CURRY.COM » NA-131-2009-09-17


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  1. Benjamin says:

    Well, duh.

  2. Brian says:

    Yes he does, worse than ever.

  3. bobbo, time and money is all we waste says:

    02 – Acorn Videos
    22 – Obama recorded re Kanye (Good to Know)
    29 – Olbermann/Glenn Beck (I agree)
    35 – High Heel Shoes Demean Women (I agree)
    38 – National Intelligence Report re Challenges to USA
    44 – Obama Protests
    45 – Maher being Anti-Obama, Racist, Ageist
    52 – Maher sarcasm fails with Kathy Griffin
    55 – Maher being ageist re McCain
    58 – Latoya Jackson
    61 – Combating Global Warming w nutball Tech
    (What part of gravity don’t you understand?)
    67 –
    71 – Reverse Peephole from Seinfeld
    72 – Call Out Thank You to Donors
    80 – CEO of NPR re Donations (Nice rant re ADM-I agree)

  4. ECA says:

    Global warning..??!!

    Can I suggest, that NATURE has been doing this for years..
    ANd has anything GOOD ever happened, when MANKIND sticks his finger into CONTROLLING NATURE??
    Found out CLEANING rivers from fallen trees WAS BAD.
    found that STRAIGHTENING RIVERS was bad..
    FOUND that depending on DIKES is an unanswered PRAYER..
    Fighting nature is like Building for a Class 4 Hurricane and a CLASS 5 HAPPENS..TEARS IT ALL APART. Understand that the CLASS rating system MEANS something is about 100 times WORSE.
    Chemical fertilizers SUCK and never die. End up in a water table..

  5. Jim says:

    I’m sure Maher is crying in his prom dress that you don’t like him.

    It’s a liberal entertainment show, you dweebs; he tried several times to give it a conservative bent but conservatives don’t like it when their beliefs are questioned or made fun of. Which just cements my disinterest in their point of view.

    I respect Maher because he has the balls to say what he thinks and he is willing to listen to well-thought-out responses to his views. That doesn’t mean he has to immediately 180 just because you disagree with him, however.

    If you were to explain to him in a non-reactionary way why you felt he was being ageist in his jokes, he probably would listen. But how many times have either of you actually contacted him to express your dislike of such things?

    Or do you just enjoy the bitching.

    Duh, why ask.

  6. bobbo, taking the bait off a rusty hook says:

    #5–Jim==why are you so comment worthy?

    Ageism, Sexism, Racism==the touchstone of comedy.

    Why should Ageism be taboo? I imagine Maher would say: “You are absolutely right, but its funny.”

    Demeaning someone/something is the root of most humor.

    Kinda like tuning into a baseball game and complaining it is boring.

  7. bobbo, not an economist but very pessimistic says:

    Hey Soundwash===how do you come to the truth before it is generally recognized?

    Magnets and all?

  8. Satchmo Bevins says:

    In the morning!!!

    Best show ever. Not just this episode, the entire show!

    Best. Ever.

  9. Faxon says:

    Thanks again, boys. Great stuff. Past shows have been better, but they are all good. I have started voting with my paypal account.

  10. David says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more. I used to tune in to Real Time now and then for a chuckle, but his material started trending more towards juvenile name-calling. Nowadays most of his punchlines are some variant of “Because they’re stupid!” or “He’s a moron!” He then proceeded to blow his one opportunity to make a humorous movie on one of the easiest subjects to mock in the known world. I found the movie to be one of the most shameless pieces of propaganda I’ve ever seen, and I’m an atheist.

  11. Two to the Head says:


    i CANT read your DIATRIBES because your CAP comments drive me CRAZY Jeese. STOP IT ALREADY!

  12. B.Dog says:

    pi = 3.1416 (rounded off, of course)

  13. Mikey Twit says:

    Wow, first time I ever listened to No Agenda, and now I know why I never listen to it. They’re both crackpots who read WAY TOO MUCH into everything.

