An Imperial man is dead after accidentally shooting himself in the head while teaching his girlfriend firearm safety.

According to Sheriff Oliver Boyer, deputies responded to 4307 Rock Valley Court in Imperial, Missouri on Friday for an accidental shooting. According to the investigation, 40-years-old James Looney was teaching his girlfriend firearm safety.

According to the witness, Looney would show the different safety mechanisms, put the gun to his head, and ask if the gun would go off. Looney apparently did this with two other weapons and varied safety mechanisms, before the last one went off.

  1. Benjamin says:

    #27 I’d rather have a Taurus Judge. It takes .410 shotgun shells and .45 caliber revolver cartridges.

  2. nevinscrna says:

    “You know, I would find this funny (OK it is), but its just another dig against responsible gun owners.”

    How do you figure this is a dig against responsible gun owners; unless you are suggesting this is how responsible gun owners do act.

    It is nothing more than dark humor at the expense of a really stupid and drunk man who should have known better. In the end, his gun safety lesson, while all wrong, concluded with a very important point.

  3. YourMother says:

    All I can say is: What a looney that guy was…

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    What a strange coincidence; I was just reading about gun safety last night.

  5. Rick Cain says:

    And people still claim that Darwin was wrong…


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