of the examples given are simply forgetting a letter in the sign, not gross examples of people who couldn’t spell to save their lives.

  21. BigBoyBC says:

    Because they’re actually blue-collar Democrats…

  22. GigG says:

    Because they don’t have ACORN, the NAACP or the DNC printing up their posters for them.

  23. brm says:

    Proper spelling and grammar are not requirements for having a legitimate beef with the government.

    The Dems are always so quick to say they fight for the common working man. Well, the working man isn’t usually a Rhodes scholar.

    Can you imagine if we’d have written off the complaints of slaves because they couldn’t spell?

  24. jbenson2 says:

    I think my grandchildren will forgive a spelling error, but they are constantly going to gripe about the idiots who voted for Obama.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Benji,

    Good link. One photo from 2007. Good job.

    It sure seems a lot of right wing nuts are in denial. You guys are taking this real personal. It’s what we liberal call a “guilt complex”.

  26. Um, clearly they a human. I meant “are” human!

    We wnt to public skools

    The pictures only prove we have become dependent on spell checkers and ignorant on language. It is not a conservative thing. You’d get the same results if you started looking for them at anti-war rallies. When you get millions of folks out to a demonstration you’ll find a hundred signs or so of course you don’t get crowds like that at anti-war demos – but keep looking).

  27. dcphill says:

    That speaks volumns about how our education
    system has degraded over the years.
    I see misspelling more often lately in
    newspapers/letters to the editor and other
    places. It implies that even the editors
    over look bad spelling. It seem that nobody
    pays attention to “spellcheck” even.
    It’s just not good form to display your
    ignorance before editing or double checking
    what you have printed.

  28. And then the dash is missing between so & of in my last sentence…


  29. bob says:

    Ah, Mr. F, I knew you wouldn’t let me down.

    Please note, no one is denying anything. They’re just pointing out that it’s petty to make an issue out of such a trivial and universal phenomenon.

    I know the facts and context won’t have any more impact on you than usual, but I do feel an obligation to at least try.

    Have a nice day!

  30. bob says:

    also- you might want to do a little research. Here’s a good place to start:


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