Which one makes you cringe more on their quest to be the one to make the Republican party in general and conservatives in particular look like a bunch of idiots? Remember the days when calm, courteous, intellectual discourse on the issues of the day was the norm? OK, me neither.

Beck is on a huge roll. Over the last month, the right-wing Fox News talker has claimed the scalp of the president’s green jobs czar; motivated thousands of conservatives to turn out for town hall meetings and a Sept. 12 march on Washington; pummeled Democrats over ACORN and Obama’s czars; and landed himself a spot on the cover of Time magazine.

“Beck is the man of the moment,” says the Weekly Standard’s Michael Goldfarb. “Everybody in town is watching him, waiting to see what he’ll do next, who he’ll take down next.”

But if Beck is the man of the moment, where does that leave Rush?

In an e-mail to POLITICO, Limbaugh said any attempt to compare him with Beck in terms of Washington influence rests on a “flawed premise.”

“I do not, and never have, measured my success in ways you describe, such as ‘impact’ in Washington,” Limbaugh said. “I am a broadcaster and judge my success by those standards.”

By those standards, the slimmed-down Limbaugh is still large and in charge.

  1. Phydeau says:

    #30 Yes, I suspected that would be too complex for you to understand, Dodd. No problem.

    How about this: why do you support a guy who never fights fair? Who always has his call screener and his cutoff switch to stifle anyone who might make a good point against him? Who has been exposed as a blathering idiot whenever he’s in a fair fight situation? That’s your hero figure? How interesting…

  2. LotsaLuck says:

    I don’t get what all the brouhaha’s about.

    If you want to listen to conservative ‘wackos’ then go for Beck or Limbaugh – or Fox News or the
    Washington Times.

    If you want to listen to liberal ‘wackos’ then go for Olberman or Matthews – or ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC or Washington Post/NY Times.

    Best advice – listen to a little of each and decide the ‘truth’ for yourself.

  3. Howard Beale says:


    Dodd did you want to add to the conversation or just toss stones and wank from behind your keyboard?

    correction I meant #19 not #18 on 28 sorry dsgspm

  4. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    #33–Lotsa==what’s wacko about Keith Olbermann? Take on the challenge of actually stating what he has wrong.

    Calling out the Repuglicans on their lies and manipulations is not “wacko” and is only partisan as that ambiguous concept involves anyone willing to go against the party line.

    No, Lotsa, what you demonstrate is whats wrong in MSM these days which is DIRECTLY giving rise to the polarization we have today. The equating of two things that aren’t equal. Do Dem’s have an agenda they want to push?===Yes. Do Repugs have an agenda they want to push?==Yes. Do they do it in the exact same way?==No.

    When you equate things that are different, you miss the subtleties and often even the main point.

  5. soundwash says:

    um, so when are we going to see the Liberal Whacko Showdown?

    and for an encore, have both sit down together and do a “Whacko Showdown”

    now that would be the one thing that could get me to tune into a TV and watch.

    in the least, it would illustrate to the masses how pointless both sides are.


  6. Faxon says:

    Liberal Wackos. I like the sound of THAT! Never see it in the liberal press. Imagine that.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    They’re both drug addicts, no wonder they’re unhinged mentally.

  8. deowll says:

    Rush has a big mouth.

    Beck is more of a libertarian than a Republican according to him. He may play the clown but what makes him dangerous to the elite of both parties is he looks for facts and shares them.

    If Beck’s facts cause some people to feel all stressed out that’s more or less their problem. The cold hard fact remains that the facts were available to any who had the time and will to dig and some way to share what they found. How anyone decides to react to those facts is clearly up to them.

    I don’t think it’s fair to say that Beck has brought anyone down but some of the People the President has appointed and some organizations he has dealt with are a long way from being acceptable to most Americans after they learn who and what those people and organizations have said and done.

    There are also a lot of people that think birds of a feather flock together.

    What about you? Do you think it’s fair to judge leaders by the people and organizations they associate with, commend, and give jobs and money too?

  9. RBG says:

    “I do not, and never have, measured my success in ways you describe, such as ‘impact’ in Washington,” Limbaugh said. “I am a broadcaster and judge my success by those standards.”

    This is supposed to be an example of wackoness and idiocy, huh?


  10. Traaxx says:

    You have to remember to a Demoncrat anything that doesn’t promote a NAZI/Commie Totalitarian regime is considered to the wako, hate filled and loony. Much like the Communist Manifesto they have no concept of right or wrong just what promotes their agenda.

    The most hate filed bitter, money grubbing people I have ever meet have hidden behind the veil of liberalism and the Demoncrat party. Look at the young leftist they cut and tear themselves up. The adults promote and live perverted lifestyles – it they are child molesters they are a demoncrat, if they are druggies they are demoncrats, etc.. Leftist have no sense of humor they are far too busy trying to control everyone else and kill off as many American unborn children as possible while importing as many non-American trash from third world countries as possible……..


  11. noname says:

    # 2 ListenUp,

    “Are there any centrists anymore?”

    Yes, and we call those people, boring.


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