And you thought this was a settled issue decades ago.

Anti-abortion conservatives are proposing a new constitutional amendment that critics claim would make it a crime to take birth control pills in Florida.

The “Personhood Amendment” that conservative activists are filing today in Tallahassee would add language to the state constitution that defines someone as a “person,” regardless of age or health status, “from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

Pat McEwen of Palm Bay is one of two leaders of the loose collection of activists, collectively known as Personhood Florida.

  1. meetsy says:

    Alfred…you don’t have any kidnapped kids in your backyard do you? You know, in secret padlocked shacks. Because, you rants are sounding a whole lot like God’s Desire/voices Revealed/the man who spoke his mind.

    I sure hope that the REAL Christians start weeding you guys out of their ranks.

  2. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #18–Alfie (((HEY ALFIE!!!!!)) === “While they cart you off, I will remain silent, only after they go for others will I speak up…” /// Well done, nice insult cleanly delivered. On point. Funny. Nice Ironic Reference to the Holocaust.

    Then you went a bit nutbag at #12–reading Holdren the same way you read the bibble and not surprisingly thereby gaining the exact opposite meaning from what was intended and clearly stated.

    “Before” the fetus, that potential human being is like the blueprints to a building==ie==NOT a building.

    And the point of this post is whether or not someone should be allowed to burn up blueprints. Arguments about not burning up buildins is at least one major Giant Step removed.

    Funny you have the education and wit to use the irony at #18 yet lose the ability to even read anything you disagree with at #12. HEY ALFIE===YOU’VE TOLD US WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT. Heh, heh.

    If you haven’t read Roe v Wade, you don’t know what you are talking about.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    If passed it will be knocked down by the courts.

    Another useless waste of time and money.


  4. sargasso says:

    There’s a Republican governership candidate election in 2010, in Florida. Pretty much is certain, that whoever wins it will become governor of Florida, and a front runner for the southern GOP’s push for the White House. This petition, if it reaches threshold, will set the terms of the birth control debate on a US national scale.

  5. bobbo, economics being the dark hand says:

    In Russia, we abort YOU.

  6. ECA says:

    another law that cant be enforced..

  7. Benjamin says:

    I wonder who the idiot who came up with the idea of banning birth control pills. It’s a stupid idea, so it must have been the idea of a Democrat.

    The guy must be an abortion doctor. He stands to make money on the resulting abortions from a birth control ban.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:


    Jesus loves you. Why won’t you let Jesus into your heart?

    If you want to meet the lord in heaven, you MUST stop the hate.

    Repent !!! Alphie, before it is too late. Get that Devil out of you. Get rid of that hate !!! You have to let Jesus into your heart before its too late. You have to LOVE your fellow man.

  9. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    That is all we need is an increase in whiny fucks looking for a handout from the church. Who dreams up this shit? We have enough of these uni-brow, inbred, drunk, fat, Wal-Mart shoplifting, non-insurance having, monosyllabic morons. Welcome to Florida! And the other sisters can’t understand why I carry a piece.

  10. Thomas says:

    #15, #44
    Your quote says nothing about the “beginning of biological development” but instead specifically refers to a fetus. The whole point is that those concepts are not synonymous. The simple act of thinking causes biological development.

  11. bobbo, marketings aim is to bamboozel all says:

    #44–HEY ALFIE==gee, even with your attention directed to the issue, you misread the material in two different major ways. WE KNOW WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!!!

    What irks me is that someone Awake has gotten more under your skin than myself. THAT is truly embarrassing.

    Matching you concept by concept, I’m going to google “Most often heard insults from Grade School Fetuses with ADD” and be back as soon as I can.

  12. amodedoma says:

    #8 Aberrant

    Let the heathen spill theirs On the dusty ground,
    God shall make them pay for each sperm that can’t be found.
    Every sperm is wanted, Every sperm is good,
    Every sperm is needed, In your neighborhood.

    They say between 20% and 50% of fertilized ovum end up in miscarriage (spontaneous abortion). It appears god doesn’t want any competition in the abortion biz!

  13. Pinkerton says:

    Oh well… smart women who are physically capable of using them have moved on to copper IUDs.

  14. Thomas says:

    As is common with you, you are referring to something that is entirely irrelevant to the post, my quip or the discussion at hand.

  15. Alfred's Mom says:

    I wish I had taken the pill.

  16. Alphred's long lost father says:

    I wish I skipped town BEFORE I got drunk and succumbed to Alphie’s mother.

