Day Two: Free beer will bring out the crazies.

This Susan Boyle look-a-like was pushing Chile Beer….gak!

My wife in her new beer goggles.

There are no beer goggles strong enough….

My personal favorite.

The Scottish entry was excellent.



The minimalist entry from New Mexico.

A French Canadian beer which was surprisingly bad.

  1. qb says:

    Beer goggles. Nice!

    Beer making is sheer genius.

    Thank you McCullough. I didn’t even know the festival existed. I’m going next year instead of spending the weekend at home working.

  2. bobbo, hhmmmm free beer says:

    Free after you pay to get in?

    In Ca very special permits are required to drink “outside.”

    First Time I ever passed out was Inside==a beerhall in Munich.

    I’ve never outgrown it.

    McCullough==how does the free interact with the nothing is free?

  3. McCullough says:

    #1. qb- if your interested get reservations for a place to stay at least six months in advance..it’s a tiny town and if fills up fast. Especially the campground.

  4. McCullough says:

    #2. bobbo- the literalist. How does your wife cope?
    Beer Goggles?

  5. qb says:

    McCullough, thanks for the tip.

  6. bobbo, hhmmmm free beer says:

    Literalist? So when you say “Free Beer” how am I supposed to know its “Not Free Beer?” Seem to me you should say: “Telluride Blues and Brews Festival: Free Music and Plenty of Beer”

    or do you pay for the music too?

    Silly Me.

  7. McCullough says:

    bobbo- I only pay for the music…the beer is free.

  8. bobbo, hhmmmm free beer says:

    aaahhhh – I’m totally confused, seems like you are flip flopping again. How am I a literalist if the beer actually is free? Or do you mean you don’t pay for it because you don’t drink any?

    Oh well, I’m going to let it go. I can live with my ambiguity. Its good to see you having fun. Soldier On.

  9. sargasso says:

    The last beer festival I attended coincided with a nudist convention. Makes sense to have them in cold places. Just, FYI.

  10. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    This MONSTER will blow your mind. Check in at 2:58.

    some good boogie woogie in the side bar, Fats.

  11. Robart says:

    If you remember Telluride then you haven’t really been there. I had a great time last time I went there…at least that’s what I was told.

  12. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’ve always “thanked god” that I have absolutely ZERO musical talent, even though Mom is a champion violinist, skipping a generation she says, so that I haven’t wasted my life trying to equal the virtuoso’s out there. Imagine a life of being Salieri to Mozart?

    The link above came from a email from a friend regarding boogie woogie which led to Fats Domino which led to a few other things and then to Vanessa Mae==the richest recording artist in the UK and really quite something. Again–so glad I have no talent at all, I have escaped the frustration that must exist by comparison. I’m watchig this one right now, good video but the violin playing is more highlighted on others.


    McCullough–I don’t mean to highjack your thread. I’d love to hear what Cocker sounds like these days, but you have no links.

    A whole different form of communication. Ambiguous, not specific, taps into a whole other part of the brain.

  13. RDH says:

    I was born and raised in that area. Love the town, some of the best 4-wheeling in the country. To bad the big $$ came in with the likes of Oprah and Tom Cruise.

    Joe Cocker now lives on the Big Dog Ranch in the small town of Crawford CO, about 100 miles from Telluride.


  14. McCullough says:

    “McCullough–I don’t mean to highjack your thread. I’d love to hear what Cocker sounds like these days, but you have no links.”

    Just for you man.

  15. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    Yea, sorry about that. I did hear it on the earlier thread. Don’t you think Jim Belushi was actually better? ((Hah, hah!!!!)) The way he could fall forward and rock back and forth has never been beat.

  16. Floyd says:

    bobbo–You mean the late, great John Belushi, who one night on Saturday Night Live, nailed his impression of Joe Cocker, then got nailed himself by the real Joe Cocker. Great moment on that show!!

  17. McCullough says:

    #16. Yes a classic!


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