
She was an exotic dancer at a Miami strip club called Porky’s. He showed up wearing a Hawaiian shirt, eager to share a night in the VIP lounge.

They began a torrid, on-and-off love affair that ended for good in January, after she gave birth to a daughter she says is his. Now, she wants child support and has filed a restraining order against him.

It might be a routine, if tawdry, court case if not for respondent David Dueppen’s job: Catholic priest with the Miami Archdiocese.

The sordid story line inflicts another black eye on an Archdiocese already embarassed in May, when popular Miami television priest Alberto Cutié admitted to an affair with a woman, whom he quickly married…

“He is the devil,” said Beatrice Hernandez, 42, of Miami, who provided DNA test results naming Dueppen as the father. “He is the devil dressed as an angel.”

RTFA. Better than the average soap opera – though I’m not certain if the soaps focus as much on the hypocrisy in one of our bastions of Christianity.

  1. Faxon says:

    Why should I care? Good for him.

  2. Thargon says:

    Wow, I’m stunned! Some religious dude, doesn’t practice what he preaches, stop the presses!

    This is REALLY worth blogging, lets hope such a monstrous act does not happen again.

  3. jescott418 says:

    OK, we have heard this before. Why the Catholic church refuses to admit that it needs to allow priest to have a normal sexual life? Because its seems without that. Many have a very abnormal sexual life. Somehow I think that God and Church don’t mix right. Many churches over thousands of years have created their own laws and beliefs that have very little to do with believing and worshiping God. Its more about the church. My feeling has always been that the Catholic priests are more about a exclusive boys club then anything else. Which was probably derived from a time when woman were second class. I believe the Catholic church follows that same belief today. I think its time for them to change their beliefs in that regard.

  4. chuck says:

    The Church must have been pleased that the priests weren’t molesting 12-year-old boys.

  5. lynn says:

    OK, time for a Catholic joke from this former nun.

    People bring adulterous woman to Jesus.
    Jesus: “Let anyone among you who is without sin cast the first stone.”
    Rock comes out of the crowd, bonks adulterous woman on the noggin.
    Jesus: “Aw, Mom!”

    Heh heh.

  6. clancys_daddy says:

    #5 LOL, second “she was an exotic dancer at a Miami strip club called porky’s” oh how many jokes can be made from that one classic line.

  7. marty0577 says:

    Its better that he went after strippers than young children.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    The Catholic Church began lowering it’s moral standards in order to keep up with the times. The same can be said about many secular institutions such as the public school system and congress.

    It’s foolish not to expect or anticipate the problems we now face when so many fail to adhere to a moral compass.

    “What do ya say Pork, you think we ought to let this boy off with a warning?”

  9. Steve S says:

    Dr. Dodd, Are you proposing that priests having sex is only a recent phenomenon??? The sex drive is every bit as strong and ingrained into our brain as the need to eat when we are hungry and flee when we are threatened. It was “designed” in our primitive brain for survival of the species. Expecting a man (or woman) to to try and suppress these urges because of some arbitrary rule of a particular religion is foolish, unrealistic and doomed to failure.

  10. Fábio says:

    This IS the strategy of the church to avoid paying alimony.

    Here in Brazil, a lot of priests have families on the side. I know of a priest who had boyfriends, the whole town knew it and nothing ever happened to him.

  11. Fábio says:

    Celibacy is the church’s strategy to avoid paying alimony.

    Here in Brazil, a lot of priests have families on the side. I know of a priest who had boyfriends, the whole town knew it and nothing ever happened to him.

  12. Dr Dodd says:


    I don’t care if Priest have sex or not (as long as it’s not with children or other men). Each know the rules going in so if you have a problem with it don’t become a Priest.

    Personally I think not allowing marriage is an unwarranted demand which is at least one reason I would never become a Priest.

    I would also never become a vegetarian because I like steaks.

  13. Skippy says:

    #11, why should you care if two consenting men want to do each other up the ass? How is that any of your concern or business?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Does Alphie approve?

    Sure he does. He hates women and thinks they should all be breeding machines.

  15. Dr Dodd says:

    #12-Skippy-why should you care if two consenting men want to do each other up the ass?

    You mean, “Two walking, talking rectums…”

    “Don’t know much about the laws in Seward County but in this county that’s a a $35 dollar fine… $35 dollar fine or a night in jail.”

  16. Skippy says:

    14, I’m assuming either you’re a homophobe or you claim homosexuality is a mortal sin, based on some ancient piece of fiction known as the Bible?

  17. Ron Larson says:

    So what? A normal male lusts after a beautiful woman. It is not like he was molesting children, or running a ponzi scheme.

  18. bill says:

    It’s time for the church to allow married priests.
    I could never, and don’t understand why not.
    It seems it’s just another way to control people..
    Pay, Pray, Obey… or is it in some other order…

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    #15-Skippy-I’m assuming either you’re a homophobe…

    Of course I’m a homophobe. What you guys do together is pretty creepy if not down right vomit inducing.

  20. right says:

    Dodd – How does 2 guys or 2 girls together affect your daily life from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep? Just curious. Does it affect you health-wise, financially, socially?

  21. Dr Dodd says:


    Stop the aggressive marketing of the homosexual lifestyle on TV, movies and to school children, then ask me.

  22. right says:

    Dodd – Sorry, won’t do that.
    Marketing won’t change anyone from being straight to being homosexual. You know that, right?
    So, tangibly, this lifestyle does not affect you at all day to day.

  23. qb says:

    right, maybe Dr Dodd attended the LA Gay Pride Parade?

    P.S. I wouldn’t take it personally. Apparently I’m going to hell as well. 😉

  24. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    “He is the devil dressed as an angel!” /// Looks more like a man dressed as a woman.

    Poor catholic church. Society is evolving but the truth remains the same.

  25. Fábio says:

    #13, I don’t. All I’m saying is that priests are normal people and we shouldn’t be surprised that they have relationships and families (even if it’s againts their employer beliefs).

  26. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I told him to stick to the butt secks. We all thought he was gay.

  27. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #19 – Do you think that way about lesbians? Personally I’m a fan of the whiskered biscuit.

  28. Skippy says:

    #19, you didn’t answer my question. What business is it of yours what 2 consulting males do in bed? How does that affect you beyond being disgusted?

  29. Somebody says:

    Whose business is it what he does on his own time?

  30. Rick Cain says:

    Oh, just a woman, okay whatever.


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