This is what the American media is all about. And for anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet, they all lie.

  1. mcosmi says:

    bobbo: I just stated a simple fact that democrats raise my taxes…as this moron will…im sorry, im sick of funding inefficient govt…that sticks its nose into business. im in the tech field, and im watching the assault of big govt on our capitalist system and i don’t like it one bit. if you think that you get more accurate news from the left wing news network that ows a debt of gratitude to this administration, and slants all news accordingly, then by all means, continue consuming it….if you have a brain, and can think for yourself…doubt what you hear…but u seem like a tool, so im probably talking to a stone.

  2. mcosmi says:

    Olo Baggins of Bywater, if you think u need to make more than 250 to get your taxes raised youre in a dream world…keep drinkin your koolaid buddy, and i’ll see you next april…or are you one of the 50% of people in this country not paying TAXES and voting in these tax and spend liberals?

  3. Somebody says:

    “Lie” is such a strong word….

  4. J says:

    # 25 mcosmi

    Hey Fucknut! Guess what? Even if you pay quarterly like me you haven’t paid taxes on a year that Obama was president. Not to mention there has been no increase on Fed Taxes yet for those that pay quarterly so you are a fucking liar or delusional.

  5. J says:

    I didn’t word that right. Replace “Even” with Unless.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    mcosmi, I realize that facts and reality aren’t necessarily abundant in your argument, so I’ll say it again so maybe you’ll hear it this time: Obama cut your taxes.

    In case you hadn’t noticed:
    1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
    2. The Stimulus is Working
    3. First Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt…
    4. …Then George W. Bush Doubled It Again
    5. Republican States Have the Worst Health Care
    6. Medicare is a Government Program
    7. Barack Obama is Not a Muslim
    8. Barack Obama was Born in the United States
    9. 70,000 Does Not Equal 2,000,000
    10. The Economy Almost Always Does Better Under Democrats

  7. mcosmi says:

    J, see u in april, olo, stimulus isnt working, take some economics courses at your community college(if u are like obama, mybe u can even go to a good school for free on taxpayer dime) …some of your points i have never debated, but the economy never does better with liberal spending. please, maybe it does better for people expecting handouts, but for contributing members of society…we take it in the ass…and my ass hurts really bad as of late. call me crazy, but i know when im getting fucked.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    You guys on the right know all about taking it in the ass, eh?

  9. mcosmi says:

    leave it to a liberal idiot to take an easy one when debating a serious issue…i was hoping you would do that so i could drink the rest of my beer, and get ready for work tomorrow, of which 1/2 of those earnings will be stolen from me, and given to someone almost as undeserving as you are. rest tonight knowing that you are contributing to the downfall of a nation, and are sitting with your prick in your hand doing nothing about it.

  10. J says:

    # 40 mcosmi

    “J, see u in april”

    Like I said I pay quarterly.

    “some of your points i have never debated”

    I have made no other points in this debate and my only point was you are either too stupid to understand what is going on or you are a liar. Neither of those are up for debate.

    “but the economy never does better with liberal spending”

    Thank you for proving my point. I guess you are not a liar.

    “we take it in the ass”

    What ever floats your boat. However, unless you are paying quarterly you are not going to see a federal tax increase. Actually, yours will more than likely go down. You need to stop being such a self defeating dolt. People like me will be paying your share of this bad economy so you need to take your complaints elsewhere or STFU!

    “and my ass hurts really bad as of late”

    I recommend taking your head out of it.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’m not doing nothing, I voted in November. That fixed quite a lot.

    Maybe if you didn’t pay any taxes you could be a blacksmith or farrier or cooper or something…wouldn’t be any roads without taxes you know. No Internet, either, since it was DARPA’s idea, right?

