The Australian Vaccination Network lobby group says more testing of the swine flu vaccine needs to be done before it is given to the public.

Australian Vaccination Network president Meryl Dorey has previously urged the Government not to make vaccinations compulsory for children. She says the H1N1 vaccine could prove more dangerous than the disease itself.

“If we find that swine flu is milder than normal seasonal flu, and we have normal seasonal flu every year, and all the government does is simply offer a vaccine for those who want it, why should this flu be treated any differently,” Ms Dorey said.

  1. Stars & Bars says:

    Fear Mongering by The CDC

    “CDC estimate that an average of 36,000 people die in the U.S. each year from seasonal flu”


    According to the CDC 753 people died of the flu in 2002, a 286% increase from 2001 when only 257 died from the flu (page 16).

    Looks like sometimes the CDC doesn’t know the difference between the flu and pneumonia.

  2. Stars & Bars says:

    Between Oct 1, 2003 and Apr 9, 2004, the CDC identified 863 antigenically DIFFERENT influenza viruses. Therefore, even if one assumes that the flu vaccines work for the three chosen strains, it is important to understand that the vaccines will not provide protection against the other 860 influenza viruses known to be in circulation.

    Hence the CDC’s statement about the flu is correct: Yearly, adults can average one to three and children three to six influenza-like illnesses (ILIs). The vaccine does not prevent influenza-like illnesses caused by infectious agents other than influenza [strains found in the shot], and many persons vaccinated against influenza will still get the flu.

  3. Alfred's Mom says:

    I’m taking my son in for several of these flu shots.

  4. ECA says:

    Understand this..
    5,000,000,000 people in the world..
    the DEATH rate for this virus is??
    0.05% chance..
    OR 250000 people MAY DIE..EVEN if 10 times that DIED around the world..
    2,500,000..Not even 1% of the USA population. for the WHOLE WORLD. Even if you made this DOUBLE..THAT IS A WORLD WIDE NUMBER.
    for it to be 1% of the WORLD, you would need to make that NUMBER 500,000,000 divide that by 300,000,000 and its ALMOST DOUBLE the USA population, about ALL of the America’s.. and the WORST parts of the infection, WONT be in developed nations. it will be SIDE AFFECTS, like pneumonia.. that will KILL them off. Why not treat everyone for pneumonia..ITS CHEAP.

    What is this thing about MAKING PEOPLE LIVE forever?? 1% is NOT a devastating DEATH RATE..
    HIT 5% and you have a problem. Esp if its reoccurring.. If you get this bug, chances are you WILL survive, and wont get it AGAIN for at least 1-2 the VERY LEAST.

    Who remembers HOW the vaccination for small pox was discovered?? It was found that DAIRY MAIDS caught a Flu like symptom, called COW POX. and NEVER caught small POX..

  5. Alfred's Dad says:

    #34 Helmet-wearer’s Mom – Bitch! This is my week to have the little bastard and he’s driving me to that beer festival. And besides, I caught him in the bathroom injecting himself between the toes with something. He said it was a “vaccine”. Thank goodness it was only that. I thought he was in there committing a sin with that men’s magazine he subscribes to.

  6. pedro's Mom is horny as Goat Weed says:

    # 37 Alfred’s Dad,

    Hi sweety pie, do you want to do another night together?

    I am on the pill, so you don’t even have to worry about the abortion not working this time.

    No mistakes, just hot passionate, tongue probing love.

    Just call me angel of the morning, angel.. Just touch my cheek before you leave me angel…


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