We discussed this a couple of weeks ago when it was making its way through the state legislature. You can read the bill here: Pandemic Response Bill 2028.
If someone can find confirmation that the bill has passed, please leave a link in the comments below.
Ducey never fails to prove himself an idiot.
The judge certainly didn’t provide the “balance” that was apparent in how to chose to frame the issues he addressed.
When the STATE decides xyz is good and necessary for kiddies, the state has always imposed it over the scientifically illiterate dumbshit parents. What country does Napalitano think he is in?
Seems the dumbass parents should just be shot on sight for the public good.
@bobbo As for “scientifically illiterate parent”, try my sister, highly published ad awarded Neurologist. Neither she or anyone in her family (including her two kids) will be vaccinated vs. H1N1 as she finds it scientifically dangerous, beyond acceptable. Single opinion? None of her staff at the hospital (all highly, Medically educated) will get vaccinated vs. H1N1 as well… Now, what would parent with her type and level of knowledge specifically related to vaccination be able to do if STATE decides it knows better? Is it at all possible that STATE would know better?
Much ado about nothing. Though the crackpots have totally twisted the meaning of the bill. Bravo!
@ #2
My sister is also a highly published and awarded Neurologist, and she and her family will be getting the Vaccine for H1-N1.
See how easy it is to make up bullshit to back up your point?
#2–Hey Dismal==standing alone, that’s quite a show stopper. You’ve posted that tidbit before. I think then, as now, I’ve asked you to ask your Sister for the specific why’s and wherefore’s.
I agree in general a neurologist informed on the issue should render a good conclusion. OTOH==just WHAT did you do to her as a child?
Nobody is going to vaccinate me or my kid. Period.
This is an example of why the 2A is in the Constitution.
The constitution. LMAO no one follows that old thing anymore. Sure there are the ceremonial oaths police officers, public officials and the president take to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.
There is something about Church and State separated by the first amendment in the bill of rights in the U.S. Constitution. Then there are laws against plants. Plants that many believe a certain religious entity invented.
There was this thing called the patriot act, and Fox News swallowed every inch of patriot act with pure unadulterated dirty nasty sweaty love. Republicans threw the constitution in the toilet and now the democrats are pulling the flush lever
Ok now that ive mopped the floor time to share a little funtime event from this week.
Planned Parenthood calls looking for money. I start asking the lady if it is true that she works for a eugenics program that murders little people with vacuums. She gets so offended she starts screaming at me, and hangs up.
Don’t get me wrong I am pro choice and have even taken part in the deed myself. Yet I dont like phone beggars and I like to amuse myself in strang ways. I have personally have no problem with murdering little people that don’t have identities. It is the expecting mothers choice, end of story. Many pro choice people try to paint over the issue with rationalization IE: it is not a person it is a glob of tissue, or some other rose colored glass B/S.
Well, I enjoy your story and could see myself doing it.
But the other “it” is not a person. Purely definitional. Like retard, the term represents a spot on the continuum.
“Planned Parenthood calls looking for money. I start asking the lady if it is true that she works for a eugenics program that murders little people with vacuums. She gets so offended she starts screaming at me, and hangs up.”
Oh that GOOD! I’ll have to use that the next time they call.
Now Ah Yea==a well trained caller would say “Yes, if thats what the woman wants. How much would you like to contribute?”
Silly to think everyone is as stupid as who Constitution is Dead (if thats his real name!) ran into.
Whats in the Vaccine Shots?
The Dangers of Vaccines
Let the anti vaccine people skip their shots. One can hope that some of the adults will Darwin themselves and thereby raise the overall intelligence of the population. It’s just sad about their unvaccinated kids that could also die through no fault of their own.
#12–S&B==good one. Easy Peasy. Figures you would think of science as a government plot. Hah, hah.
#12–SB==I watched that video. No names, no references, no links. Total verbal diarrhea. You actually “rely” on this type of hysteria??????
I’m changing my nick back.