  12. mcosmi says:

    J: doesnt matter if you pay estimated taxes…you are still in for a shocker in april…i pay 1/4ly too…why arent you angry at what waste the govt is making of your money? my head is squarely on my shoulders unfortunately…so its hard for me to ignore the idiocy of the majority of Americans…i would think the simple fact that youre a taxpayer would cause you enough pain to snap you out of whatever malaise you seem to be in. i could understand if you were one of the many so called americans who pay no taxes, but i like to see my investments bear fruit, not get flushed. the debate should not be so heated, but more sympathetic. you can understand the conservative anger cant you? i am not a republican persay, but a fiscal conservative(which is bipartisan) i cant stand to see this country made a mockery of…and that is the situation we have found ourselves in. As a fellow american I wish the best for you, for your success is a contribution to our great nation, but for people who milk this system, i have no sympathy. The country was built on sweat and hard work, and anyone who thinks they are above or beyond this is not worth of citizenship. We are experiencing some difficult times, and strong nations are made up of strong people…we will pull through as long as we take the blinders off, unite under one direction and stop this infighting which has divided us for way too long.

  13. TTHor says:

    Silly News! – Amazing that the the guy waste 5 minutes on this… and no wonder why mainstream media will end up being irrelevant

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    mcosmi, OK, you’re not a Repub, I’ll take back the earlier ass comment. lol

    Anyway, watching 60 Minutes…is Dean Kamen our generation’s Thomas Edison? Watch the segment about artificial limbs, the man’s a genius.

  15. noname says:

    It’s very hypocritical for Brazilian Cherman to say “for anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet, they all lie.”, when Brazil is very scandal-plagued. and Brazil can’t even be leader in their own region.

  16. Animby says:

    I remember when I used to turn on CNN to hear the news presented, usually in an informative and balanced way. Now, all you get is opinion and splashy graphics. Oh, and “i reports”. I am paying CNN (by watching their ads and paying my cable bill) to report the news not give every Tom Dick and MAry a few moments on national TV being inane.

    Where I live now, I am “privileged” to be able to choose between CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera. I often find Al Jazeera to be the most objective. And if that isn’t a condemnation of the others I’ll date Alfie’s sister.

  17. bobbo, the political reformer says:

    #50–J==you’re on quite a tear. Relating to mcosmi seems to be having only a slight effect (but an effect nonetheless) but I don’t think he realizes yet that you ARE who he only pretends to be, tax payer wise.

    It deserves to be said again how often poor ignorant people vote against their own best interests under the allusion/lies they need to do so in order “to be free.”

    Then, there’s rich informed people like yourself who are smart enough to figure out their own long term interests, those of their children/grandchildren, are actually better off if we stop the destruction of the middle class. ((Too late already in my view, but I am pessimistic.)

    I’m only upset I have to wait for some other thread to point out where you are wrong.

    Rick Sanchez–the male equivalent of a Barbie Doll. I like the way he explained simple points repeatedly. Maybe they were expecting an influx of Fox viewers?

  18. J says:

    # 51 bobbo

    “Then, there’s rich informed people like yourself who are smart enough to figure out their own long term interests, those of their children/grandchildren, are actually better off if we stop the destruction of the middle class.”

    Glad you see it. Small investments(relative to income) in the middle class and poor only benefit me. When they have more money to spend because they are productive members of society I make more money. Pretty simple in my opinion. I won’t even bother with the concept keeping them out of crime and getting them educated. That has an extremely high payoff value that a lot of “conservatives” seem to ignore. That is why I do a lot of what I do.

    # 45 mcosmi

    If you make less than $372,950 and I am sure you do based on the way you speak of money and your hard working self. You should take a look at the 2009 tax schedule vs. the 2008 tax schedule and you will find your assumption is DEAD WRONG!!! You can’t argue with facts my friend. Every tax rate requires a higher amount to enter than last year. So, if you make the same money you did last year you may pay the same % you did in 2008 but you sure as hell wont be paying more and there is a very possible scenario you may pay less tax.

  19. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #52–J==from your lofty advantage point, what really is a good reason to hate Obama? Not one you and I might agree with, but one that red state retards like mcosmi can get behind and actually be right? Not all the harm Obama is doing by continuing any of the many Bush programs, but something that is on Obama’s shoulders alone?

