Flint Journal – 9/17/09:

Dr. James M. Pouillon, a Grand Rapids podiatrist who had not spoken to his father since 2001, criticized him and the attention he’s getting in a post on a story about Harlan Drake, the man accused of killing Pouillon’s father, James L. Pouillon, on Sept. 11.

The whole nation is debating if Pouillon was a martyr. Here is what the younger Pouillon had to say in an mlive.com post on mlive.com on Sept. 13:

“It will be impossible for some to believe, but my dad really didn’t care about aborton.

He did this to stalk, harass, terrorize, scream at, threaten, frighten, and verbally abuse women. He had a pathologic hatred of women: his mom, my mom, everyone.

After my mom finally left him and he lost his favorite punching bag the violence and abuse that was always contained within our 4 walls was unleased on the people of Owosso.

My dad used the pro-life movement and 1st Amendments foundations to defend him, support him, and enable him. He fooled them all.

He was at the high shool because my niece was there, and female family members were always his favorite targets.

Again, my dad didn’t care about abortion. He wanted to hurt people, upset people. He enjoyed making people suffer.

His goal was to be shot on a sidewalk. His goal was to make someone so angry, to make them feel so terrorized, to make them feel the only way they could make him stop was to kill him.

His pro-life stance was the most perfect crime I personally know of. He hid behind the 1st Amendment and was allowed to stalk, terrorise, harass, be obsene, ect. These things are crimes. Offending people isn’t a crime, and having different political views isn’t a crime, but he committed several crimes over the last 20 years and got away with it.

Yes I really am his oldest son. Owosso is now rid of a mad man.”

  1. canucklehead says:

    #36 so would it be okay if an atheist stood in front a church with children going in and out, and help up a sign blaming God with pictues of miscarriages?

  2. Named says:

    34 AlfredEMurderingTerrorist,

    “In a 1992 interview with The Flint Journal, the activist acknowledged years of marital problems, including a fight where he pushed his wife into a piano. Three days after the fight, he told the Journal that “the Holy Ghost came on me.””

    Oh yeah. He’s a real nice guy. And look. Like you, he blamed God for his maniacal beliefs!

    Abortion is a women’s health issue. You’re false belief in Assyrian pagan law is moot. You don’t like something: too bad. That’s what “living free” is all about. You can impose your beliefs on yourself until you die.

  3. bobbo, the persecuted eugenicist says:

    #38–Named. You’ve gone from AlfredETerrorist to AlfredEMurderingTerrorist? Seems like your anger is escalating while Alfie (((((HEY ALFIE!!!)))) is going in the other direction: “…violence by either side is deplorable.” So, Alfie is a little inconsistent on that whole right to life issue. Hah, hah.

    Any “good” christian/anything leads on moral issues by setting examples==not by getting into other people’s faces.

  4. qb says:

    The story should be: One crazy, violent guy shot another crazy, violent guy. Son confirms it.

  5. Named says:

    39, bobbo,

    Me? angry? Not over that piece of garbage. But, what I’ve noticed about AlfredETerrorist is that he’s really off his tits half the day and the other he’s all lucid (well, as lucid as a psycho can get). I find it interesting, though, that a person can get so wound up and claim to be ready to be a martyr, and willing to take as many people with him as he can, just after he spouts from the KJV of his bible. I’m just trying to keep the count straight so when he gets all lucid, he can be reminded of his terrorism and murderous fantasies. All in good fun in fact!

    Like I said previously, after his meds wear off and the car battery is no longer shocking him into calm, he goes all extra crazy.

    Great stuff!

  6. Named says:

    42 AlfredEterrorist

    And he’s back on the meds! What a riot.

    “The image of the Troll “Named”, desperately clawing at his Mother’s keyboard, drooling foam shorting it out…got a bit much even for me…”

    Don’t worry. After you calm down a bit, you can resume your sexual fantasies…

  7. Named says:

    44 AlfredETerrorist,

    “and someone in authority, it might have been the FBI, asked If I thought he was capable of terrorist acts…”

    Ahhhhh…. The anti-statist, government hating, self-proclaimed freedom fighter utilizes a government entity to eliminate a competitor. You know what they call that? Fascism. Your true colours are always coming out…

    A hypocrite, a liar and delusional. Thankfully, you’re one of a kind.

  8. Named says:

    46 AlfredETerroist,

    “They are watching”

    What? TV?

  9. Named says:

    48 AlfredETerrorist,

    “They called.”

    Ah. So you’ll be going away then. Good, you need the help.

    See you later!

  10. Named says:

    50 AlfredETerrorist

    “I can’t say anymore…be careful”

    I always signal my turns and check my blindspots, so you don’t have to worry. I really appreciate your concern. It’s… pathetic.


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