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An Imperial man is dead after accidentally shooting himself in the head while teaching his girlfriend firearm safety.
According to Sheriff Oliver Boyer, deputies responded to 4307 Rock Valley Court in Imperial, Missouri on Friday for an accidental shooting. According to the investigation, 40-years-old James Looney was teaching his girlfriend firearm safety.
According to the witness, Looney would show the different safety mechanisms, put the gun to his head, and ask if the gun would go off. Looney apparently did this with two other weapons and varied safety mechanisms, before the last one went off.
You know, I would find this funny (OK it is), but its just another dig against responsible gun owners.
Life is tough — it’s tougher when you’re stupid.
Ever notice how it is always the “last one” that went off?
Darwin Award Winner.
“The three basic general rules of safe gun handling.
1. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction; never point a firearm at anyone or anything you don’t want to shoot.
2. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.
3. Keep the action open and the gun unloaded until you are ready to use it.”
There are more here.
This one is particularly telling: “Never rely on any mechanical device for safety.”
I agree with #4 (provided the conditions of no offspring are met)
This one should be under the darwin award heading.
BTW, where can I get one of the guns in that picture?
#5, Perfect.
I was also taught, “The mechanical safety is only a backup. The user is the true safety.”
If this isn’t proof of Darwinism, I don’t know what is.
I’m beginning to see that there is a increased chance you will be shot when there are guns in the vicinity. Whoda thunk it?
Sad day for the NRA.
So the guy was a complete idiot. This has absolutely nothing to do with me or any responsible person owning a gun. It is, however, a useful example of how stupid humans can be. Too bad the guy was not a 17 year old ghetto hoodlum, or anti-gunners could demonstrate how another innocent child was killed by a gun.
Gun safety matters. The NRA has gun safety courses where they teach people not to be idiots like this guy. On the bright side, he only killed himself and not his girlfriend. Not a total loss.
#11, Faxon,
So the guy was a complete idiot.
Sounds vaguely familiar to so many NRA members.
“Well, officer, he said that the safety on the revolver was engaged!”
I have great safety with guns. In my entire life I’ve never shot one or even held one. All my friends have never owned one either, we all say “What the hell would you need a gun for?”
#15, right. So, when you are attacked by the bad guys, how do you defend yourself? Call the police, the guys with the guns? Good idea. You can make a report from the hospital or the morgue.
#16 When seconds count, police are only minutes away.
There is one way in and one way out of my apartment. There is no ability to retreat if I am attacked by a bad guy. I suppose I could hide in the bedroom to avoid the bad guy, but the bedroom door has no lock.
I will not be defenseless in such a situation. Sure, the first thing I would do is retreat to the bedroom and call the cops, but I will defend myself if need be. I will let no bad guy kill and injure me in my own home.
I can’t call Darwin on this one. The guy was 40 years old and most likely had already reproduced
For a true Darwin award, the recipient’s actions must prevent passing on their DNA. Once they’ve breed, it’s too late, unless, of course, their actions do in the children at the same time 🙂
As far as it being a sad day for the NRA, not really. Although such stories get a lot of media attention, they are quite rare. There was a statistic going around a few years back that more people are kicked to death in the USA than die from gun accidents.
Mehhh… one less gun nut, NRA member and Teaparty participant. No big loss.
#18…680 accidental gun deaths seems a common number for 2006. Seems like a lot of kicking must be going on somewhere.
Gun Nut Defined: they think guns make you safe against the bad guys. Then they turn right around and say vaccines are dangerous.
Hah, hah.
Hopefully this individual did not procreate. I know where my safety is and carry the worlds smallest double barrel shotgun under my habit. When I travel, I mail it ahead so I don’t have to dick around with the airline and TSA.
Rickem #16. That old saw is getting old. In all my 50+ years, I’ve never been in a position where I’ve needed any type of weapon. Not once.
trouble with guns is there is so little margin for error.
if the guy was playing around with say nunchucks, he would have a few bruises, nothing more.
#24–canuck==kinda funny==knives and nun-chucks are “always loaded and have no safety.”
#22–Sister==YOU LIE!!! Your lack of familiarity with guns is self evident. The derringer has only a passing resemblance to a shotgun. I assume you have done this for my ultimate bettertude? While forever ignorant with all things sister, I thank you nonetheless.
OK, this guy is stupid but is he any more stupid than the average handgun owner?
It is well-known and documented that bringing a handgun into the home INCREASES the chance that somebody in your house will get shot. (duh!)
Yet, these dullard gun owners buy them anyway.
Uh Bobbo, just the fact that it shoots .410 shells and has a much tighter shot pattern than the Taurus Judge, which is also a much larger hand gun – makes this the gun of choice when you absolutely, positively, have to drop a perp in his tracks.
The pussies above would change their tune if they were the victim of a home invasion. The rules are simple – keep the booger hook off the bang switch until you are clear to fire.
Livin’ scared is a hell of a way to live. Watch out behind you…..
#27–Sister==you got me there. But your link is to a hand gun that is called a derringer, not to a shotgun that is most often defined as a shoulder weapon. I don’t think what size shell it uses, or what other guns can use the same shell, defines the weapon.
I wouldn’t change my mind about the safety of weapons because of what happened to “me.” Reality is larger than my personal experience–just as yours is?
#27 & 29,
Bobbo and Sister Mary Hand Grenade.
When we have to bicker about whether a firearm is actually a shotgun or a derringer I think we might have lost our perspective.
Sister, I am much more concerned about you carrying something akin to your name.
Peace out.