We discussed this a couple of weeks ago when it was making its way through the state legislature. You can read the bill here: Pandemic Response Bill 2028.

If someone can find confirmation that the bill has passed, please leave a link in the comments below.

  1. in search of reason says:

    The majority of the people that are willing to refuse the vaccine are not anti-vaccination. They are people that are worried about how fast this vaccine was created, how minimally it was tested, and how the companies that make it are indemnified from prosecution by the United States government. The last time an H1N1 vaccine was used in 1976, more people died from the vaccine than from the flu. I have no problem with vaccines as I take the flu shot every year, but this rush job with no recourse if something happens is not a shot I am willing to take. If it comes around in a year or two again and the results from this year were positive then talk to me about it.

  2. Benjamin says:

    #31 bobbo, what about all the people who don’t know the difference between the seasonal flu vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine? They already got the seasonal flue shot due to H1N1 scaremongering and don’t see why they need another one because they don’t know the difference.

    That is a more likely scenario then your own, that Libertarians don’t get vaccines.

    I’ll get a flu shot when they prove as affective as the polio vaccine, the smallpox vaccine, the measles vaccine, etc. I had all of those vaccines and never got any of those diseases. I have had the flu since 1995 when I got a flu vaccine.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:


    Such excellent comebacks and responses; my hat is off to you sir.

    You have saved me several replies which I would, no doubt, have done much less diplomatically than you.

  4. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #34–Well Thanks Fusion. Same message, different technique. Gotta switch it up every once in a while to keep it fresh.

    #32–reason==yes, its sad those unreasoning bugs didn’t give us more time. They don’t fight fair.

    #33–Benji==what about them? Ignorant people are a constant, nothing new about it in 2009. It will be handled same as before.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Benji,

    I had all of those vaccines and never got any of those diseases. I have had the flu since 1995 when I got a flu vaccine.

    I like the first part. A sane response.

    I am very sorry to hear about having the flu for the past 14 years. That must really be a bummer. If you haven’t already, you should see a doctor. The flu should only last a few days to maybe a couple of weeks in extreme cases.

    Since I’ve been getting flu shots for quite a few years now, it was only a couple of years ago when they missed a prediction in what type of flu would develop that I became sick. Yup, flu vaccinations worked for me.


  6. deowll says:

    Look when and if we have a real killer pandemic running wild and the sanitation workers are busy picking up dead bodies the authorities will do whatever they think it takes and worry about rights after the pandemic.

    H1N1 isn’t anywhere near that so get over it. I don’t plan to get an H1N1 shot this year for two reasons. 1.) Doctors have told me this is completely untested and they are more afraid of the vaccine, especially the nasal spray, than the disease. 2.) The other is they have been sticking something that should cause resistance to H1N1 in the seasonal flu shots for decades and I’ve been taking them so just maybe I’m resistant.

  7. Benjamin says:

    #37 Mr Fusion, I hope you were joking and not by some twisted logic made you assume that I had the flu continuously for 14 years. “I am very sorry to hear about having the flu for the past 14 years. That must really be a bummer. If you haven’t already, you should see a doctor. The flu should only last a few days to maybe a couple of weeks in extreme cases.”

    I have had the flu on about two occasions (no more than a few days at a time) since my flu shot in 1995. You missed the point when I said that flu shots are not affective like mot vaccines. Flu mutates so fast that by the time everyone gets vaccinated for H1N1 than it will mutate so the vaccine everyone gets will not protect against it. Not to mention the confusion caused by having two different flu vaccines that are out there.

    Besides, our bodies have something called an immune system which makes its own defense against disease.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    #31-bobbo-Daddy, why did 3 million people in the USA die from flu… Son, they wanted to be free.

    Daddy, why did 3 million people in the USA die from AIDS… Son, they wanted to be free, and so they were.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, doill,

    1.) Doctors have told me this is completely untested and they are more afraid of the vaccine, especially the nasal spray, than the disease. 2.) The other is they have been sticking something that should cause resistance to H1N1 in the seasonal flu shots for decades and I’ve been taking them so just maybe I’m resistant.

    First, no sane doctor is going to tell you NOT to get vaccinated. Yes, there are some real kooks out there, but no sane doctor will argue against it. The vaccine is tested. Abet not as thoroughly as other vaccines due to the emergency nature. It uses similar components as vaccines in years past.

    Second you appear to making this shit up as you go along. There is nothing in previous vaccinations that would give immunity to the H1N1 strain.

    What makes the H1N1 unique is that most other strains are deviations of previous strains that have mutated some. The H1N1 is an almost totally new strain where similar strains haven’t hit since maybe 1957. Most people below 50 have no immunity excepting their natural defenses against this strain. People over 50 will have limited immunity.

    I don’t care if you get the flu this year. I do care if you get it and pass it on to someone else with an already depressed immune system.

  10. ECA says:

    The problem is that MOST flu’s take 1 week to START to work..
    IF you are already infected, the Vaccine WONT work. it to late.
    If you already had the Flu, you have a good chance you wont catch it again for 1-2 years. AND you wont need the vaccine, SAVE it for someone else..
    The Spread of this Flu, ISNT as an epidemic.

