Obama to Dave: ‘I was actually black before the election’ – The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency — Apparently the appearance went well. You can be sure Letterman will finally be getting some White House dinners, something he has complained about for 20 years with every President.

President Obama didn’t bring a Top 10 to the just-completed taping of David Letterman’s show, but he did bring a couple of zingers.

When Letterman asked him about Jimmy Carter’s claim that racism is behind a lot of recent political attacks, Obama deadpanned: “It’s important to realize that I was actually black before the election.” (Which he won, if you’ll recall.)

Obama didn’t bring a Top 10 list with him, but Letterman had a special one ready.

I’ll watch this, but it sounds kind of dull.

  1. Bob says:

    So Obama appears on a television program with an admitted liberal, and anyone thinks anything serious or even challenging is going to get asked?

    I predict 20 minutes of questions like, “Tell me Mr President, why are you so awesome?”

    Just another Obama infomercial.

  2. Letterman + Obama = cool says:

    Jaded much? You must have a very sad little life buddy. I suggest you either lighten up a little and try to enjoy life, or just get it over with and off-yourself.

    People like you make me very sad for the future outlook of this country. I guess the only hope is that you don’t procreate, God help us if you already have and your kids are anything like you….

  3. Stinker says:

    Hey guys… chill. :). It’s cool, have fun and enjoy.

  4. god says:

    Bob’s getting ready to vote for Hucklebuck! His savior has told him so.


  5. Dr Dodd says:

    Has there ever been more of a lens hound?

    Any guesses to how many times he says, “Let be clear” then is not.

  6. Jared says:

    Of course there were no fistfights. Letterman loves Obama. Its another case of the media on bended knees for Obama with no real discussion about anything worthwhile.

    I like how the liberals come out calling us bitter, I guess they forgot the vitriol that they screamed during that era. But now if we disagree we are bitter racists. Nice.

  7. ApexMI says:

    Obama is a tool that can’t turn down a camera.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, jared,

    I like how the liberals come out calling us bitter,

    I wonder why Liberals came to that conclusion?

  9. sargasso says:

    Eventually, they were going to find out they voted for a black person. It was nice of The President, to tell them himself, on Letterman.

  10. Mr Diesel says:

    Ho hum, the media whore messiah is at it again.

    Obomba and Letterman will have to have a lot of Kleenexes on hand to wipe all the spooge off each other after this love fest.

  11. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    Show me a kneejerk response to Obama, and I’ll show you a republican.

    Hah, hah. Like dogs to a dinner bell. Easy Peasy.

  12. Phydeau says:

    You wingnut who are ignernt of your party’s sordid record on race might want to google “Southern Strategy”. Then ponder the fact that the Republican party is strong in the old Confederacy and nowhere else. Then (and this is the hard part) take two and two and try to come up with four.

  13. Phydeau says:

    Oh, and consider that the new president of the Young Republicans had a buddy posting a racist joke on her Facebook. Ha. And ha ha.

  14. Dallas says:

    This should be good and fun to watch.

    On a sour note, Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson and telecom industry bitch, announced she wants to block Net Neutrality laws.

    Off the record, she claims she can use the telecom industry campaign contributions for her presidential bid.

  15. Animby says:

    Jeez. Sometimes you guys are the definition of vitriol. Is there such a thing as kneejerk vitriol? Letterman (or Conan or Jay or Craig, etc) are not exactly known for hard hitting journalism. Ever seen a politico on any of those shows get a grilling on policy or philosophy? Yes, Letterman appears to be a liberal and his jokes are generally sympathetic to the Dem administration. So what? He didn’t get overly rambunctious and start cutting down McCain when he was on the show. And his monologues often take swipes at both sides. He’s a frigging comedian providing a stage for these people to be seen and talk for a few minutes. So calm down and turn off your TVs for a night if it bothers you. There are these things called books. Try one.

    That said, Obama is a real media whore.

