This guy really cracks me up. “I want, not personally for me, but for working Americans […]”

  1. Greg Allen says:

    This video shows that O’Reilly is kind of stupid.

    But that’s no news flash.

  2. deowll says:

    Government run health care that is cheaper is an oxymoron unless of course it is much worse.

    The number of deaths in British hospitals due to mistakes is staggering.

    Okay the number of deaths in American hospitals is staggering but they make us look good.

    The increase in such deaths they admit to should be enough to have people screaming the streets.

  3. bobbo, not an economist but a big film buff says:

    #37–do-ill==whats got your motor running? How does Britain spend half as much as USA on Healthcare, have universal coverage, and outcomes better than USA. When are (no oxy about it) morons like YOU going to EVER incorporate any FACTS into your BS?

    We will now all wait for LINKS to back up anything you have posted. Please don’t crib off Alfie ((((HEY ALFIE!!!!)))) and post those two tennis players. Thats getting a bit old, also not an oxymoron==you moron.

    Seriously, why do you think poor people should be denied health care?

    We’ll wait.

  4. deowll says:

    Bobo, Oddly enough I don’t. I thought that was what medicaid was for? You know, insure the poor? I could have sworn that was what it was for. If you haven’t heard of this program I suppose I could provide a link:

    I think it was Beck or Hannity who had on a guy tonight who had a way to come up with much of the money need to cover the people that get refused coverage.

    At least they said cutting the program for free businsess advertisements in foreign countrys was worth 200 million a year. I’d never heard of the program before.

    That seems like enough to give some level of coverage to those without coverage because they have pre existing conditions but I’m afraid I’d limit it to a million per citizen for life including me. If it takes more than that, I’m sorry.

    You see I’ve thought it over and if you don’t have the resources to keep people alive they have to die. I don’t like it at all but we’ve all got to die sometime.

    P.S. I’ll shock you again. I’d let a lot more people into the country legally to become citizens. I’m all in favor of increasing the number of gifted people in the U.S. and we still need people to pick fruit and work on roofs but I’m also in favor of background checks and if they have criminal records; no thanks.

    You have fun now and may God bless and keep you.

  5. deowll says:

    Sorry guys I left out that according to my information when Texas and California did Tort reform insurance went down 30% in Texas and 40% in California.

    If true doing tort reform would make insurance affordable for millions of Americans.

    The only reason not to do is the trial lawyers give a lot of money to the Democratic Party or at least that was my take on why the head of the party would say we can’t afford to do it.

  6. Hugh Ripper says:

    #39 Deowll

    “You see I’ve thought it over and if you don’t have the resources to keep people alive they have to die. I don’t like it at all but we’ve all got to die sometime.”

    America is (was?) the most wealthy country in the world. You telling me that America doesn’t have the resources to keep its citizens healthy and sane? It seems to me that the rich don’t give a fuck about anything other than their own wealth and power, and wouldn’t give so much a dollar back to the society that allowed them to prosper if they didn’t have to. This is why America finds itself up the shitter without a paddle. Unrestrained greed and selfishness that makes an enemy of your own working poor and slaves of illegal immigrants.


  7. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #39–do-ill==hah, hah===perfect. Nice mishmash of dodging the question, Beck or Hannity, and a good God Bless. You really do ill.

    I don’t know Medicaid==Federal part of care to EXTREME POVERTY cases or those so chronically ill they can’t work==whatever it is. If you really thought at all, ever got your eyeballs and ears out of Hannity’s Ass, you might have understood “in context” that my reference to poor people was to those who are working/not working and can’t afford insurance or who are underinsured or who have just lost insurance.

    But wilfully or otherwise, you have only proven yourself incompetent to actually engage the discussion you can only take pot shots at, defectively armed as you are by Hannity or Beck.

    A Blessing from your god is surely a curse from any other.


  8. qb says:

    I’ve got to give O’Reilly credit for favoring a little sanity. Limbaugh and Beck wouldn’t have the balls or brains to think for themselves.

  9. Alfred's Parole Officer says:

    I repeat, Alfred is off his meds. It is clear he is in violation of his parole, but he is hiding out in the hills. Apparently with some sling shots and a box of bibbles to survive on.

    If seen, DO NOT APPROACH. He is dangerous. Report his whereabouts to local law enforcement.

  10. qb says:

    #45 I’ve been trying to get him going on another thread but he seems to have lost his game. I’m worried the poor boy might be sick.

  11. right says:

    For those who are against healthcare reform, and we know who they are:

    Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance:

  12. N74JW says:

    That lady is kind of hot, in a milfy sort of way.

  13. #32 – MikeN,

    Regardless of how opinions of him changed as time wore on and the nation’s opinion shifted so far to the right that the New York Times began to look liberal and we could no longer even see the center, Nixon was elected by conservatives and continued to be viewed conservative throughout his presidency.

