Obama Takes Media to Task for Coverage of Racial Controversy, Wilson – FOXNews.com — He wants more civility. Nothing outrageous like shooting off your mouth abnout Harvard cops or calling a singer a “jackass” to get a cheap laugh. Oh, wait that’s what he did. So what is he talking about?

Diplomat. Financial regulator. Cheerleader. Doctor. President Obama’s worn all these hats since taking office. Now he’s assuming a new role: media critic. The president of the United States used the Sunday morning talk shows to broadly scold the news media for playing up what he called “rude” and “outrageous” political comments, and urge the 24-hour news networks to consider giving more of a platform to those who demonstrate decency and civility.

  1. dodgema says:

    OK, let’s not do the ol’ apples and oranges juggle here. First of all, I hate it when anyone tells the media to report only “good news.” That’s a simplistic statement.

    Second, I’m not sure that this is what he was asking. Yelling and ranting for long periods of time is not “news.” Also, it is not the same as a quick, if not particularly wise, response to a question/comment.

    I find it interesting that those who dislike Obama say his supporters think he is God, yet they themselves seem to expect him to act like God.

    Someone being human I can live with, but being a ranting nabob of negativity turns off my receptors.

  2. Awake says:

    What else should Obama have said about Kanye West and the way that he behaved? Kanye West IS a jackass.

    Notice the source of the article that JCW quotes above? Yes, it is Fox news, the only network that didn’t get to participate in the interview cycle. Sour grapes? Or is Fox embarrassed that the President is making a not so subtle dig at them for making ignorant asshats like Glenn Beck into stars?

  3. Wretched Gnu says:

    Oh John. I wish the president would “shoot his mouth off” more frequently when elderly citizens are put in jail for speaking harshly to authority.

    Everybody know Crowley acted like an idiot. Why pretend otherwise?

  4. jcj7161 says:

    Aaa Fox news again….the channel of the all white and over 50 Tea Baggers….rising up at the command of their Health Insurance\Drug Company\Am Radio masters

  5. Mr Diesel says:

    Boohoo the media whore is back on all the Sunday shows whining that everyone isn’t smiling with all his smoke blown up their asses.

  6. Faxon says:

    We’re stuck with THIS jackass.

  7. Awake says:

    Hey John, did you forget why Crowley was arrested? For screaming at the cops to get the hell out of his house once that he had proven that it was his house. It was the cops behaving like the jerks that they are these days, where instead of saying “We are glad that there was no problem here, have a nice day” and then just leaving, they kept their tough guy act going after everything had been cleared up.

    That is what Obama is complaining about… that the story about the improper way that the cops behaved gets completely lost behind some made-up scandal about Obama’s opinion about how the cops acted, (most probably based on Obama’s experiences with cops in the past.)

    The real story is how Crowley was treated by the police… but that has been lost in your and Fox News’ single-minded obsession to criticize Obama

  8. Awake says:

    #6 Faxon
    >> We’re stuck with THIS jackass.

    Why are you calling yourself a jackass?

  9. GF says:

    I hardly ever go there but here you go: http://www.happynews.com

    I’m forwarding to theprez@whitehouse.gov

  10. chuck says:

    So did President Obama call Nancy Pelosi and tell her to stop calling people Nazis?

  11. TJ says:

    @Mr. Diesel.
    Wow, that’s such an inept interpretation of what Obama actually said. Way to eat up that Fox news crap hook line an sinker.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Oh I guess Obama can’t have opinions now, the republicans might get offended.

  13. Animby says:

    I simply don’t care.
    What I do care about is the offensive slogan on that tee shirt! I wish she’d take it off…

  14. Traaxx says:

    Double Think=President Hussein and every word that comes out of his racist mouth. Why is it that the first thing a Demoncrat does is to project their own beliefs everyone else.

    What where is Eidunce? No comment on his Fuhrer and where’s Uncle Dave Stalincrapo? I would of thought they would be here blogging to protect der Fuhrer Hussein, oh well the Obama Kids and ACORN will be making house to house checks for papers and installing cameras in any “Extremist”, oh well maybe Amazon can pull 1984 so we don’t see any parallels – Remember Knowledge is Slavery


  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    This article is so fractured with abridged quotes, I found it impossible to work out just wtf they were talking about. As far as I can tell, its about Obama having a crack at his more hysterical detractors. So what?

  16. Awake says:

    The problem with America: #14 Traxx

  17. deowll says:

    I think Obama just wants his supporters to stop playing the “everybody who disagrees with me is a ________” card because it isn’t working for him or the party.

    If somebody on the other side is dumb enough to do that sort of thing I think he can live with it because it gains him support.

    I think someone once said, “I can deal with my enemies but God save me from my friends.”

  18. ProfessorTom says:

    Obama just likes to hear himself talk.

  19. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #18, Tom,

    That is pretty close to your heroes like Limbaugh and O’Reilly.