  16. Awake says:

    Geee… a president that is actually not afraid to appear on TV and radio and be interviewed by all kinds of people, from entertainers to serious journalists. If you are looking for change… there it is… exactly how many times in eight years did the previous guy dare go on a Sunday roundtable show and be asked questions live?

    So we have a president that isn’t afraid to interact with the public, and he is called a media whore. Great. And so the great American thinkers on the right keep advancing the country.

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    #17-Awake-So we have a president that isn’t afraid to interact with the public, and he is called a media whore.

    Obama is a media whore. It’s a shame he doesn’t concentrate on his job of protecting the Constitution with the same passion he does for self promotion and self gratification.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Dr. Dudd,

    When are the right wing nuts in general, and you in particular, going to come up with some actual demonstration that Obama is NOT defending the Constitution. Please, this can’t be that difficult, you spout it enough times every day.

    When are the Republicans going to actually do something in Congress instead of screaming NO on every issue.

  19. LDA says:

    He is very likeable and charismatic. I just finished watching it in Australia. He was very good and I did not notice one “let me be clear”.

    This however is only the face of the power behind him. I really want to think everything is alright know (post-Bush), but the people who surround him are very evil and dangerous i.e. John P. Holdren (look him up).

    P.S. If you have not heard this song I highly recommend it…

    He’s a great humanitarian, he’s a great philanthropist,
    He knows just where to touch you, honey, and how you like to be kissed.
    He’ll put both his arms around you,
    You can feel the tender touch of the beast.
    You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

    Bob Dylan – Man Of Peace.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    $20, LDA

    I really want to think everything is alright know (post-Bush), but the people who surround him are very evil and dangerous i.e. John P. Holdren (look him up).

    Why not tell us why they are evil instead of expecting to do your searching for you. I don’t think Holden is evil simply because I have not seen anything suggesting otherwise.

    And, like what I extend to you, everyone is inherently NOT evil until proven otherwise.

  21. LDA says:

    # 21 Mr. Fusion

    How would you finding something out be you doing something for me?

    Ecoscience – John P. Holdren, Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich (1977)

    Page 787-8: “Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.”

    Page 837: “Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”

    Evil or forward thinking? Hitler, just misunderstood?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, LDA

    You quoted two passages from a 30 y/o book. Why not read the whole book and get back to us.

    Hitler? I hardly think so. Especially when compared with the rhetoric coming from the right wing. They want people to just die for the simple reason they can’t afford health insurance.

  23. LDA says:

    #24 Mr. Fusion

    “…Especially when compared with the rhetoric coming from the right wing. They want people to just die…”

    You wildly misquote / paraphrase the whole right wing (whatever that is), I accurately quoted from a thousand plus page book (no room for the whole book here, feel free to read it if you really care).

    I thought the point of protesters claiming there will be ‘death panels’ was that they didn’t want people to die. I guess everyone sees things through their own bias.

    “Hitler? I hardly think so.”

    Have you read Mein Kampf (he was emulating America).

    Rockefeller Foundation > Eugenics > Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics > Hitler > Genocide.

    I am not suggesting the same path / outcome, but I am suggesting the same twisted thinking (and backing by the same power structures).

    Make of it what you may.

  24. noname says:

    # 24 Mr. Fusion and # 25 LDA, just kiss and make up.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, LDA,

    You obviously haven’t read the book. If you had you would know that it is about the limits of population growth on Planet Earth. It offers some possible solutions while RECOMMENDING none.

    The right wing nuts want to bring it up and twist it to stop Obama. Their racism will never cease. Get over it, you guys lost the election.

    I thought the point of protesters claiming there will be ‘death panels’ was that they didn’t want people to die.

    They would deny health care to those unable to afford it. They would continue the insurance companies continuing their own death panels of denial.

    Have you read Mein Kampf (he was emulating America).

    No. I started reading a library copy years ago and gave up. It was such a poor read. I also only read snippet of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book and quit for the same reason.

    Regardless, from what I read in Mien Kampf had nothing to do with America and everything to do with Germany’s greatness.

    Rockefeller Foundation > Eugenics > Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics > Hitler > Genocide.

    WTF that means.


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