
She was an exotic dancer at a Miami strip club called Porky’s. He showed up wearing a Hawaiian shirt, eager to share a night in the VIP lounge.

They began a torrid, on-and-off love affair that ended for good in January, after she gave birth to a daughter she says is his. Now, she wants child support and has filed a restraining order against him.

It might be a routine, if tawdry, court case if not for respondent David Dueppen’s job: Catholic priest with the Miami Archdiocese.

The sordid story line inflicts another black eye on an Archdiocese already embarassed in May, when popular Miami television priest Alberto Cutié admitted to an affair with a woman, whom he quickly married…

“He is the devil,” said Beatrice Hernandez, 42, of Miami, who provided DNA test results naming Dueppen as the father. “He is the devil dressed as an angel.”

RTFA. Better than the average soap opera – though I’m not certain if the soaps focus as much on the hypocrisy in one of our bastions of Christianity.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    #27-Sister in need of a shorter name-whiskered biscuit

    Ok you got me, that is funny.
    “This must be the biggest beaver shoot in the history of Florida. There’s so much fur you can knit a sweater.”

    #28-Skippy-How does that affect you beyond being disgusted?

    It affects everyone when you go into schools and attack little children with your propaganda. This is beyond disgusting.

  2. Skippy says:

    #31, and what propaganda would that be? Hatred and intolerance, like you and other religious folk preach? Please elaborate on the so-called gay agenda that homophobes like yourself say exists.

    By the way, I’m not gay, I just don’t give a damn about what people do in their bedrooms, as long as it’s between consenting adults. However, those who oppose it usually have something to hide. Are you really a closet queen?

  3. right says:

    Skippy – You hit it on the nose. I’m not gay either but have worked with many in my years in the restaurant biz. Overall, nicest people one would ever want to meet (in my experience) and if someone says to me “BTW, I’m gay” I say “So what?”

  4. Dr Dodd says:

    #32-Skippy-By the way, I’m not gay.

    Yeah, right. It’s too late to start lying now.

  5. qb says:

    #34 Dr Dodd


  6. Skippy says:

    #34, oh, I’m so hurt. Ya got me!

    Now, about that propaganda you claim is being aimed towards children…is it as dangerous and harmful as taking them to church or Sunday school and lying to them about a fictional higher power?

  7. right says:

    Dodd – you’re proving to be an idiot and all the readers here can tell that.
    Any other ad hominems you want to add, you homophobic ass.
    Speaking of your ass, your hairy butt, can I get some of my gay friends call you for a little get together?
    C’mon, you can get Alfred1 to join you for moral support.

  8. Dr Dodd says:


    Just the type of insults I would expect from three guys with puckered rectums and chapped lips.

  9. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #38–well Dodd==what kind of response do you see as reasonable when you are declaring a whole group of people to be rectums, and of course all that you associate with that?

    Now, I don’t like xyz myself but I recognize thats just “me” and has nothing to do with “them.” Homophone is just one kind of heterophobe==hating those things that are different.

    In the case of homosexuality, its not even really that different, just a twist. I think being asexual is a whole lot different. But again, thats just me.

    Oh, I forgot to throw in a insult. Yes==when you deny humanity to other people, in a real sense, you deny it to yourself.

  10. qb says:

    #38 Mr Dodd

    Wow, that was a bucket of yucks. I don’t think you turned the other cheek, if you know what I mean.

  11. Dr Dodd says:

    #39-bobbo-what kind of response do you see as reasonable when you are declaring a whole group of people to be rectums…

    You might notice than I did not respond as you say until after I was ambushed.

    -deny humanity to other people, in a real sense, you deny it to yourself.

    You make a good point and one I would normally agree, but in this case it is not possible. When others offer up their “humanity” as a weapon to oppress the free flow of thought and opinion then I no longer feel obligated.

    #40-qb-I don’t think you turned the other cheek…

    Why on earth would I turn the other cheek – so you can slap me again? Not going to happen.

  12. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #41–Dodd==regardless of perception, you would be demonstrating very thin skin while advocating your own personal preferences for everyone else.

    The downhill road was actually started by yourself at #8. You stated men could have sex but shouldn’t have sex with other men. I agree, mild compared to what you followed up with and you were egged on by others expressing the contrary view.

    How many such arguments can an adult have before he recognizes that the mild version of what you think is actually/still/nonetheless fighting words to folks who are sensitive to the issue?

    Accept the reality that other people aren’t like you, and have no reason to be like you, and your other opinions might change too.

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #42-bobbo-You stated men could have sex but shouldn’t have sex with other men.

    I said a priest should not have sex with children and other men. You can’t adequately serve man or God if your entire lifestyle is one of sin. Nothing new, just a requirement of the job.

    -Accept the reality that other people aren’t like you, and have no reason to be like you, and your other opinions might change too.