    Yet worse, and taking a page from FOX, is Dvorak’s posting controversial stories just for the hits. So what if this was a poorly written article. So what if Fox is left out. Dvorak can just post some bullshit headline and watch the ditto heads come out of the woodwork. (see #14 above)

  20. ggore says:

    Kanye West IS a jackass, anyone who argues otherwise is right there with him. Plain & simple, any idiot can see that.

    I’m not surprised at all that Fox News did not take the opportunity to interview Obama. They would never show a complete one-take interview with the President.

    They are famous for taking little snippets of what he says and then stringing them together to make it sound like he said something completely different, or only playing part of a sentence setting up a premise and then not playing the second part of the sentence that explains the premise. Hannity and Beck are masters at this technique, with a best-known instance when Obama actually said “We’ve made some mistakes, but we’re working on not making any more”. Hannity only played the “We’ve made some mistakes” part and went on rants for months that Obama is apologizing to the world for everything we’ve done; is ashamed of our country; is unamerican; the most dangerous President we’ve ever had, etc etc.
    Classic technique of a lawyer. You say “Yes I grabbed my gun and shot him as he pushed the knife against my chest”, but the lawyer only allows “Yes I grabbed my gun and shot him” into the record, making YOU the bad guy instead of your attacker.

  21. smittybc says:

    The slow collapse of Obama’s domestic agenda has got to be deeply frustrating given the president’s own high regard for his own abilities. For the first time in the last 3 years or so, people just aren’t buying what he is selling and it will be interesting to see if he is so full of himself to think he can talk his way out of it.

    But what the left should recognize is that, even as George Bush’s domestic ambition to be the “education president” was upended by the realities of their entrenched leftist bureaucracy and unions unwilling to do anything for that particular president, so too does his agenda have to yield to the average (no matter how much it disgusts the left) “Walmart” American. When/if this impression (the correct one IMO) comes out, Obama will have real problems. But nothing gives me the impression that the hard left gets any of this, will Obama?

    Good commentary from Christian Science Monitor (csmonitor.com/2009/0918/p09s02-coop.html):
    “Washington – In recent years, our family has traveled cross-country, visiting 37 states and countless museums, landmarks, and parks. Our dream was to expose our children to amazing educational experiences.

    I didn’t realize, however, that a rare opportunity to stay in a ritzy hotel in Washington this summer would also be exposing them to elitism at its core.

    In our tourist attire, we stood out like sore thumbs. Women in polished high heels and impeccable coiffures swept past. I looked down at my rumpled sweater, Wal-Mart jeans, and $11 tennis shoes. Where did a no-frills mother of four boys fit? Was the world really divided between power suits and ponytails – insiders and outsiders?”

    If you are on the left and you don’t understand what she’s talking about above, you will do so at your own peril.

  22. MikeN says:

    Yea they should have focused on substance. Like why is Obama telling Spanish audiences he doesn’t like the term ‘illegal immigrant’?

  23. Weary Reaper says:


    Every time I wander past, the pile of shit has grown higher.

    I sure hope you’re geting more hits with Guilherme Cherman’s formula of dirty tricks, including moronic headlines.

    Poorly translated from Guilherme Cherman’s so-called book to make money off your blog:

    13. Headlines intriguing. The more striking and flashy title is better, but I learned early on that lie in exchanging links does not work cheap.

    For example, “China accuses Google of being too pornographic” is rather than “China criticizes Google for publishing obscene information, but not better than “Google is now a porn site. Come now!”.

    How about:

    Obama Takes Media to Task — Demands Happy News!

    Now there’s an excellent FOXNews, Guilherme Cherman headline. It’s totally imaginary and highly inflammatory.

    Good one, if you’re just a dumb teenager who doesn’t comprehend even the concept of ethics.

  24. Bob says:

    You know after reading the all the comments, its obvious that the left is terrified on fox news aren’t they? Why would they talk about them in every other paragraph if they weren’t?

    They will come up with excuses why of course, but everyone knows the truth. They are scared of Fox, its something they can’t control, and something they can’t shut down. They still haven’t gotten use to having total control of tv media.

    Fox is to Obama and the Dems, what george soros and moveon.org were to George Bush and the Republicans.

  25. Mr Diesel says:

    #11 TJ

    Obomba wasn’t on Fox and all you have to do is listen for 30 seconds and you would notice he went on all the big networks to do one thing, whine. He isn’t getting his way so boo fucking hoo.

    Cry me a river Obomba. I’m surprised he hasn’t forced Soros to start an All Obomba All the Time Channel for that fucking ego of his.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    WoW! That girl in the Pic is CUTE!!

    Does this mean that Obama really IS a “Long legged MAC DADDY!”

  27. soundwash says:

    ..and to think, we have listen to this egomaniac for another 3+ years at the minimum..


  28. deechee says:

    jcj7161, good insight


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