This is what the American media is all about. And for anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet, they all lie.
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yea, it was covered…in CNN’s usual leftleaning slant…making them all look like loonies, and nazi’s…and the coverage that was actually given, was little…very little.
Pot calling the Kettle black.
CNN and Fox both slant the “news”, Fox is just not as good at hiding it as CNN is.
They all might lie but FOX does it far more wantonly than anyone else. Several studies including a recent one from the University of Maryland show that people who get their news primarily from FOX are more ignorant about well-known factual information than others.
So you can say “they’re all the same” but that just means that the studies show FOX viewers are worse than average at retaining information in their brains. a.k.a dumber
so fox lied?
easy cnn sue them back for false advertising
You know if CNN would spend more time worrying about their own reporting than trying to bash Fox news at every turn, they would probably be in #1, not #2 and falling.
This is what the American media is all about. And for anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet, they all lie.
Then maybe you can show us where CNN lied. I don’t mean small errors, LIES.
Most people realize you’re biased. Only you make the exact same error FOX did and make a blanket statement with no fact. AS Sanchez is doing, you are being called on it.
Why? Because YOU LIE. And this is just one example.
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]
You are funnier than Alphie looking for toilet paper. Well, maybe not. That could conjure up something disgusting. But you are still funny in a real stupid way.
I said a LIE. I purposely said not an error. A lie requires forethought and knowledge, it doesn’t require error or “jumping the gun”. Errors are seldom lies.
What CNN did in your link was standard reporting where several times they said things were unknown at that time. It was also the anniversary of 9/11, a fact lost on most South Americans.
Now, do something your real character never does and back up your comment that CNN lies.
¿Guilherme Cherman
With this link are trying to say CNN made an honest mestake and owned up to it or it is evidence of an intentional Fox type lie?
Reading your past post Cherman, it seems to me that you are extremely biased.
Being that you are part of the media, now that you are a blogger, and by your own admission everyone in the media lies, then it means that you lie too.
So if you lie saying that other new organizations lie then you are a ……
sorry Mr. Fusion I should have refreshed my page and checked before posting such a duplicate point.
Of course they “covered it” a little – even in this clip – painting the movement as a far right wingnut event. I have been to 2 teaparties now, and found sane, non-bigoted, mom & pop, everyday business owners – from 4 political parties — many of them did not like Bush, hate the patriot act, and are just tired of working hard all their life only to watch the feds and the states take the money and use it for things they don’t believe in. They don’t want to be England, with a nanny state.
They don’t hate President Obama for his race, or even his political party – they hate him for the radical extreme things he is doing to the country – and they felt like they had little voice with the republicans or democrats. THAT was not covered on CNN. not at all. But in fairness to FOX and CNN both – CNN did get unfairly portrayed in the ad. Gee CNN, how does it feel to be unfairly portrayed by the media?
Of course, to you I am a conspiracy lovin’ right wing nut who thinks Obama is like Hitler and am a racist because I want health care reform with out a public option, and oh, I am angry and white too, and a hater, and a mindless wonk following Rush, Glenn Beck, and Fox news.
(if you believe all of that last paragraph… My God your lost).
CNN is fringe media, averaging less and less market share. Fox is growing in share, almost doubling – wake up folks, this is no longer just a right vs left thing.
CNN is fringe media, averaging less and less market share. Fox is growing in share, almost doubling – wake up folks, this is no longer just a right vs left thing.
If CNN is fringe that means Fox is mainstream. And it means we’re doomed.
And you’re right, it’s not right vs left. It’s truth vs partisan bullshit.
Cherman, your comments are over the top. CNN takes the high road, they don’t spend any time telling their viewers they cover a bunch of stories the real media won’t cover. Why? Because CNN is full of journalists, where Fox is apparently full of spinmiesters.
Fox isn’t just biased, they’re a joke.
#13 Spewing Rush’s talking points doesn’t say anything except that you’re a mindless dittohead. FYI.
some of you seem to be missing very significant difference between covering and promoting.
Fox is the network for morons. Morons are the only ones that take the crap that they spew as factual. I occasionally watch some Fox for purely entertainment value. It’s actually funny a lot of the time.
Neither channel reports news. They’re infotainment outlets.
Which is why I blocked all of them from my sat channel lineup.
#15 – Funny! it is like you didn’t even read me – BTW have not listened to RUSH in recent history… And FYI I am not a fox news fan, nor a CNN enemy. I did however watch the coverage on multiple channels including CSPAN.