    That you an the rest of the nation now view his politics as liberal by today’s standard merely proves how far to the right we have come as a nation not that Nixon was not conservative. Your standards have changed. The New York Times is still slightly right of center despite the fact that the entire nation is now so far to the right that it looks left. Ditto for Nixon.

    You need to reexamine your perspective. It’s OK to be a radical right-winger. Just learn to recognize that about yourself and be OK with it. You should probably take the political compass test to understand your own positions better.

    I am a radical left winger. I make no bones about it. I am more fiscally and socially liberal than Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, or the Dalai Lama. I’m fine with that. I don’t try to convince anyone that my opinions are centrist. They aren’t.

    Accept who you are. Just don’t try to convince others that your own opinion is centrist when it is so clearly not.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    The problem with our health care system is the 330,000 pages of federal medical regulations it has to deal with.

    Asking the government to add more to that is simply insane. I am astounded by the number of people who think this is a good idea.

    It will not get cheaper. It will not work. It will not stop the corruption.

    If you really want health care reform, then get the government out of the way and put health care back where it belongs — in the hospitals and doctor’s offices.

    Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance

    And 910,000 people died from heart disease who HAD insurance. What’s your point?

    How many of those could have afforded it if the government hadn’t caused the costs to skyrocket? How many could have went to one of the charity hospitals run out of business by the federal regulations? How many could have depended on other charitable sources had the cash been available?

    Screaming about lack of insurance is pointless unless you understand WHY the care costs so much. What does it cost so much to visit a doctor’s office?

  15. Loupe Garou says:

    #47 For those who are against healthcare reform, and we know who they are:

    The Harvard study, funded by a federal research grant, was published in the online edition of the American Journal of Public Health. It was released by Physicians for a National Health Program, which favors government-backed or “single-payer” health insurance.

    Clearly unbiased study funded by the federal tit.

  16. right says:

    Liberal. So your solution to give all Americans access to affordable healthcare not run by private interests/shareholders are exactly what?

    BTW, in your solution, along with giving everyone healthcare you will also:

    1. Drop the Healthcare costs as a percent of GDP from 16% (the most in the world per capita) to a more manageable 10% or less
    2. Drop the per capita expenditure on health from approx. $7,300 to something under $4,000 per capita.

    Hmmm…I’m thinking the health insurance companies will be sweating bullets when the public option is implemented.

    Sorry Liberal, I was rambling, your solutions are?

  17. Loupe Garou says:

    It seems many posters are in favor of some sort of Marxism. Who knows what flavor? No faith in corporations or BIG whatever, religion is a sham, health care is a right (love to know where that came from).

    Just how much are the productive members of society expected to provide for the “have nots”, health care, food, housing, transportation? Why should anyone work?

    We should consider requiring a little more personal responsibility in this country.

  18. bobbo, hhmmmm free beer says:

    #55–loupee as always==”health care is a right (love to know where that came from)” /// Gee, from the other 35 western nations that provide it at half the cost the USA does?

    Crazy idea.

    What is the best of all possible worlds for you? Letting poor people die from treatable illness because they don’t have money? Is that your free market position?

    IS IT??????


  19. Loupe Garou says:

    “Gee, from the other 35 western nations that provide it at half the cost the USA does?”

    Quit pulling unfounded sentences out of your ass you arrogant, self satified brat acting like a champion of the poor. You would feel different if you ever worked.

    What a dumb answer. Now go back to the emergency room.

  20. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #53–Thank You Right==”At least with the public option costs can be reined in, along with the thieving insurance companies.” /// Yes, with a small start if it works at all it should consume the rest of the beast in short order. Or not, the way Obama seems to stick with the Bush disaster.

    I’d like to see single payer and get the corporate welfare insurance queens off the public teat.

    Come the next revolution.

    Loupeee==hah, hah. No answers at all. Philosophy sounds good only in the abstract, only when talking about one person==yourself. When the rubber hits the road, all you hear is screeching.

    Fucktard X 2. Hah, hah. I pass gas in your general direction.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, Loser,

    At least once before you were asked to back up the claim of 330,000 pages of Federal health regulations. You linked to another unsourced blog claim.

    Please supply a sourced link backing up your rediculous claims.

    Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance

    And 910,000 people died from heart disease who HAD insurance. What’s your point?

    You fail to understand the difference between a preventable death and an inevitable death. Kids today too often have that problem.

    $5,000 is a traceable number, cited by a reputable organization. It is self defined into attributes of solelythose who died of a survivable illness.

