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Daily Herald | Cops can’t resist a frame or two of Wii bowling — One word: Florida.
LAKELAND, Fla. — Some central Florida police officers may be disciplined after surveillance video caught them playing a Wii video bowling game during a drug raid. Video obtained by WFLA-TV in Tampa shows various officers enthusiastically playing the video game after storming the house near Lakeland armed with a search warrant in March.
Unbeknownst to the officers of the anti-drug task force, video surveillance had been set up in the home of convicted drug dealer Michael Difalco, who was already in custody.
Found by Tom Lothian.
Being a budding Nazi Statist, I give the guys a pass, unless they failed to respond to some other pressing needs? I’m sure the drug dealer didn’t care so where is the harm in this innocent fun? Do you want them just standing at attention?–what?
these guys are making chris angel proud
Yea, I’ll have to go with the cops on this one. Specially when they got to the “bowling for doughnuts” stage.
The people who should be penalized are the ones who authorized “storming” a house when then the accused subject was already in custody and the house was under video surveillance. Sounds like a serious lack of communication within the department.
The cops who played Wii (and who can blame them, it’s a fun game) are going to take a fall and distract from the more serious problem.
Because it could be heard at the front doorstep of the home, these cops were merely subduing the Wii for Disorderly Conduct.
If the homeowner complains about this (from jail), the cops have every right to re-incarcerate him for Disorderly Conduct.
It’s all about protecting the community, people!
Yeah, the damn game is addictive.
The police did not have the authority to steal anything from the house. Using the Wii game is the same as if they used the guy’s car to make a personal trip.
And the odds of the police actually being charged with theft? About the same as my buddy not being a right wing shill.
They thought because they have the positions, they can just get away with it. Yeah, they are humans but to play Wii instead of focusing on their work is not an excuse. I wonder if this is the first time they did it. I better keep my Aion Online and Warcraft installers safe incase someone raids the house as well.
I don’t blame them. I keep coming back to boxing and baseball 😛
They have to burn the donut calories somehow.
#5 No, we don’t. Bush/Cheney killed it.
What self-respecting drug dealer would own a Wii. Xbox or PS3, of course, but you would lose serious street cred if anyone knew you owned a Wii. What kind of car did he drive? A Prius? Did he color coordinate his pistol with his clothing? Come on, something doesn’t smell right.
Good point, Cap’n. But a dealer that only sold Ecstasy or pot may have a Wii. Coke or Crystal would be a PS3 or 360.