    So sorry world.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:


    You will have great company in Hell. You will finally get to meet your heroes Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. Just think of all the other nazis, segregationists like Strom Thurmond and George Wallace.

    And it won’t be long before you are joined in Hell by all those other liars, such as Limbaugh and Beck.

    Alphie’s going to HELL.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    Since Alfred1 loves offering this quote out of context, I looked for it. It comes from a book Holdren coauthored in 1973.

    Holdren isn’t a “czar.” he is Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

  19. Named says:

    50 AlfredETerrorist

    “The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being. ”

    You were never given the early socializing experiences that the rest of humanity did. You know… childhood with family, friends and society. And you’re angry and jealous about it now. You basically want everyone to have your development (read: none) so you don’t feel like such a freak.


  20. Named says:

    64 AlfredETerrorist,

    “I die free.”

    Make sure you also do it alone.

  21. jccalhoun says:

    What part of the quote is inaccurate?

    Cite the precise words…

    I didn’t say it was inaccurate. I said it was out of context. Taking a quote from a book written more than 30 years ago and not saying it was from a book the person co-wrote more than 30 years ago is taking it out of context.

    AND yes, he is the Science Czar.
    Just because you say it enough doesn’t make it true. Czar is a meaningless term. Just because you don’t know what he does doesn’t make him a Czar.

  22. Named says:

    66 AlfredETerrorist

    “I will take as many of you with me, as I can….”

    Cowardly motherfucker. And you quote the Bible (KJV)? Why don’t you do everyone a favour and suck a shotgun barrel.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    So before they ban smoking, they’ll ban birth control pills. They’d have to ban them totally. Because there’s no way they can patrol every woman’s uterus, to know if fertilization has been successful. The pill only prevents this. It doesn’t stop the cells growing, once they’ve become fertilized. So is this “law” about making sperm and eggs “persons”? How do they rationalize the fact that out of millions of sperm, only one actually makes it into the egg. And women loose eggs most of their life, without having given birth. These “Personhood” wackos obviously are operating in a biological vacuum, or fantasy world. Where the womb is a magical land of mystery. Don’t confuse them with any facts or reality.

    Of course, just like during the Prohibition Era. Some stinkin politicians will back these nutjobs. In order to get into office. That got us a booze black market and speakeasy bars, back in the 1920s. And eventually lead to organized crime. What will banning birth control lead to in the 21th century? I shutter to think.

  24. Glenn E. says:

    Hmmm. BTW, why would it be illegal to prevent new life in Floridah? But not execute old life? I mean, I’m pretty sure these very same “conservatives” support the death penalty in that state. Where do they think sperm and eggs come from? Thin air. People make them. And executing people, is preventing births too. And sending them off to wars, is also interrupting the life cycle. And letting cops use guns to reduce crime, also ends new life. And keeping kids from seeing adult movies, and teaching about sex, also screws up the life process. What particular part of the life cycle, do they approve of?! And who the hell appointed them GOD?! They should go away, and wait until their argues make any damn sense. Before applying to amend the State’s constitution. And politician ought to grow some balls, and roundly denounce these nutjobs. Instead of courting their causes.

  25. jccalhoun says:

    Its why over 100,000, perhaps a million, of Americans went to Washington on 9/12…
    There’s a big difference between 100,000 and a million.

  26. Named says:

    72 jccalhoun,

    When you’re a psychotic budding terrorist who is planning to “take as many of you with me, as I can” do you really think Alfred The Terrorist has any care about facts?

    He’s threatened terrorism and now murder. The guy is a real nut.

  27. Uncle Dave says:

    #69: “I die free.”

    What you haven’t figured out yet is that your ‘freedom’ is an illusion. When/if you ever figure out what I’m talking about, you are really going to be pissed.

  28. smartalix says:

    It’s women’s fault, sadly. They outnumber us as voters, yet let this sh*t go on. Screw them if they can’t protect their own interests.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #69, Alphie

    Its why over 100,000, perhaps a million, of Americans went to Washington on 9/12…

    The official estimates were from 50,000 to 65,000. By the Washington Fire Department. And they don’t use some university they can’t remember the name of.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #77, Alphie,

    And I will take as many of you who would take that from me, with me.

    And so there is another good reason we should do away with anonymity on the internet.

    I worry that in the near future we will read about some deranged fanatic that shot up a mall because they allowed Sunday shopping.

    If you are a plant then you are very good. If you are real, you are seriously sick.


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