    Love JCD’s tech analysis, but I’ll pass on the rest of his views.

  14. thecommodore says:

    Uh, John, shouldn’t you take your glasses off before heading into a fight?

  15. GregA says:

    First time listening to NA, but I am a huge John D follower in general. My take on No Agenda:

    1) Adam Curry is a crackpot, JD basically is not;

    2) 50% of the topics they discussed were total crap, while the other 50% were in the “interesting fringe perspective” category

    3) The content to noise ratio is about 5%…there are 15 topics on Bobbo’s list (#3), 7-8 were keepers, 1 minute each –> a nice 10 minute podcast.

    Even stretching it, it is no more than a 30 minute podcast. At over an hour, I just can’t listen to it.

  16. MasonReese says:

    Well Bill Maher is going to shit when he listens to this.

  17. Username says:

    #15, Alfred
    “I propose we follow Bernard Goldberg’s [A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media”] suggest the designation be replaced by The Establishment Media.”

    That’s how people opposing the communist regimes in Eastern European countries used to call the official tv, radio and newspapers.
    But, as usual, I’m not surprised there is always some Jew claiming to have coined it 😀

    In a period of 1945-1968 out of top 100 communist daily/weekly newspapers and magazines in communist Poland, 98 of them were run by Jews. Very similar percentage was in other EE countries.
    Today, in USA and European Union, 99% of establishment media belong to Jews (and probably 100% of television, which is the most “strategic” piece of propaganda for the masses).

  18. petit male says:

    Top notch coverart!!

  19. soundwash says:

    /me sniffs the carrot

    #8 bobbo said:

    Hey Soundwash===how do you come to the truth before it is generally recognized?

    Magnets and all?

    *shrug* -no clue…well..

    I find all aspects of life very interesting. Coupled with an innate abilty to see subtle patterns that escape most, it all seems obvious to me…if i open my mind a little.

    -especially since i’ve been sniffing around history and symbolism as of late.

    seems to me many aspects of history are is repeating themselves.

    my magnetic nuttery comes from just loving science, space, electronics and magnetics as a kid.

    you do not need to be a genius to figure this stuff, once you have access to enough data.

    the rest of it, especially were this country is concerned, apparently was pre-planned ages ago.

    I’m also extremely interested in seeing how the next four (then eight) months play out. There is some much written about this “time” -in metaphorical history.

    whether the two revolutions will happen (one of thought) and whether we actually evolve as a people. -it all starts this year.

    the only reason i’m actually paying attention this time is because i’ve had insane experiences of synchronicity the past seven-eight months..and have “new eyes” to watch it with too.

    -anyway.. too much has been put in front of me for it not to mean something.

    The only thing that sucks is, I live next to water. (and moving is a no go at this time) Everything i’ve been researching planet and solar system-wise leads me to the conclusion that we are definitely going to see a major event in the oceans very soon. (the fish that disappeared this summer is a
    definite pre-cursor)

    if I make it through that, it’s going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride after, -and I’m all in.. 🙂
    i wrote a whole other rather introspective [mechanics] response to your question. -however, it was more for my i did not post it. it will show up elsewhere though.

    (and i’m still not sure if you even actually wanted a valid answer
    *shrug* )


    (oh, btw.. apologies for the lame attack several days ago. i don’t know what possessed me. i realized a few hours later in the park, your remark was actually some slick sarcasm.. which on occasion, takes me a few hours realize…if ever.)

    -open’s mouth, inserts foot.


  20. soundwash says:

    #20 Username Said:

    In a period of 1945-1968 out of top 100 communist daily/weekly newspapers and magazines in communist Poland, 98 of them were run by Jews. Very similar percentage was in other EE countries.

    Today, in USA and European Union, 99% of establishment media belong to Jews (and probably 100% of television, which is the most “strategic” piece of propaganda for the masses).

    hey.. have something you may be interested in.

    Not sure if the whole thing is legit.. from what i know from my X, [jewish] -a bit of it does pan out that i read.