    If this was an Epidemic, 1 kid going to school would infect at LEAST 40 others..they would infect their family’s WHICH would let it hit MALL locations and WORK..Then Back to other homes and schools. The infection SPREAD time is about 2 days BEFORE it hits you, and 2-5 days AFTER it hits you..

    Unless the Numbers are WRONG at the CDC, and Flutracker THIS is not happening.
    I wont even go into spread NATIONALLY or internationally. AS well as you should NOT fly in a plane with a Cold/flu..You will NOT enjoy it. A stuffed up head, and AIR pressure dont work well together.

  11. Aaron_W says:

    I haven’t had the flu in many years and I haven’t had a flu shot in over a decade. I’d get sick for a month or so every November after getting the seasonal shot though. I quit getting it and I quit having problems. Connected? I don’t know but I don’t think I’ll be getting any flu shots as usual this year. Swine Flu is a just a scam, if you get the flu stay home, rest, and get plenty of fluids. I’d rather not be the person who gets permanently damaged by some rushed through vaccine.

  12. Ron Larson says:

    The ability of the state to do such things was established back in the 1920’s in the case of Mary Mallon, better known as “Typhoid Mary”, who was quarantined against her will for the rest of her life on an island off of NYC.

    The NYC Health Inspector was given the right to basically imprison her for life in order to protect the public from her. She at one point negotiated her freedom under the promise that she would not work as a cook. She lied, got a job as a cook under a fake name. She got more people sick. She was arrested and never released again.


  13. Terry says:


    In most cases, a flu shot (any flu shot, seasonal or H1N1) may not prevent you from getting the flu, but if you do become ill, the antibodies in your blood created as a result of the vaccine will likely prevent you from suffering life-threatening complications during the course of the illness, and allow you to recover faster. Current data shows that hospitalized patients with H1N1 experience major complications and, in some cases, death, due to underlying medical conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obesity, diabetes, heart disease or pregnancy (which greatly reduces the mother’s lung capacity). Normal, healthy adults probably won’t experience any of these complications, but you increase your chances of avoiding all of them by getting the vaccine.

    The vast majority of H1N1 patients, however, are not hospitalized and recover completely in the normal course of the disease. In that sense, it isn’t much different than normal seasonal flu. Unfortunately, data from the southern hemisphere (which is at the end of their flu season just as the northern hemisphere is about to begin ours) suggests that H1N1 is far more contagious than most strains of seasonal flu, thus causing the World Health Organization and many of its member partners to strongly encourage people to be immunized with the H1N1 vaccine.

    The vaccine has been tested extensively among a group of about 20,000 volunteers, and clinical trials have indicated that a single dose should be sufficient to provide immunity for most people, rather than the two doses originally expected to be necessary. This is good news.

    You can, of course, refuse to take the vaccine. All immunizations are voluntary.

    I have absolutely no idea why this is causing such hysteria in the media. The public health community may have overreacted last spring when the disease was first identified as a novel influenza virus that no one had seen before, but they didn’t want to be caught with their pants down if the pandemic had turned into a public health emergency. You can imagine the kind of criticism they’d be getting from all sides if that had happened.

  14. Terry says:

    Just thought I’d add another bit of expert advice from Dr. Clarke:


  15. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    It has been said several times already in these posts, but I’ll repeat it.

    This bill DOES NOT authorize authorities to break in and force vaccinations on those who are unwilling to be vaccinated.

    And this bill is not H1N1 specific. “(d) Law enforcement authorities, upon order of the commissioner or his agent or at the request of a local public health authority pursuant to such order, shall assist emergency medical technicians or other appropriate medical personnel in the involuntary transportation of such person to the tuberculosis treatment center.”

    It appears someone is stirring the sh*t up.

  16. Rick Cain says:

    You will be singing a different tune when your neighborhood has its own typhoid mary.

    She was a real stubborn woman and hundreds of people paid for it with their lives.

  17. Mich says:

    For the nanny government supporters
    Be aware that most decisions don’t come from your elected people. They come from WHO, WTO etc… your elected people get money and power if they comply. Your interest is not important. It’s the same in every country that has no human values any more. Where money, force and fear rule, anything is possible. Don’t trust anyone who wants to force something on you by scaring you. People are killed and sterilised with vaccines all over the “third” world for their own good. Don’t be scared, I’m not forcing anything on you. I admit, I live in Europe, my English is bad. Bye!

  18. Derpper says:

    Well, they are now billing people in MA, via state tax penalization, for not taking the deadly H1N1 vaccine. To those who called people crazy for not wanting this in their veins: You take it, enjoy your shot and stay the fuck out of other peoples medical decisions. You have no right to condemn a person for not trust an industry that has such a long history of medications being un-tested and flat out dangerous.

    You take their pills, you take their shots and give them to your kids without knowing what the dangers are and shut you uneducated mouths. The Doctors seem to think it’s a personal choice and that we should consider the possible side effects, what the hell makes your opinion better than theirs??

    Stay out of your neighbors business, brown shirt wearing fascist fucktards.


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