EU funding ‘Orwellian’ artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for “abnormal behaviour” – Telegraph __ Maybe they can scan DU and figure out what’s wrong with a couple of the commentators. :)

A five-year research programme, called Project Indect, aims to develop computer programmes which act as “agents” to monitor and process information from web sites, discussion forums, file servers, peer-to-peer networks and even individual computers.

Its main objectives include the “automatic detection of threats and abnormal behaviour or violence”.

Project Indect, which received nearly £10 million in funding from the European Union, involves the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and computer scientists at York University, in addition to colleagues in nine other European countries.

Shami Chakrabarti, the director of human rights group Liberty, described the introduction of such mass surveillance techniques as a “sinister step” for any country, adding that it was “positively chilling” on a European scale.

  1. GF says:

    The damn alarm on that thing will never stop ringing. Abi-normal abi-normallllll!!!!!

  2. Satchmo Bevins says:

    “…positively chilling” on a European scale.”

    It’s a pretty frosty thought on a local scale too!

    I think the NSA already has software to do this, not that I know that for sure. Really, I don’t.

    Seriously, I don’t.


  3. earlwallace says:

    Probably people are scared to post because the software study may be focusing on this comment stream. heh

  4. green says:

    You may talk about it but don’t even think about trying to change it…

    That’s when they lock in on you.

  5. Faxon says:

    Christ Almighty! We’re all fucked!

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    #5 Faxon

    Geez, ya think………

  7. Alfred's Mom says:

    My son will be gone like Betty Ford’s tits.

  8. Patrick H. says:

    The Stasi would be proud.

  9. pedro's Mom says:

    I knew this would happen.

    I work in an industry that applies allot of statistics to determine a rouge tool or process. There is a process target and defined window of deviation based on 6 sigma and the normal distribution. My job it to ensure Man/Machine/Material/Method/Measurement are all doing the same thing day in day out. No statistical outliers.

    Now they want to do the same for people in society. This will be a big mistake, as there is no statistically “Normal distribution of behaviors” as people come from different backgrounds and such.

    To do this, there will have to be a predetermined “desired” target behavior and some window of tolerance. These behavioral targets will shift as social mores shift.

    The new social objective for people will be, not to stand out from your peers. You will have to follow the fashion desires of your peers. Everyone will be forced to become a conformist. It will be like living in Japan on a global scale.

    Anything outside of the bell curve will be considered deviant and suspect for further police investigation.

  10. noname says:

    # 9 pedro’s Mom,

    Who say’s Japan lost the war?

  11. Animby says:

    Abnormal behavior will be easy to track down since to even look for it, you have to set assumptions and those assumptions are based on known “aberrations.” In other words they will be looking for behavior they have already found! What is more difficult, and arguably a lot more significant, would be to determine what is “normal” behavior on a continuing and evolving basis. What is normal now is certainly not what we would have called normal when I was a teenager. (Remember when homosexuality was considered a disease or a lifestyle? Or take Alfred1. Seriously, please take him…) And what is abnormal now may become totally normal in just a few years.

    If improperly used, software that detects abnormal behavior could end up stagnating society by strangling societal evolution.

  12. noname says:

    # 11 Animby

    “software that detects abnormal behavior could end up stagnating society by strangling societal evolution.”

    Wouldn’t that be a god-send by those wishing for a Bush&Jerry Falwell alliance??

    Aren’t we only one election away from this happening?

  13. noname says:

    # 11 Animby

    “software that detects abnormal behavior could end up stagnating society by strangling societal evolution.”

    What would something like this do for civil disobedience??

  14. Founder says:

    It’s inevitable that smaller powers will consolidate into larger powers and that large hegemonic powers will constantly strive to assert more and more tracking and control over their citizens. There is no place for freedom or privacy of the individual in modern society. In the United States the Total Information Awareness network launched by DARPA does basically the same thing. It is impossible to combat this consolidation and exponential increase in power within our current platform. The only place humans have ever found real freedom or anonymity is on the edges of new frontiers where the reach of government falters and the vision of the powers becomes blurry. If you are looking for the rights of man, they still exist. Just look up.

  15. deowll says:

    The problem with this is that the elite in charge get to decide what is or is not abnormal.

  16. pedro's Mom says:

    Just to give an Idea of what this type thinking engenders in a society; Conformists belong, non-conformists and ethnic minorities get hammered.

  17. me says:

    Jesus F’in Christmas……Seriously, what the hey is normal? How are they going to define that and then program it? LOL I really would love to see them implement something like this, just to watch how miserably it will fail. All though there will be boatloads of people who will be “slightly” inconvinenced along the way.

  18. noname says:

    They have been working on this for some time.

    They have computer programs that track people’s movements from everyday security cameras..

    They can track if you are carrying something like a photo camera. The can tell if a bag you are carrying is abnormally heavy of something strange is in it.

    They can track you if you are taking pictures of landmarks. They can use facial recognition to determine identity.
    They have already used this in Chicago, NY and other cities to detain/question and confiscate film from tourist, just for taking pictures..

    They already track you via your credit card what books/magazines you purchase. They track your surfing habits, they track you buying habits, they track your location via you cell phone. They know more about you then you do yourself.

    All this started because of 9/11.

    Now, don’t you feel really secure now that your liberties are basically gone.

    All they need to do is weave a story and Presto, they can and have convicted a “ham sandwich”.

  19. amodedoma says:

    Hey TITHEADS the unitedstatesicans have been doing this for years now, it’s called Echelon. I won’t start worrying until DU tells me I should!

  20. Breetai says:

    On the one hand granting government the authority to do this is frighting. But am I worried about it?

    Not really.

    The government is too top heavy and incompetent to not get out of their own way to really get the job done right.

  21. Li says:

    Perhaps the American government, but the Euros have been more. . .efficient, over the years, when it comes to oppressing their people.

  22. ogman says:

    Nancy Pelosi wants two!


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