Truly Incredibly Amazing!

  1. Personality says:

    No wonder their keynotes are so damn long. Repetition.

  2. DrWally says:

    Well…that was just incredible. [In the actual Latin meaning of “incredible” — not believable.]

  3. says:

    Uh… what ever happened to the products speaking for themselves? I’ve never been to an Apple event. Seems like quite the mind numbing experience.

  4. jbellies says:

    #3 Products speaking for themselves could endanger the mission, Dave.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    They need John Hodgman on stage.

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    Looks like each just emerged from a political focus group session on words that create the illusion something is better than it is.

    I’m still not sold… unless it comes with a hooker how incredible can it be?

  7. KMFIX says:

    I use their computers to make a very good living.

    All I can do is say thank you.

  8. TTHor says:

    Amazingly incredible 😉 But.. they are good, so it is OK!

    But Steve looks like shit. I know he has had a transplant, but best advise is to get him off the vegan crap and on to some real food: meat proteins and fats… Poor guy. He is smart. How come he has fallen for the vegan stupidity? He should check your teeth and then he’ll know what nature provided him to eat.

    Well… anyway… Incredible!

  9. zorkor says:

    Apple sucks big time. They are nothing by hyped products for brain dead people. Come October and we will really see an Incredible, Amazing product…Windows 7. Those who really used it know how great it is…

  10. Faxon says:

    Liver 2.0

  11. zorkor says:


    you should call it iLiver 2.0

  12. orwk says:

    Dvorak had mentioned something before about Steve should have worn long sleeves. I don’t agree. He looks great, incredible, amazing, and greatly amazingly incredible as a thin old man, I mean that’s life, we live and we get old, so fucking what, he speaks well about some great products. This guy was, and still is pretty smart, and it’s admirable that he continues to put himself out there to present his products. I guess he’s lucky to be alive to see the pinnacle of his lifetime of endeavors. I just saw an iPhone for the first time and it is truly amazing.

  13. Tim says:

    This is just the opposite of an Episode of Hell’s Kitchen.

    Rubbish! Shit! Dog’s Dinner! Putrid! Scum! Crap! Shit! Rubbish!

  14. qb says:

    That’s hysterical. said “Uh… what ever happened to the products speaking for themselves?”

    They never have, Apple or otherwise. That’s why there are pitchmen.

  15. soundwash says:

    wow..too funny, that explains the accolades three of my neighbors carry on about when describing their Macs.

    they use the exact same key words when
    describing features and functions ad nauseum..

    -that their is some mighty fine marketing.

  16. LDA says:

    Simple, yes. Easy, yes. Great, depends. Incredible, not really (with the possible exception of the iPhone).

    Excessively priced, yes. But I can’t stand using Windows (personal choice).

    P.S. Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers…

  17. Yeah Right says:

    You’re so wrong!
    It is awesome great incredible excellent excellent excellent and better!

    (have you not seen the video?
    Prophet Steve-o-iJobs have spoken already)

  18. LDA says:

    #19 pedro

    As I do not own one, I am going on the fact that it is so popular and that millions of people seem to very much like it. However, taking your word for it, you would think easily sending SMS would be a prerequisite to satisfaction (it would be for me).

    P.S. That is why I said possibly.

  19. bill says:

    What ever happened to “Insanely great?”

    Steve really does like his Apple ‘stuff’

  20. gingertwat says:

    Well at least they seem to be enthusiastic about their products. I’d like to see that asshat from Activision giving a presentation.

  21. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    Back in 1985 or so, my Dad (a writer) wanted to ‘get on board’ the great new digital revolution by getting a computer. He was not very tech-savvy at all, and he was trying to decide between a Mac and a Kaypro. He asked me which one he should get, adding that a mathematician friend of his was urging him to get the Mac. He said, “I can’t believe this guy…he’s so emotional about it…he keeps calling me over and over again at odd hours to talk my ear off about how I’d better get the Mac or I’ll really, really regret it. This is pretty strange. What should I do?”.

    I told him I didn’t know what this was all about either, but he should get whatever was the most convenient and affordable system he could find. It turned out that the nearest Mac dealer was 40 miles away, while two miles away was a guy with a new store selling PC clones (one of them even called a Kaypro) and so he ended up going there. The mathematician never spoke to him again.

    He struggled along with his various PC’s, but eventually got fairly good at it (I did as best I could to help). In the end I think he enjoyed himself quite a bit though (which also annoyed my Mom a little), conferring all over with friends and colleagues.

    When he finally passed on we had to delete tons of spam from his PC, probably because he had given out his address to so many folks. Oh well, you win some you lose some etc.

  22. Micromike says:


  23. jescott418 says:

    I like Apple’s products but obviously Apple has marketing brainwashing down to a science. Ask any market strategist and the key words like Easy and remarkable and simple. These are words people like to here about products. But like anything you can only believe about half of what they say.

  24. joe says:

    no ipod touch camera, no care

  25. hhopper says:

    People who constantly bash all Apple products are just as bad as Apple Fanboys. Apple makes some excellent products albeit overpriced. I prefer PC but I don’t bash Apple. In our family we have three iPods and a Touch. They all work great.

    I have a bone to pick with Apple iTunes though. I logged on last night and found that a large majority of songs have been increased from $.99 to $1.29. No more downloads for me.

  26. cc_any_that_works says:

    hhopper say:
    People who constantly bash all Apple products are just as bad as Apple Fanboys.

    that would be Apple Hateboys ?

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #28 I also own an Ipod Touch. It is great, as long as it is plugged in and charging. Off the charger, I will use 2/3 of a fully charged battery to read some newspaper articles in the morning.

  28. noname says:

    That’s increasingly incredibly great, fantastic, awesome, wonderful, unbelievably superb, well done, neat, a symphony of beauty!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Special Ed says:

    I’ll bet PeeDrool jerked off while watching this.

  30. deowll says:

    If I had an Ipod I wouldn’t use it. It’d forget to keep the battery charged. YMMV.

    I’m not paying 2000+ to use a phone.

    The computers are overpriced. If I want safety I use linux. If I want more options the way to go is windows though I don’t like how windows is messing with my files.

    Everybody I know who owns a mac has a laptop and runs windows as much if not much more than the Mac OS.

    They have a couple of nice free aps but I’m not buying a computer for that. The people that have tell me how great those aps are and how they have used them once or twice a year.

    Christmas comes out on top.


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