You’ll either get it immediately or spend one, two minutes on it.


  1. lennyrrt says:

    Typical Cubs fan.

  2. geemack says:

    Uhmmm…ballcaps were designed to block the sun from your eyes….doofus!

  3. jim says:

    I don’t know, hat fail maybe.

  4. jim says:

    YA, and he is wearing sun glasses too

  5. Wr says:

    It’s not analog.

  6. Improbus says:

    He is part of the moran tribe.

  7. dm says:

    The guy in the upper left forgot to bring either a ball cap or sunglasses to the game. Idiot.

  8. AC_in_mich says:

    The guy in the blue shirt – he has a baseball mitt on his right , but the hand that is showing ios also a right hand! (look at the fingers)

  9. DavidtheDuke says:

    I swear, I thought the guy behind the stupid hat guy was getting um, orally serviced.

  10. Waltersobchack says:

    This was stolen from Check out the original here

    Notice how the douchebag who stole it cropped the picture to remove the “hat fail” stamp in the upper right hand corner instead of just crediting like he should have.

    You can still see the bottoms of the letters.

    What’s wrong with the picture? It’s a stealing fail. Failure to credit. Douchebag fail at

  11. soar says:

    What’s wrong? People have seen this picture at least 5 times. That’s what.

  12. M0les says:

    They’re watching baseball, not cricket.

  13. AdmFubar says:

    the guy shading his eyes has his head on backwards!

  14. Wr says:

    Yea right Walter, the failblog owns all the stuff posted there? Idiot. Look at the credits there, it says “dunno source”. Failblog doesn’t deserve any credit as they are not the author of that photo. Funny, dunno source posts a lot of stolen stuff there. So your post would be better stated by merely mentioning that you noticed a bigger photo on that site and not claiming you know anything about who snapped that picture.

  15. sam says:

    Dr. William L Pierce always did frown upon “backwards baseball caps and baggy shorts”! I miss that old man!

  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    The guy in the 4th seat down has his thumb in his buddies ass. They belong to our church, we except those of the fudgepacker variety in our faith. We do ask them not to put their hands in the holy water pot. Leaves a ring…

  17. dmstrat says:

    Fashion before function for this guy.

  18. Jeff says:

    It appears as though the guy is wearing his cap in “rally” configuration. This is when fans turn their caps inside out and backwards in hopes of their teams getting a rally of runs together. Not everyone does it and many do not even know the tradition. It would make sense that he would “go manual” when wearing the hat like this.

  19. JFStan says:

    Coolness comes at a cost. And that cost is blindness. 🙂

  20. TrampyKnight says:

    Its months old.

  21. Jess Hurchist says:

    Sales team fail – should have sold him two hats.

    Design team fail – should have built in two peaks.

  22. Grandpa says:

    White guy dressed like a black guy.

  23. Usagi says:

    He’s watching a football game with a baseball cap on!

  24. dcphill says:

    Fashion trumps practicality!

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Walter,

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,

    Good catch.

  26. circuitsmith says:

    He needs a deerstalker hat.

  27. gquaglia says:

    Backwards hat wearing guys are douches.

  28. denacron says:

    He is obviously a liberal because the answer to his problem sits on top of his head but he is blind to the fact and requires additional ‘systems’ to fix the problem.

    He is obviously a conservative because the answer to his problem is to use the old tried and true method that has served us well for the past six thousand years. No new fangled gimmicks for him.

    There. Politics are invoked….. the post is complete!

  29. KMFIX says:

    Is that Jesus between the other guy’s legs?

  30. soundwash says:

    the grizzly hand sticks out like a sore



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