Mark Gungor

  1. O'Really says:

    I actually attended a marriage retreat where Mr. Gungor was the presenter that was sponsored by my Battalion Chaplain (US Army). He was funny and not overly religious even though he’s a minister. I would attend another of his events.

  2. echeola says:

    This just in: Water is wet.

  3. noname says:

    I am with # 2 echeola, who knew.

  4. brian t says:

    “Differently than”?

  5. chuck says:

    Men’s brains are connected directly to their penis.
    Women’s brains aren’t connected to anything.

  6. Alfred's Mom says:

    I wish my son had a brain.

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    The concept of a woman’s brain wired differently than a man’s is a routine in at least a third of all stand-up comedians.

  8. Steve says:

    Men want two things from women.
    1) Sex
    2) To be left alone

  9. pedro's Mom says:

    # 6 Alfred’s Mom,

    “I wish my son had a brain.”

    I think my sick bastard has your son’s brain.

  10. bill says:

    Women are completely crazy.

  11. deowll says:

    I will give you this. Most men are not in contact with their emotions nor those of anybody else.

    I’ve had female students ask me if I was feeling bad when I hadn’t even noticed I was feeling sad.

  12. Barovelli says:

    Vive Le Difference!

  13. rectagon says:

    HE’S A PREACHER! Where is the hate??? 😉

    Rev Rectagon

  14. Thinker says:

    #11 I’ll get that too. Usually I’m just thinking or concentrating, not mad, or otherwise.

  15. Wretched Gnu says:

    Totally! Women are all “Let’s talk about our relationship,” and men are all “Whut? I’m trying to watch football”!

    Women are all into clothes, whereas men are, like, not!

    Women are cats and men are dogs!

    Women are from Venus and men from Mars!

    Black guys drive all, like, cool, whereas white guys are all, like, stiff and stuff!

    It’s comedy gold!

  16. ezekeal says:

    My Brain is a Wired bunch of boxes then.
    Wow, this audience is corny audience though. They must be the people who provide the laugh track for “How I Met Your Mother”

  17. Weary Reaper says:

    This ‘nothing box’ concept certainly explains why most denizens of DU are male.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Mom,

    Don’t we all.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, doill,

    I’ve had female students ask me if I was feeling bad when I hadn’t even noticed I was feeling sad.

    Is this something like like Patrick’s popcycle stand? You sell drugs to students? Simply because you sure aren’t teaching material.

  20. PC Police says:

    Remove this horrid filth immediately you wretched scumbag, or we investigate everything imaginable about you. We will find something, whether it is there or not.


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