“An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health, as determined by the commissioner, or a local public health authority operating within its jurisdiction.”
But, then, no one expects you lot to actually read.
1. INFECTION time, IS 7-10 DAYS after INfection..
2. ALL those Quarantined, and everyone ELSE got a sot?? WHO is going to get INFECTED??
3. most shots DONT WORK, if you are already infected..
4. The infection has been running around for OVER 6 months…IF this was a Pandemic, It would have covered the WORLD ALREADY.
Hate to bring it up, but since the state is the arbitrator of right and wrong, if tomorrow it decides that all people of certain genetic make-up should be eliminated and the police have the right to round up those people and sterilize them for the health of the nation, would that still be ok with ‘bobbutt’, commenter #1. I have no doubt that a convincing case that all white people are evil and have caused all the ills of the world can be made and they should be eliminate for the health and well being of the nation at large, after all that seems to be the only point of the Demoncrats, or maybe ‘bobbutt’ would rather have the shot.
Why is it always liberals, ie NAZI/Commie Totalitarians, that either bring up race or violence to enact their polices?
bobbutt: “Figures you would think of science as a government plot” hee hee, You can see some of you’re science here……
“The most dangerous man alive is a man with a little knowledge” and ‘bobbutt’ has very very little knowledge, especially history.
#20–traxx==”the state is the arbitrator of right and wrong” /// Correct. You would prefer what as an alternative?
You TRUE life is shown in your debates and your HONOR.. If you ware TRUE to self and JOB, you show it..
If you are TRUE to the mighty DOLLAR..you run for it, grab it and make SEX with it..
#22–ECA==you are over thinking it. The deeper you go in my oceanic oneness, the shallower it gets.
common sense SUCKS..
Looking at the Cumulative.. it shows NOT a MAJOR JUMPS as it should be, as I would think MOST persons either DONT care or didnt feel BAD when they got it..
Over 1/2 million person infected, in 6 months?? it should be 10 times that number..
But the individual SHOULD BE THE ONE controlling the governor..
FLAMING in CAPS is the sign of a seriously SHALLOW THOUGHT process.
What a show when the nanny state flexes it’s good intentions to the point of threatening quarantine.
At this point it hard to tell if the H1N1 is truly something to be concerned about or just another scare tactic. The government has cried wolf so many times who can tell what is true?
It’s beginning to look more like just another way for “the nanny” to gain a little more control over the children.
I have no problem with vaccines but I do have a problem with the government forcing things on people for their own good. The government is not my mommy and I never elected a single person to that position. I will make my own choices and loive with the consequences.
They work for me, I am not their surf or their lowly subject. The word is FREEDOM! and I am not willing to give it up “for the children” or “for the greater good”.
So how do Dudd and Doug feel about people shitting in the public water supply, burning asbestos in their fireplace, or storing dynamite and gasoline in their garage?
Dr Dodd–anything cheezy wit you?
#27- read the bill. #18 outlined an important point some are missing. Your choice (to not be vaccinated) could affect others. You might be quarantined for the greater good- and society might not think it was such a bad idea (i.e. your right to swing your fist ends at my nose).
#26- As I read the bill I was thinking about Typhoid Mary, tuberculosis, and Spanish flu. Quarantining is not necessarily evil- wasn’t this widely practiced in earlier days to prevent the spread of disease? Even now, I think kids with contagious diseases are kept home from school. That is quarantining.
#27 doughoist said, “They work for me, I am not their surf or their lowly subject. The word is FREEDOM! and I am not willing to give it up ‘for the children’ or ‘for the greater good.'”
We need people like you.
“Do not ever say that the desire to ‘do good’ by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives.” — Ayn Rand
Daddy, why did 3 million people in the USA die from flu in 2010 when they had medicine to cure them?
Son, they wanted to be free, and so they were. Well, the 10,000 LIEBERTARIAN NUT CASES were free. The other 2999990 just weren’t protected by the new mutations harbored in the LIEBERTARIANS before they all died. Thats why voluntary compliance is so high these days.