#16 – Promoting and sponsoring are different things also – but the biggest myth here is the belief that CNN didn’t promote anything – they promoted the view that the TeaParty movement is nuts. They promoted their point of view on many of the events prior – and tried hard to find or drum up hatred and racism, inciting the crowd (Watch the whole of the clips reference in this piece)
#14 – Fox is not “mainstream” they lean to 1/2 of a nation’s point of view… they don’t take the middle ground. But CNN does not to the other extreme. If there are Journalists still out there – they are young and idealistic and will be used by the others, like the two kids that broke the Acorn story.
It’s sad that an industry can get so off track in 1 lifetime – You could hardly tell what the political position of a new anchor was when Walter was alive – and he was a globalist lefty. Fox is a brand, as is CNN, they are not news. The mindless #15 are folks that assume too much, and ridicule what they don’t understand or disagree with… Like you did of me.
Fox is fricken brilliant. Free advertising on a competing network, bwahhhhh hahahah.
That’s nothing.
-youz should have seen the crowds
downtown at groundzero on 9/11.
The 9/11 [truth] protesters were out in great masses and not a peep of it was in the MSM.
They really do not want anyone thinking about anything other than what the government tells them to think.
Is he playing Keith Olbermann?
these liberal ‘news’ organizations have an agenda….to brainwash the american public while taking huge sums of money from the us govt in ‘payoffs’ for such practicens…GE was bailed out..GE owns who people? WAKE UP….they were bailed out by the current administration, and its payback time. They are brainwashing you america! Wake up and stop watching big media, they have an agenda, and you’re playing right into their hands.
Maybe the reason why they didn’t cover it very much was that not that many people showed up and it was a media stunt orchestrated by Fox News personalities like Glenn Beck.
So–if you are kinda suspicious of “all” news sources but for some reason wanted to find out who was more fair and balanced than the others, what would you do?
Design a survey testing certain issues and comparing how different organizations covered it? You get people together who claim not to have a party affiliation, and history shows they have not registered, have not worked for one side or another, do not donate time or money, and do not declare themselves for one side or another.
Put that type of group together and repeatedly what they conclude is that Fox is pro-conservative.
What should anyone therefore think?
The bias that I see against CNN is that they are too passive==they let the government “get away” with the status quo. They are uncritical. Makes them look like lefties now that the Dem’s are in power.
ANYBODY that gets their “news” from 1-2 sources is ill informed. If you only get your news from TV==you are ill informed.
#25…Obama cut your taxes.
#3 – Boyd, I really don’t thing that Fox viewers are dumber than everyone else. Though I am sorely tempted to, some times. They’ve just bought into the huge lie, that Fox is this bastion of Christian, Right-Wing conservatism. My mother keeps asking about “Sky Angel” dish. And I keep telling her that as Fox News is their primary source. That Rupert Mordock probably owns the entire dish network. And he’s about as close as he can get to being the Anti-Christ, right now. So why are people falling for Sky Angel being religious and all. If Fox News is the best they can do for coverage. If they were really truthful and moral, they’d create their own news network. But this sort of thing is all sewn up. Nobody can report anything, without going thru the fat ass liars, who control every nut and bolt of television.
As long as people believe those that call themselves conservatives in the media. And pretend to be religious or highly moral. Then we’ll have nothing but lies for news. It’s pretty bad when the spokesman for the conservative viewpoint on health care reform. Is an over-weight, drug addict like Rush Limbaugh.
That’s like saying Oprah is the best adviser on diet plans, since she’s tried them all, and obviously failed. Time magazine thinks she’s dangerous, when it comes to advice of almost any kind. She courts wackos of the month, to come on her show and sell their books. And keeps real doctors on a tight leash, about countering anything her wacko guests advise. That’s probably why Dr. Oz got his own show. To try and undo some of the damage the other “O Show” has done.
#28–mcosmi==given #27’s Olo’s response to you, do you work for Faux Spews?
Nobody does, nor should, care what the Founding Fathers said. Given the time that has passed, such arguments are completely propagandistic and not valuable.
Do you work for Fox News?
Like most internet reporting, Guilherme, your text exemplifies the fundamental dishonesty that is supposedly unique to “old media”.
In a misguided attempt to show “balance,” you need to pretend that the constant lying on Fox news is equally matched by all other news agencies. It’s all a wash, then, and nothing can be trusted, blah blah etc.
Let me explain: When one news outlet’s systematic distortions wind up convincing 54% of the US populace in 2003 that the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis, what you have is a propaganda machine unparalleled in the US since the 19th century. That’s the reality, not “it’s all lies”…
mcosmi, then, congrats on having an AGI bigger than $250k. With that kind of dough why are you wasting time here?