    If you want to really blow your
    wig off, you should give this

    “The International Jew”
    by Henry Ford,

    -a read. it seems
    quite thorough. (if not rather

    I ran across it about 5 months ago while fact finding some other stuff in history. i’ve only read maybe
    half so far..pretty interesting


  21. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #22–sound==it may not even be true, but it is very pragmatic: sound the inner alarm when you are convinced you are right. Wisdom more often comes with uncertainty.

    Yes, I believe, to varying degrees, everything I post. So, “how do you come to the truth before it is generally recognized?” In my self deprecating world, the hackles would be so far up, I couldn’t get my jacket on.

    Psychosis is individual. Truth more general.

  22. Glenn E. says:

    Let’s face it. The only people allowed to have a public forum, on mainstream media, are the obedient servants of hig brother government, and the mega-rich. Tv and radio doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Very rich and well connected people own and control the Tv and radio stations, and the networks, and the newspapers. So naturally, if they don’t want something reported. You’re not going to hear about it. All these deaths, are the very first I’ve heard of it.

    And BTW, John Stossel moving to FOX news, to be their what? Token liberal, libertarian, or whatever. That basically means he thinks there shouldn’t be any laws restricting peoples’ actions. Well I’m sure the republicans don’t really support that. They just don’t want any laws that restrict them. NOT EVERYBODY ELSE.

    Having Stossel on the FOX news payroff, may just be a case of “keeping your enemies closer”. IOWs, paying them off, to keep quiet. I think while he was on ABC, he couldn’t say as much as he wanted to. Or they weren’t paying him enough, not to. So he’s gone over to FOX. Where he’s either paid more to keep quiet. Or allowed to do more neo-conservative babble, than ABC was willing to let him. And if he’s restricted to cable news only. Then he’s not much of a threat to mainstream, public media. Who treats cable news like its from Mars.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    #4 – I agree with you, ECA. In case anyone is still reading this. Or checks it out, in the dusty archives of DU.

    The poor state of the US health care system has been going on, at least as long as this Global Warming supposedly has. Hey, maybe they’re related! But all you hear the screaming memes say about fixing US Health Care is, “The Government can’t run shit.” “They’ll make it much worse.” and “Where the hell is the money going to come from?” All valid arguments. If not prematurely defeatist.

    But when talk of Global Warming is brought up, why doesn’t the same criticisms apply? Suddenly it’s a case of, “We can’t take a chance, not to do something. Or we will all die.” Hmmm. Well, that’s not been proven. It’s just a huge leap of the facts, to say that the climate will keep getting worse, until we all fry. And if Hurricane predictions are any indication. I’d say we should trust the so-called Climate experts’ long term forecasts.

    But I do think we can believe that if US Health Care isn’t fixed soon. What passes for it now, will crash as burn, just as the mortgage finance industry did last year. And the Government (aka Taxpayers) will be bailing out hospitals and Health Insurance companies. Just to prop up a system that could have been fixed long before. In the end, we will pay for Health Care reform. Whether we like it or not. Only doing it now, and getting it right, will save a lot of grief years down the road. When it will cost a lot more, and we’ll be so desperate, we’ll accept anything that offered. Even if it’s some very bad solutions. And they will be. You can count on it. But right now, we’ve got a bit of breathing room to try and do reform right. So naturally, we won’t. Face it, we’re screwed.

  24. soundwash says:


    -global warming or whatever you wish to call it, is part of an almost timeless planetary cycle. if you believe we have anything to do with it, you do not do any research, nor have knowledge of history.

    In fact, we are about to enter the time “of the dragons” our ancestors saw. -those dragons being huge plasma storms.

    The cycle 25,640 year cycle is almost complete.

    while our solar system is no where near as crowded as back then, we
    will nonetheless experience the same forces that literally shook all the planets in the beginning of this cycle.

    we are starting to see the beginnings of the electrical effects this year..

    do your research.



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