A federal judge ruled on Monday that the USDA failed to adequately assess the environmental impact of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) sugar beets before introducing them into the food supply.

The CFS has expressed concern that GM beet pollen could contaminate non-GM and organic crops because sugarbeets are wind pollinated.

Where is Adam’s Monsanto clip when you need it?

  1. sargasso says:

    “Where is Adam’s Monsanto clip when you need it?” – beets me.

  2. LDA says:


  3. George says:

    There’s going to be more of this coming. I’m a party to a suit against another company for their GM rice getting into the US long grain rice.

    Europe halted US rice imports for a time because of this, and rice had to be dumped.

    Search for “Liberty Link Rice” for more info.

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve never understood the need for GM foods, when the good ‘ol fashioned methods to produce better veggies were just fine.

  5. bobbo, are we of science or merely marketing targets says:

    #4–gosh Big Boy==google and read anything about the green revolution.

  6. There is a whole new brave world out there without all of these playing with the creator’s creations
    It a world of mad scientists in control
    Put these characters away in cold storage

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    Oh Bobbo you really are thick headed, go back to playing with your rubber chew toy…

  8. noname says:

    # 8 BigBoyBC,

    Yesh, bobbo is the mental runt of the litter. You just have to suffer him.

  9. Waltersobchack says:

    Any info on the environmental impact of Brazilian sugar cane?

    How much rainforest has been slashed and burned to plant sugar cane? Orange groves? Beef ranches in Argentina?

    While monsanto is no angel, there is fucked up shit as bad or worse going on all over the world.

    Off topic, but on topic RIP Norman Borlaug.

    And for anyone who thinks we can feed 6+ billion people organically or traditionally is living in fantasy land. We need major commercial operations to give you tofu, hamburger, bacon, wine and beer at affordable prices.

    Mmmmmmm bacon beer.

  10. Lou says:

    Beets suck !

  11. Satchmo Bevins says:

    “Monsanto GM beets down Mother Nature while USDA turns blind eye”

    Government agency phail. Evil corporation win.

  12. Rich says:

    They probably rape, strangle and eat non-Monsanto beets. Jesus.

  13. SimonSezz says:

    I know farmers who hate Monsanto. If the farmer grows corn and doesn’t use Monsanto seed and another farm nearby does, Monsanto corn can invade the other farmers crop and Monsanto will sue that farmer for “using” Monsanto product without paying for it.

  14. Alick Rubin says:

    Non-labeled GMO food causes allergies. They just cannot be diagnosed like Morgellons.

  15. Named says:

    Controlling the food supply is easier than controlling the water supply. And what happens when you own, patent and control the food supply? Victory. That is all Monsanto is trying to do.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #15, Anybody with half a brain and a 4th grade education understands pollination and how there is no way to isolate it to one field.

    I can’t believe judges actually listen to these cases without laughing their asses off.

  17. Named says:

    18, LibertyLover,

    They probably don’t have a choice. The framework and prior cases all dictate how the case should be resolved regardless of sense; common or otherwise.

    Monsanto also has terminator seeds so that when the pollens blows into your non-Monsanto fields and mixes it will kill your plant. Bio-terrorism at it’s finest!

  18. LibertyLover says:

    #19, bio-terrorism

    Hmm. I wonder if someone could sue under property rights violations.

    Or maybe someone could get them on one of the 1,000’s of anti-pollution laws on the books. Seriously, we have laws that prevent man-made chemicals from being released into the atmosphere because they’re dangerous — what’s the difference?

    I can just see Monsanto’s defense. “They used our terminator technology without our permission. They have no case, your Honor!”

    common sense

    Perhaps the judges should read this:


  19. LibertyLover says:

    #20, blasted html tags . . .

  20. Named says:

    20 LibertyLover,

    Common sense is anathama to the Corporation. Afterall, the corporation itself is a “person” unto the law… and THAT is prima facie why justice can never be served.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #22, Agreed. And all because of a clerical error by the SCOTUS.

    But as we know, if SCOTUS says so, it must be right 😉

  22. Named says:

    23 LibertyLover,

    If anything could be changed to make a real, significant, tangible difference, repealing the personhood of the corporation would be one of the greatest.

    But, there are so many billions of dollars greasing the wheels to make sure it doesn’t… I think that learning about that was one of the shining moments in my education of the real world…

  23. LibertyLover says:

    #24, I agree. It would be a serious dent in the corruption of public officials. ALL lobbying groups are corporations (as are all unions).

    The only difference between non-profits and for-profits is how the money is counted. There are some MONSTROUS non-profits in this country that rival many for-profits.

    My only concern, and it’s one I have yet to resolve to my own satisfaction, is the apparent violation of the freedom to associate with anybody.

    All groups are made up of individuals. If a group of individuals wish to make a statement through a “group voice,” should they not get the same legal protection as if they stood up individually? I think so.

    My only (shaky) solution is to break up all non-profits into state level entities. I personally think that a nationwide union including all autoworkers is a monopoly unto itself. If you want to go nationwide, you are considered a for-profit. YMMV.

  24. amodedoma says:

    #11 Soundwash,

    WOW, usually I find such a long rant boring, but you really did your homework. Good thing you didn’t start in on the history of Monsanto, GAWD! when I discovered how they protected their PCB monopoly I wanted to throw up. Monsanto should be shut down permanently. By no means should this company be trusted with anything that can affect public health.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    The only reason for GM food is to patent life, so you can restrict others access to it and license it out at obscene prices.

    It has nothing to do with “feeding the planet”


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