    No one is like anyone else. As far as my opinion goes individuals rule and to be a sheep who only follows the crowd are setting themselves up to be slaughtered.

    Expressing my disagreement with anything is my opinion and not an effort to squelch the freedoms of anyone else. When we lose the freedom to exchange ideas and to disagree with ideas then we have lost it all.

  14. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Dodd–sorry, your downhill started at #12, and your rendition of that is changed enough to reveal your actual guilty consciousness that you have acted badly. You just need to recognize it and change rather than tell tall tales and maintain the position.

    YOU said: “I don’t care if Priest have sex or not” and then qualified it later==all having nothing to do with Church dogma.

    You are right on the cusp Dr. Dodd. Choose to be a better person.

  15. qb says:

    #41 Dr Dodd

    “Why on earth would I turn the other cheek – so you can slap me again? Not going to happen.”

    I sent a couple of pretty lightweight softballs your way. I wasn’t exactly whacking you across the back of the head with a cricket bat, was I? In other words, a little light teasing to raise the tone a bit which you could have back handed across the net for a winner and climbed out of the hole a bit.

    But then, an enlightened person would have picked up on that, don’t ya’ think? 😉

  16. Skippy says:

    #41 “You might notice than I did not respond as you say until after I was ambushed.”

    Awwww, where’s the waaambulance? You were “ambushed” (nice victim’s whining there) because you made stupid statements without backing them up with logic, and then insulted anyone who responded to you.

    If you want to be taken seriously and respected, then you should back up your idiotic arguments (such as the one about gay propaganda) with logic and reason.

  17. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    Waaaambulance always cracks me up. So does opening a can of whoop-ass. Never gets old.

    We are EMOTIONAL creatures. Logic and reason just a coincidence.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #45-qb-I sent a couple of pretty lightweight softballs your way.

    Looking back perhaps I did go a little far sending cannon fodder in your direction when only a musket ball was required. It seems you got caught in the crossfire.

    The spoils of war.

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    #46-Skippy-you made stupid statements without backing them up

    Just because you don’t agree doesn’t make a statement stupid. If you are referring to gay propaganda then look no further than the vile books placed in schools targeting children.

    Why is it necessary for children to learn about two daddies before they learn how to write?

    Pure indoctrination laced with evil.

  20. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    Dr Dodd==in an article about an adult male having sex with adult females, how do you flip over to “Why is it necessary for children to learn about two daddies before they learn how to write?”

    YOU are bringing quite a lot of baggage to the issue and comments. Including the concept of “evil.” Hah, hah. Evil. Yes, evil. Like vanilla ice cream because I prefer chocolate. That kind of evil?

    Where is the evil Dr Dodd? I see it in YOU with your hate for people I presume you don’t even know? In a way, I envy you. You have so much to learn, and all you have to do is open your eyes.

    HEY!!!!! Who turned off the lights?

  21. Dr Dodd says:


    Sex is not an appropriate topic for children. The fact that you don’t see a problem with it tells me more than I want to know about you.

  22. qb says:

    It sounds like sex is not an appropriate topic for some adults either.

  23. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    Dr Dud==YOU brought the kiddies up. But you are only being transparently contrary, and not very good at it. Your fear of the modern world is better hidden by your bibble than your heterophobias.

    Silly Man.

  24. Dr Dodd says:

    #53-YOU brought the kiddies up.

    So I did. If you are going to condone the homosexual lifestyle, which you obviously do, then you must consider all aspects and evils of that choice.

    Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you because you don’t understand or fail to grasp the danger of your decision.

    Besides, like you say, what does this have to do with a priest going to a strip club.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, Dr. Dudd,

    Sex is not an appropriate topic for children. The fact that you don’t see a problem with it tells me more than I want to know about you.

    Something like “Abstinence Only” education and “Sex Education is the realm of the parent”?

    Ya right. One of the worst foibles dumped on the American public by the right wing nut evangelicals. Yet, the most galling aspect of that is your constant calling Obama a failure.

    You are part of what has failed America.

  26. Skippy says:

    #51, why is sex, and the fact that there are people with two daddies, not appropriate subjects for children? They’re far more accepting of so-called “hush hush” topics than most people realize. It’s prudes like you who imprint all your anger and hatred onto kids by making homosexuals out to be evil.

    And why are they evil, by the way? If God made us all unto his own image, then part of God must be gay too, right?

  27. The0ne says:

    Christians will burn you for including Catholics in their group. I’ve haven’t met a Christian yet that hasn’t said a bad thing about Catholics. Funniest crap ever!

  28. Improbus says:

    The one constant in religion is hypocrisy.

  29. Dr Dodd says:

    #55-Mr Fusion-the most galling aspect of that is your constant calling Obama a failure.

    Obama is a failure as president. However, he looks to be fairly successful in destroying freedom.

    Maybe it’s you that is part of what has failed America? I know Obama is.


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