  20. J says:

    # 53 bobbo

    I don’t think we should hate anybody. I didn’t even hate Bush. I just didn’t trust him. Now I feel kind of sorry for him because I think he might have been the biggest patsy in the history of our country.

    I not real happy about the continuation of the Bush era policies that have slowly eroded our civil rights. He said he would restore our rights and I don’t think he is trying hard enough. I think he is trying to hard to included the Republicans. Fuck them! Do what you have to do. If you fuck it up Bye Bye. If you suceed Bravo! But don’t cater to those lame ass morans that screwed us for the last 8 years.

  21. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #54–Calm Down Big J==ok, “hate” is too strong a word, but in my parlance is nothing but the intersection of not trusting with lame ass morans.

    “Not pushing hard enough to get the policies he ran on and got elected on actually passed.” /// I agree.

    Don’t ask, Don’t Tell could have been repealed on Day One.

    Gitmo could/should be empty by now.

    We should be out of Iraq, and leaving Afghanistan.

    Failure to even ask for Single Payer.

    Yea, the boy is cruising for the big FAIL all on his own. The fiscal disaster is more rightly seen as being handed the hot potato as Bushie left the Whitehouse, sold the prop known as Crawford, and left Cheney in charge.

  22. J says:

    # 55 bobbo

    “Not pushing hard enough to get the policies he ran on and got elected on actually passed.” ”

    Well now don’t go putting words in my mouth. I agree all of those things should be done but civil rights restoration is #1 and should have happened already. That include Gitmo. The rest of those are not a direct danger to the security of our constitution and for Christ sake he has only been in office 8 months.

  23. american patriot says:

    Proof that Fox news Lied

    There are not reporting the news but are active participants in pushing their agenda

  24. ProfessorTom says:

    I think that the ad wasn’t asking why the other news outlets didn’t cover the event in terms of doing stories. The way I read the ad (granted, I’m interpreting) is that no one wanted to tell the truth about how many people were there. (1.5-2 million).

    But here’s the sad thing: I was there and on the day, all I heard from Fox was that there were “tens of thousands” there, not millions. In fact, it was announced on stage that NBC was reporting that figure, which was a mis-attribute. It was ABC who was said to have said that on the day, as we got reports that Channel 7 was reporting such a number and later on NBC was corrected to ABC.

    I thought that this video was pithy and was twisting words. I think that Fox should have chose better wording for their ad copy and I think that they also should have reported the facts correctly on the day.

  25. cj says:

    This country is in soooooo much trouble.

    You guys really should learn how to have an adult conversation with out accusations and name calling.

  26. mika. says:

    CNN lied. They lied because they didn’t tell the whole truth. They lied because their coverage was a propaganda effort to minimize the story. That said, all the alphabet soup propaganda outlets, including FOX News, lie in that they don’t tell you the news that needs to be told. They all deserve to be ignored and be left to die of irrelevance.

  27. jmckind says:

    TooManyPuppies (#17) is absolutely correct. I think the point that a lot of you are missing is the fact that this kind of thing is going on in the first place. Who cares what they are saying about each other.

    These are supposed to be news outlets, but this is daytime drama! They have to fill all that air time with something and fighting amongst themselves is just easier and unfortunately, there seems to be enough people out there that can’t get enough.

  28. triptrish says:

    All you liberal assholes need to shut the fuck up. We get enough bullshit from CNN and the likes.
    You say you want change, well your getting it, and I’m sure you’ll be some of the 1st to gripe once you lose your job because of what Obama is doing to my country.

  29. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:


    Geth these fuckers OUT NOW!

    Why? The majority of Americans voted for them. WE want them. If you are that upset then why not move. I heard Venezuela is nice this time of year.

  30. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #62, triptrish the whiney baby,

    I’m sure you’ll be some of the 1st to gripe once you lose your job because of what Obama is doing to my country.

    This country went into the tank because of the policies of George Bush. It is real simple, where the hell were you all the time Bush was ruining the economy?

    There are still thousands of people in my county unemployed. Most of them lost their jobs BEFORE Obama came to power.

    The bullshit seems to be coming mostly from assholes like yourself. And Cherman.


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