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  1. SpeedBump says:

    Editor Fail

  2. ECA says:


  3. Uncle Pablano says:

    And now, a live report on some non-specific news.

  4. Stinker says:

    Forgot to write in ‘Jim Token’

  5. dmstrat says:

    Similar thing happened on WSBTV the other night.

    They were listing the school closing and they only had 3 schools on the last page. It read like:

    -Roswell Schools
    -Dacula Schools
    -Decatur Schools
    -Line 4 with word wrap on
    -Line 5 with word wrap on

    Was amused at the mistake, not the floods.

  6. jakematic says:

    And now, back to real news

  7. Chriswsm says:

    Welcome to this event viewers that happened somewhere to some people at an undisclosed time and date in an unknown manner.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    Cleverly disguising his name and location to avoid the IRS, John Doe moved to a new town. Unfortunately, he couldn’t quit “news reporter” habit.

  9. Ted says:

    “An unknown reporter at an unknown location just prior to being sucked into a newly formed rift in spacetime.”

  10. chuck says:

    Unnamed black suspect shortly before police beating.

  11. cbpdingo says:

    I blame the parents for giving him a bad name.

    Better report names.

    Wolf Blitzer Name
    Larry King Name
    Edward R. Morrow Name
    John C. Dvorak Name

  12. RPacheco says:

    More Generic Swine Flu stories being sent to your town

  13. dm says:

    Chyron template

  14. Tomattto says:

    I’m Ron Burgundy?

  15. t0llyb0ng says:

    Caption guy forgot to hit “enter.” Tell me that’s never happened to you.

  16. AlienCG says:

    Figuring the network would be letting more and more reporters go, they didn’t bother remembering their names.

  17. Uncle Don says:

    “Ex British-spy was unaware of back-room giggle on his first day of work as a lowly police-beat reporter. The usually exceptionally dapper 48 year old wore a cheap blue-nylon hoodie over a Walmart shirt and tie … “

  18. Uncle Don says:

    Okay. It sounded funny to me when I thought … “Bond. James Bond”

    (Very tiny joke, Ensign.)

  19. wetback says:

    Its safe to assume hes an undercover reporter, on a classified place.

  20. mo says:

    Kunta Kinte (whose name translates to “Name, Last Name”) is in Location, Alabama reporting on a strange light that was discovered by an illegal immigrant who dialed 911 asking for free healthcare from Obama. Apparently George Bush was at fault.

  21. Hawkeye says:

    Identity crisis or amnesia….you decide

  22. Dale says:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  23. Biker Adam says:

    2009 Time Magazine Person of the Year:

    Name Last Name

  24. 888 says:

    Yeah, blame the corpocracy’s media as always 😉

    While in fact he is an undercover [CIA, FBI, DoD, HS, whatever] agent just doing his job…

    It should read:

    Year Magazine Name Person of the Year:
    Name Last Name

  25. Benjamin says:

    I had a friend whose parents named him Mister. They wanted people to treat him with respect, but instead he was made fun of.

  26. BigBoyBC says:

    Even though there is a black man in the white house, Jerome relized he ain’t get’n no respect!

  27. evilpuke says:

    Captain Obvious was sick so his side kick Well Duh had to fill in.

  28. hhopper says:

    That’s MISTER last name to you.

  29. bill says:

    Doctor? Hey His name might be Doctor!

  30. Tim says:

    Witness Protection Program


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