Ottawa sends body bags to Manitoba reserves FYI

Aboriginal leaders in Manitoba are horrified that some of the reserves hardest hit by swine flu in the spring have received dozens of body bags from Health Canada. The body bags — which were sent to the remote northern reserves of Wasagamack and God’s River First Nation — came in a shipment of hand sanitizers and face masks. ‘Don’t send us body bags. Help us organize; send us medicine.’—Grand Chief David Harper

Grand Chief David Harper, who represents northern First Nations, says body bags send the wrong message and no one can understand why Ottawa would do such a thing.

“It really makes me wonder if health officials know something we don’t,” he said. “I have a right to speak for my people. I make a plea to the people of Canada to work with us to ensure the lowest fatalities from this monster virus. Don’t send us body bags. Help us organize; send us medicine.”

Found by Michael Millette.

  1. bobbo, the persecuted eugenicist says:

    Well, better than infected blankets.

  2. Eff all that get an Orgone energy generator, and a Colloidal Silver Generator.

    The Swine Flu can’t mess with science.

    I made some hemp you tubes check out my website.

  3. JimR says:

    Body bags are normal stock items for nurses stations in the north of Canada because many places are unreachable during the winter. They were just sending regular stock items along with the flu supplies. There’s nothing to worry about Awake. …big breath in…. big breath out.

    It’s da way we does tings in Canada, don’t you know eh?

  4. canucklehead says:

    can’t win situation — don’t supply ’em with body bags, and a few die, what? ignoring our poor natives. Give ’em body bags, and they don’t die, what? racism!

    dying sucks, but this is a tempest in a teapot.

  5. Rick Cain says:

    Send them medicine….in exchange for land.

  6. Canuck bud says:

    The Indians are grandstanding. The shipment of body bags came with other material which they failed to mention. Oh yeah they didn’t say anything about Cdn government plans to vaccinate the more vulnerable like isolated Indian communities this fall.

  7. Faxon says:

    Check that shipment for smallpox infested blankets.

  8. deowll says:

    Government health care at its finest.

  9. Cursor_ says:


    When you can find some science in those suggestions you made, let me know.


  10. sargasso says:

    Dead people are a nuisance at the best of times and generally a hazard at the rest. In the far, wintery north, the ground is frozen in winter and bodies cannot be buried, until the thaw in spring time. Also, they don’t decompose at those temperatures, so whatever infectious diseases are present, can continue to cause infection in the living who may come into proximity to the deceased.

  11. RTaylor says:

    What you don’t know in the US, is that semi truck that backed up to the local NG armory at two AM to unload thousands of bags.

  12. Sean says:

    The second wave of swine could have arrived in the UK, more information can be found at Swine Flu Britain


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