    Your 900,000 isn’t sourced or qualified. It doesn’t lend itself to either a variable or an attribute statistic. Would they have all died anyway? Would they have died if they had a heart transplant? Would they have died if they had a life professional help them change to a healthier life style? How many had autopsies where the actual death is a confirmed heart disease vs how many were suspected but had no actual autopsy? How many had “heart disease” wrtten as a cause of death by the attending physician on the form (it happens all the time as the cause in a natural death)?

    In short, your bullshit is too obvious.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    >> # 10 jescott418
    >> AKA does anybody remember the $10000 toilet seats?

    … and don’t forget the gold-plated toilet seats in the matching “his and her” Gulfstream 5s the insurance company execs get for denying care to their customers.

    >> We all know government does not spend money or manage it efficiently.

    The right wingers who have been propagandized by th emeid think they know it!

    America already has single-payer healthcare (Medicare) and it has far lower overhead than does conservative for-profit healthcare.

    And this is only common-sense since Medicare doesn’t have insurance companies skimming off BILLIONS of dollars while adding no value to the system.

    Conservative healtcare is a gigantic rip-off.

  23. right says:

    #62 – The right wingnutters don’t want to know real life statistics like that, they want their America back from the Nazis.
    They really are a pathetic bunch.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    #61, Please supply a sourced link backing up your rediculous claims.

    Not until you tell me why you would let 10 people die to save your wife.

    Until then, you don’t have the right to ask me anything or demand of me anything.

    For that matter, you don’t have the right to talk to me until that question is answered.

    So, quit avoiding the question and answer it.

  25. LibertyLover says:


    You altruism really is touching.

    But you haven’t answered the basic question yet.

    Why is health care so expensive in this country?

  26. #55 – Loupe Garou,

    … health care is a right (love to know where that came from).

    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness perhaps? Any idea how to have any of the above inalienable rights without basic health care?

    Just how much are the productive members of society expected to provide for the “have nots”, health care, food, housing, transportation? Why should anyone work?

    So, presumably you prefer a society with no roads, no schools, no police or firefighters, no trash removal, no sewage, no public water, etc. etc. etc., right? Good luck with that. Try Somalia. They seem to be doing fine without a government, at least according to the freedom to starve libertarians. Of course, the state department has a little bit different take on the situation.

  27. #65 – LibertyLover,

    Why is health care so expensive in this country?

    1) For profit health insurance companies have no interest in reducing real costs. Their interest is in raising premiums and denying care at every opportunity. Often this results in higher care costs later, which are less likely to be borne by them.

    2) Fee for service rewards medical providers for providing lots of care, not quality care. If someone has a recurring illness, that’s a good thing in that they keep paying for visit after visit after visit. It also rewards unnecessary procedures and questionably necessary procedures, giving us statistics including the highest number of Cesarean sections in the world, as one of many examples.

    3) We truly do reward innovation in this country. Just think of the level of innovation to keep coming up with illnesses for the new drugs being created. See restless leg syndrome and female impotence for examples. Also, consider the level of innovation required to keep changing the molecules in the medication ever so slightly each time the patent expires, even if the original version was a tad better and safer.

  28. #67 – pedro,

    This just might be your funniest post ever!! You have perfectly proven exactly one of your points … this one.

    Trolls only flame, never answer.

    You are exactly right. You only flame, never answer. Care to actually answer how one might have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without health care? I didn’t think so.

    Congratulations on making yourself a self-proclaimed troll.

  29. LibertyLover says:

    #66, … health care is a right (love to know where that came from).

    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness perhaps? Any idea how to have any of the above inalienable rights without basic health care?

    Do you know how hard it is to pursue happiness without a car?

    You need a car to get a job.

    You need a car to get to the grocery store.

    You need a car to go other places on vacation.

    You need a car to take your kids to the doctor (what good is free medical insurance without a way to use it?).

    You need a car to do just about anything in this country unless your idea of happiness is staying at home.

    I hereby proclaim the Federal Government needs to provide everyone in this country a free car. Of course, we’ll also need free insurance that pays for gas/oil/maintenance because preventative maintenance is better than overhauling the engine later.

    Give us a break, Scott. You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel when you use the “pursuit of happiness” line.

    The man who wrote that line, Thomas Jefferson, understood that when he stated in his 2nd Inaugural Address:

    “[Our wish is to ensure]…equality of rights maintained, and that state of property, equal or unequal, which results to every man from his own industry, or that of his fathers.” [bold added]

    This is the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. If anybody should really know what that means, it’s him. He knew people would not end up equal in life. They are only created that way.

    You are advocating “Equality of Outcome.”

    The document you slander is about “Equality of Opportunity.”

    So, presumably you prefer a society with no roads, no schools, no police or firefighters, no trash removal, no sewage, no public water, etc. etc. etc., right? Good luck with that.

    Those are State functions, not Federal.

    Federal Health Care is not a responsibility of the Federal Government. I no problem with any State that wishes to try it.


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