One man told staff of his irritation at the number of holidaymakers who traveled with plain black suitcases, hindering his attempts to find his own plain black suitcase on the airport conveyor belt.
After discovering that the shampoo in her luggage had leaked during her flight, one woman bemoaned the fact that the hotel she was staying in provided complimentary toiletries, rendering the entire incident “very preventable”.
Another woman wrote in to complain that her plane journey was a disappointment because the sky was far too cloudy, impeding the view for her and her children and spoiling their game of eye-spy.
Following a trip to a local theme park, another woman wrote to the travel agent to complain that the Log Flume ride made her feet wet and the sun was so strong that her ice cream melted too quickly.
There’s more where these came from.
And since drinking tends to be a part of many a vacation, here’s some people who went a tad too far while imbibing and hit record blood levels.
Crimeny! Double diddly darn crimeny!
I’m willing to bet these people are DU regulars.
My favorite was the “We booked a trip to a water resort, but no one told us we needed to bring our swimming costumes and towels.”
The language sounds British. Too bad they didn’t read this piece of British literature:
“A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value – you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you – daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.
More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc, etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have “lost”. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with. ” The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Just go to trip adviser. I have been to several resorts that were great but get terrible reviews.
Sandals Halcion on St Lucia is a great example. People rip it apart. Mainly Americans who think they are royalty and should be treated as such.
There was a reality show from the UK that followed a number of employees from a budget UK airline that served Europe. When they filmed the complaints that the help desk would get. It was amazing the morons that would throw fits about the dumbest things in the world.
My favorite was a young mother traveling with her infant to, I think, Spain. She was at the airport in Spain and her flight was delayed. Her baby was hungry and she didn’t bring any formula with her to feed the baby.
So she shows up at the airline checking and starts screaming at them to give her some baby formula. The airline doesn’t stock baby formula. None of the shops in the airport sell it. She she flips out and demands that an airline employee drive to the store and buy her formula (on the airlines dime).
One employee, feeling sorry for the baby, not the mother, manages to leave in his own car, and out of his own pocket, buys some formula and brings it to the airport.
I was watching this thinking to myself “What the hell kind of mother takes her baby on a trip and doesn’t pack enough supplies to care for the kid?” Of course airplanes get delayed. They always have, they always will. The airline has no control over the weather. Mom should have considered that and packed enough to deal with such a contingency.
I felt sorry for the staff having to deal with such a stupid woman. And that poor baby is going to have to deal with one crazy dumb mom.
I highly recommend the website for heaps of funny stories about stupid customers, who aren’t always right.
Apparently, you haven’t read this one.
I was second in line checking in at a resort when we were all told there was a problem with the rooms and no one could check in.
First guy went postal, demanding his pre-paid confirmed room and threatened physical violence. After 5 minutes he stormed off to take a taxi to “corporate” to complain to someone with authority to fix things.
I was next up: “So, what can you do for us?” Everyone else in line got a free meal and two drinks in the bar area. One hour later the bus arrived and the people who did not have to check out until the bus arrived left the hotel and we all got our rooms with a 3 hours delay but a good meal.
Mr Outrage got nothing at corporate and missed the meal. He was actually kinda fun to be around–made us all look good.
Nothing new. We expect perfection of ourselves and our co-workers, don’t we. So, it spills over into Nature and everything else.
We are no longer a country of practical realist.
We want perfection and we want it NOW!
That what the commercials and feedback we get say, perfection and NOW!
Don’t expect us to roll with the punches or compensate for someones or something elses deficiency.
We are Americans and we want our perfection NOW!
Instead, we have turned ourselves into fragile babies.
I always put a funky colored piece of tape on my suitcase. Its the best way to identify yours at the carousel when everybody else is traveling with Dolce & Gabana too.
#9 – If I had a piece of that shitty luggage I would beat my son to death with it.
That last woman complaining – she sounds fat.