Joe Cocker, still crazy after all these years

At 8800 ft. altitude and squeezed into a box canyon surrounded by 13,000 ft peaks, The Telluride Blues and Brews Festival is an annual tradition in the Four Corners area of the US. Over the years the modest stage has seen the likes of BB King, James Brown, The Allman Brothers, Taj Mahal, and Bonnie Raitt, just to name a few. At night the bands move into small local venues where you can experience some of the worlds best blues guitarists, just feet away. Last night for the second time in my life, I was treated to the spastic genius of the great Joe Cocker. Today is the free beer tasting where 53 different breweries and 150 beers will compete for the prize of Telluride’s finest. Blues and beers combined with the thin air at this height, and I think it’s going to be a good day.

Photos thanks to Susan Skewes



Otis Taylor’s African Orchestra


Otis and his daughter on bass

Telluride 1280x1024

Telluride from above


  1. qb says:

    I’m so jealous. More pictures later please.

  2. qb says:

    Also, need details on the micro-breweries. Not that I drink beer, I’m just academically interested.

  3. bobbo, "well, its been so long...." says:

    McCullough–is there an old power plant at the head of that falls–or do you know the place I am thinking of? Nice car ride down the face of the falls.

    Whats wrong with me? I have given up on public performances. Noisy, dirty, expensive.

    I prefer making “a special evening” where we have a good meal, glass of wine, turn off the lights, light the candles, and then really listen to the CD of the artist selected. Live does have a quality, and both should be experienced, but in the end, I go for Memorex.

  4. McCullough says:

    #4. bobbo, yes a hydroelectric plant is at the top of Bridal Veil Falls. Some crazy caretaker gets stuck up there through the winter with no way down. If you have driven the road to Black Bear Pass, you know why.

  5. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    My uncle used to own thousands of acre sheep ranch in that area. Hah–owned? I doubt it. Probably worked on it? But I can just barely remember visiting him and the chicken that ran around with its head cut off.

    Also think there was a one hour tv show about that power facility and how it was rebuilt after a period of decay. With that view, I think I could do that.

  6. sargasso says:

    Sounds great. I wish I were there.

  7. TTHor says:

    Thanks for the Joe Cocker clip! Ever since “Mad Dogs & Englishmen” I’ve been a fan. Wish indeed I could have been there… and all the free beer 😉

  8. gene tharp says:

    Hey Fritz spank it Baby we r coming out to see u and Pauly during Brewa and Blues Yeee Hawww


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